The senior leader widened his eyes upon seeing the person who jumped and killed the Demonic Worm.

He knew the person. It was Miss Ella's cousin, the new student that they caught recently in accusation of being a molester. Though, it was a misunderstanding only. "Crimson Agila…" the senior leader whispered his name.


Betty, beside him, also had a can't believe face. She never expected to see him again.. He was the person who asked her for a date. Wait, how did he have so much strength? Betty asked.

Just then, some people started to identify him.

"Isn't he the Newbie Ranker?"

Asked one of the Rankers who happened to know him.

"You mean… the Ranker named The Mysterious?" 


"Dammit, this guy is so insane!"

"Wait, how can he fire a super attack?" 

"Is he a Middle-Tier Ranker already?"

"No way! I think he's still a newbie."


Actually, there was a reason why their strength was lowered in this academy. Because they needed to levelup their Ranker level to slowly unlock their real strength while they were inside the academy.

Those who reached the Middle-Tier Ranker had their 50% strength back to them, while the newbies had lower. But Yman had no idea about it. He just felt that his strength here had a great decrease upon entering the academy.

This actually not only minimizes their strength but also maximizes them when they left the academy. It was a way for the Encantasia Academy to train their future warriors.

The monster group had retreated to the mountain after the defeat of the Demonic Worm. Losing their leader had weakened their willpower.

The defeat of the Demonic Worm did not cause any changes in the miasma. It was nonetheless proliferating around the mountain.

Since everyone was exhausted, the senior leader ordered everybody to rest.

Some wanted to pursue the enemies. However, they couldn't disobey the senior leader's command. Aside from their exhaustion, they also needed more supplies of Purification Elixir to counter the miasma.

The senior leader strongly believed that the monsters would attack once again.

The next morning, he went to report at Elder Morass.

"How's the casualty?"

"Thanks to the healers, no one had died. Though, there were many men who got injured and two who were grievously injured."

"Oh, who are they?"

The senior leader then started his report.

"I see, so something like that happened, huh. That's too unexpected." Said Elder Morass dejectedly. "In any case, it was fortunate that they were alive."

"Yes, elder!"

"How about the giant?"

The senior leader cleared his throat before answering him, "It was dealt."

"Good job."

"By a new student." The senior leader added which almost stunned the elder.


"What do you mean?"

The senior leader didn't know how to answer it as he was flabbergasted by that person's attack. And those insects that absorbed their mana like the monsters from the miasma, he had no idea what were those creatures. "Sorry, Elder Morass, sir, but I can't present a full report about that person this moment. However, most of us witnessed in our own eyes the things he did on the battlefield. If you wish for us to investigate him, I will send a person to do it as soon as possible." 

Curiosity was visible in the face of the elder as he narrowed his eyes towards the senior elder. "Hm… please do, so that we can reward him fairly for saving many lives."

Upon hearing his reply, "yes sir!" After leaving the elder's office, he immediately contacted one of his men and asked him to investigate the person named Crimson Agila, and if possible, it would be great if they could invite him.

The senior leader could not do it personally as he was needed at the frontline. The monsters were still trying to pass the Narrow Pass.

They were evolved monsters, so it wasn't easy to deal with them.

When Yman and Rea back went back to the Inn, it was already 2 AM. However, Yman felt something wasn't right. He noticed a bad intent coming from Rea's room.

When Rea was about to open the door, she was surprised when she felt a force. Yman pulled her towards him. She blinked her eyes in wonder and with a flush of redness on her face.

Rea wondered what Crimson was planning to do. She expected him to ask her to sleep with him. Rea's mind immediately turned highwire.

Will Crimson force me to do that thing? B-b-but we are still so young. Her thoughts. And wait! What am I thinking?! She thought bashfully especially when she remembered the thick and hard thing she happened to touch inside the storeroom.


Yman had no idea of Rea's dirty thoughts. He immediately sent 4 mosquitoes.

The mosquitoes went inside through the gaps on the door and the floor. He wanted to use his Version 2 Ant-model Enhanced Fire Doll, but it has a bulging belly. It would certainly be stuck in the gap. So Yman decided on the mosquitoes.

His eyes shone lightly when he transmitted his vision to them. He could not discern their faces because the lights were off. However, it wasn't a problem for him to figure out where they were hiding. They were hiding at every corner of the room. 

The two mosquitoes went to the other side and the other two were on the other side as well, each of them took a target. These Mosquito-model Enhanced Fire Doll were unlike his other creations. It was hard to perceive. It had a thinner presence than the rest.

The people who were hiding in Rea's room had no idea even after they were bitten by the mosquitoes. Yman just casually entered the room. 

Seeing the seriousness on his face, Rea felt that something wasn't right.

"I-is there a problem?" She asked.

"There is…" he glanced at her and noticed that her face was so close to him. "Ah, sorry…" he slowly released her.


She didn't know what to think of this Eyma. Just then, they heard a dull sound of crashing. It was coming from her room.

"Is that the problem!?" She asked in haste.

He smiled. "Don't worry, it's settled."


Yman pushed the door, but damn! It was locked.


Looks like those people did not forget to lock the door after they went inside.

"Do you have the key?"

Rea was surprised when she switched the lights on the room. They saw 4 people lying unconscious on the floor.

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