(A/N: Pls. send your power stone to the book My Guardian System. Need help!)

When Yman woke up, it was dark with only the light coming from the moon through the window that illuminated the room.

'Night huh,' he thought.


His ears caught a soft snoring. Someone sleeping beside the bed where he was lying. She used her arms as her pillow.


He wondered where he was. But when his eyes scanned the room, he noticed that he was inside a hospital?

Slowly, he pulled himself and sat on the bed. He brushed her hair using his hand. He smiled. Finally, he was able to succeed in curing his sister's illness. Now, he could focus on how to become rich.

Seemingly, noticing the warm hand brushing her head. Yana twitched and slowly opened her eyes. Yman stopped immediately. Looks like he disturbed her sleep.


She asked after clearing her eyes. "Mhm," he nodded with a can't be helped expression on his face. "Sorry if I disturbed you," he added.

"Nn…" Yana shook her head while wiping the tears in her eyes. "I'm so worried when you passed out!" She said as she held his hand.

Yman's mouth stretched to both sides to form a warm smile. He touched her face. "Sorry to worry you."

<Uhm, partner?>

Suddenly, Sistela came out from Yana's other hand. Looks like she was holding her while he was asleep.

<Are you okay?>

She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, my deity."



For some reason, the two of them went silent. Then he noticed a solemn expression on their faces.

"Uhm, bro! Did you experience some coughing and also fainted these past days?!" Yana immediately asked. Her face was painted with worries. He frowned in wonder. He wondered why Yana looked so worried.

"Bro?" Yana asked once again after he failed to reply.

"Uhm, yeah but that was because of miasma. And I feel better now…"

Upon hearing him, Yana sank with unease. It was noticeable on her face.

Yman felt something wasn't right. "Yana?" He called her.

"Actually bro, the doctors found something in you. You have a serious illness…"


Yman gawked. "Ahaha," then he laughed descendingly. "How could that be—" upon saying it, he suddenly felt dizzy and felt a piercing pain in his head.

"Ngh!" He groaned. He peered in front of him and saw the crying voice of Yana. She was yelling but he could not hear her. Sistela was yelling also, but he could not hear her as well.

'What the hell was happening?' Yman thought. Then he fainted once again.

The next time he opened his eyes. It was already morning. But somehow, there were so many apparatus connected to him.

Looks like they did some serious checked up on him. Looking at his situation, they probably tried to revive him. With so many hoses connected to him.


Yeah, it seemed that way. He felt weak and dizzy. He couldn't even feel his whole body.

He wondered what was actually wrong with him. He heard a sobbing sound coming from outside. 

It was coming from multiple people. One of them was his sister. It seemed like they were talking to a doctor.

The doctor said his body gradually losing strength and started to weaken because of the constant use of strong mana. In fact, the doctor found it weird that he was still able to survive even though his body was a mishmash of flesh inside.

Yman's thought was in confusion. He could not believe this sudden development. Those sudden headaches and having his vision turned hazy, must be the symptoms. Since the first time it happened was when he had bathed in miasma, he was in the wrong belief that the cause of it was the miasma. 

Because he was in a contract with the demon, the miasma shouldn't have an effect on him. That's why it was wrong to believe that the cause of his dizziness was the miasma.

He was wrong, certainly.

Outside, he could hear Sistela's voice. Looks like they were questioning her. He could also hear Rea's voice. But she didn't talk much.

Now that he thought about it. He could not protect her anymore.

While thinking about it. He felt sad for some reason. It was an enjoyable short adventure huh.

That morning, before Rea woke up, he was tempted to kiss her beautiful face. For some reason, that scene was seemingly familiar to him. But he could not remember. Regardless, he stole her kiss! 'Well, her sleeping face was so tempting. So don't blame me.'

It was just a kiss after all. Wait he wasn't a maniac! It was just a kiss on her face. He wondered what would happen if the future husband of Rea knew about it. Maybe he would be going to kill him. When that time happened, he wondered if he was still alive.

He actually felt guilty for what he did. He would certainly say his sorry when he had a chance. He wondered what her reaction would be. She probably thought he was gross and yelled at him. Then, fired him on the spot.

Well, it's too late now. With his current situation, Yman didn't know if he would last long.

He also heard Almina's voice huh. Right, he almost kissed her that time, but it was just a dream.

Wait, was it a dream? He could not tell anymore. His head was muddled up, even until now. Now that he thought about it. If ever, it was real. He would be happy but… it would also be a complicated feeling.

Ah, what was he thinking about? Could it be, he was about to die?! He wasn't prepared though. He wanted to beg for a little more time. He wanted to spend a little more time with his sister.

Damn! He became so dramatic. Was it the effect of having your life on the verge of dying?


After contracting the demon, he already expected that there was a side effect of it. Since it was stated in the grimoire that contracting with the demon would bring demise to oneself. So it must be talking about it huh. He was left with no choice that time. He believed without it, he would never get a chance to meet the empress, and he would never get the Heaven Defying medicine. So, even though he was in a bad situation at the moment, he wasn't regretting his decision that time.

Also, his body was a leftover from a long time experiment so it must also be one of the reasons that he fell ill.


The door was pushed open. Then he saw multiple figures coming inside. The first who entered was Yana, then Almina and Rea. Why was Almina here? He asked himself.

Aside from that, he saw Sistela on Yana's shoulder. All of them were wearing gloomy faces. Why did they look like someone was about to die? Wait, he was still fine.

"Bro?" Yana called out then ran beside him.

"Yman?" Almina too.


Rea fell silent then followed them.


"W-what… h-happened?" He was having a hard time just by talking huh.

His health had deteriorated quickly. Looking at their faces. Yman could probably guess that his situation wasn't good.

Regardless, seeing both Rea and Almina in the same room was just hard to describe. Looks like Almina knew her huh. She was sending glances at her. But Rea on the other hand was wary of Almina. He wondered why. 

Nonetheless, all of them were wearing solemn expressions. Especially his sister.


While Yana and Almina were asking him about his feelings, Rea, on the other hand, was silently sitting. She sent glances at him. 'What the— if you wanted to ask something, say it!' He wanted to yell. But of course, he couldn't. He was even having a hard time saying a straight word at the moment.

Almina told him that the contest was still ongoing. The second elimination will be held tomorrow. Looks like she won outstandingly.

Since Yman could not fight anymore, he probably would be disqualified. Almina was talking and talking to him about many things. He never expected that she was as talkative as this.

Although she looked shy, she tried her best. On the contrary, Rea was still silent. Probably because she got a dying body guard.


Wait, what?! Almina told him that she sent multiple emails to him! When did it happen?

Since, he could not talk clearer, it was hard to communicate.


Looks like his luck wasn't so great huh.

"Brother, let me join the contest in your stead!"


A dumbfounded yelp escaped from his mouth upon hearing his Sister's remark.

"W, what, are, you, talking, about?"

"Let me join the competition!"

He wanted to disagree. Then again, he couldn't talk properly. Forcing a word to come out of his mouth was already a hard try.


Why does it have to happen?

Why was his life so bad?!

He wondered why Yana was so eager to join?

"If I… if I win, I will ask to bring you outside this world to be healed by the most popular doctor!" She said firmly with tears flowing from her eyes.

She was a kid after all. Though he was only 1 year older than her.

Even if he said no. It was useless now. If he dies today or tomorrow. He would rather die without her seeing him. So, it was fine also.

He nodded.

Then, he had to invalidate the pact between him and Sistela. 

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