The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 312 - Destroyer And Disaster

Yman looked at the girl who was waiting for his reply while raising a brow. He had nothing against her. Yman did not care if Kesha was unfriendly towards him. They were not even that close in the first place to be bothered by it.

It just so happens that they have a different conclusion towards Bob's match.

Contrary to most participants in the waiting hall, she wasn't in resonance with her deity. He stared at the deity on her shoulder.

"Hey, what are you planning? State what you want already! Well, I don't truly care since you'll never even win." Annoyed, she urged him.

Yman sneered.


"If Bob won the match, I want you to do a headspin on the ground while in the middle of the crowd," he replied to her urging.

"What!" Kesha exclaimed, dumbfounded.

"H-headspin?!" She repeated loudly.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yman, a-are you serious?" Almina called out and inquired.

Around them, everyone was gaping. Although it was a simple task, it was very embarrassing, especially for girls.

Yman's mouth stretched to both sides, "Yes, I am," he replied to Almina's question.


Almina thought if she ever did it, wouldn't she look like an idiot? She wondered if Yman likes to see her do a breakdance in front of many people. In her mind, Almina did some incredible stunts which are very embarrassing for her.

Around them, everyone showed stunned faces. 'How heartless!' They thought.

He glanced at Almina and noticed her troubled expression. Perhaps he needed to make an exception about it. "For Almina, a meal is fi--"


Yman could not even finish his words as Almina suddenly became excited.

"Fufu. As expected of my prince. All his decisions were very amusing and unexpected," Keremi laughed. 

"Regardless, please allow me to join this fun game," Keremi pleaded. Yman nodded. "Of course. The more the merrier. They said." Yman finished his words with a smile.

Kesha and Almina didn't care at all. Kesha was sending a sharp glance at Yman while Almina was already in her world.

Since no one opposed him, Keremi stated his bet and his outlook on Bob's match.

"Then, if the result of the match is a draw, I want my prince to have a private time with me. Kuku."

"What!" Almina was the first to react with blank eyes.

Kesha and the others felt something was weird and glared at Keremi.

A bead of sweat appeared at the back of Yman's head. Keremi's request was suspicious. But he felt more suspicious of his conclusion of the match.

Yman glanced at the stage and saw Bob and Bert still running wild on the stage. Their match was like a battle between two titans.

Right at this moment, Bob's health points were barely 60 percent while his opponent was barely 30 percent.

Yman was well aware that the number of health points wasn't significant in this kind of match. Many variations could change the pace of battle. Especially that the two of them were yet to use their full strength.

Yman glanced back at Keremi. "Well, that's not a problem," he said in reply to him.

Although Almina also agreed, she secretly sent a kill sign to Keremi. Keremi understood what she meant. The cool princess will murder him if he ever crosses the line. Keremi pushed it at the back of his mind and did not give much thought to it.

Aside from Keremi, most of Almina's party members also joined the betting, except Maena and Maku.

On the stage, almost no more stage. It needed an immediate repair! But the fight must go on. Only after their match could the organizers repair the stage using their advanced ability.

When Bert's health points descended at exactly 25 percent, something unexpected happened.

Branches protruded from the back of the Wood Golem Bert. Then from those branches, shining apples sprouted.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Even Yman himself did not expect it.

 Bert fetched one of them, then ate. After eating, they noticed his health points returned to 65 percent! 

"See? That's what I told you!"

From his back, Yman heard Kesha's smug words. Sounded like, she knew it would happen.

He decided to let her be.

Yman wondered if it would be profitable to sell those shining apples. Kidnapping him and letting him produce more apples must be a shortcut to get rich. Not only that, but he could also cut those branches and sell them. Fufu. Yman chuckled inwardly.

"Hehe," Bert laughed. "Surprised, Gorilla?" Bert mockingly said to Bob.

Bob snorted at him. "Who cares if you can grow apples. I just needed to bash your head and cut those branches."

After a momentary break, the two of them had once again rushed towards each other.

What happened next was another earth-shattering exchange of attacks.

Although Bert could heal himself, it didn't change the fact that he was still at a disadvantage in terms of the element. Therefore, he had to eat apples again and again. Yman noticed that the more Bert ate the apple, the less effective it became. And fewer health points would regenerate.

Not only that, maintaining those apples must be so taxing in terms of mana.

But Yman was anxious about something.


A loud impact took Yman's attention back to the stage.

"Woooh! A crispy punch from both Disaster (Bob's codename) and Destroyer (Bert's codename)," the announcer shouted.

Both Bob and Bert's punches landed on each other's faces which staggered both of them at the same time.

Their health points were all at 20 percent. While breathing heavily, the two of them glanced at the timer.

About 1 minute and 32 seconds left. Both frowned after seeing it. They could not let another draw result this time.

Bert smiled sinisterly.

"Alright. I'm tired of playing around. Let's end it now. Or should I say, I will end this shit now? Haha!"

After declaring it, Bert produced an artefact in his hand. "Hehe!" He chuckled as he sneered at Bob.

With this Artefact, he could become 10 times stronger.

It was the artefact that let him transform into a Minotrent monster. A high-level monster!

Bert was already set to finish the fight. In his mind he was thinking; it was unfortunate of Bob for being so poor. He could not even afford to buy a low grade potion, what's more an artefact such as this? He said in his mind while clasping in one hand the pendant artefact that looks like a pendulum.

After feeding it with mana, it shone blindingly bright. Then, the light erupted.

The next second he transformed into a Minotrent figure.

Kiko and the others frowned. He didn't like that Bert prolonged the fight. He could have ended Bob in a second if he used his artefact first and foremost. 

But right at this moment, Bob was silently grinning while clasping in hand the artefact that his best friend Yman gave him.

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