In the corner of Yman's eyes, a gleaming metallic luster was fast approaching from his side. But before it reached him, he bent his body a little backward. The blade passed horizontally an inch away from his face.

After noticing the enemy passed at him, Yman was about to brandish his dagger to pierce its unguarded side. But he skipped his plan and decided to step back one step when he noticed the grin from the enemy's face that was gazing under his cloak.

From the back of his enemy, under his cloak, Yman noticed the pointed tip of the blade was coming to stab him.

'A hidden weapon? No. He's wielding two weapons,' he muttered in mind.

It wasn't surprising to see a dual wielder opponent. Even Almina did it too. 


It was a tricky attack pattern; however, the enemy's shock was unconcealed on his face after his second attack also failed to land and it also opened up his guard.

Falmouth in the Citadel squinted his eyes. Displeasure was visible on his face. It was a great opportunity to finish the enemy fast but that Mist God was purposely prolonging the fight. TSK!

After successfully evading Mist God's second attack, Yman didn't waste the opportunity and attacked with his weapon.

But his dagger made a whooshing sound when it only hit empty air. No, his enemy suddenly disappeared! Or perhaps, it was more accurate to say that he blended into the mist.

'What a troublesome oneā€¦' he thought.

Although his enemy was of the same level as him, he was using higher tier equipment than his Iron Dagger and Armor. It was also the reason why he didn't block the enemy's attack with his dagger. There was a higher chance that his dagger would break in a frontal confrontation.

Yman held the dagger in reverse positions while tightening his hold onto it. As he could not perceive his opponent's presence, he decided to advance while maintaining his guard.

He knew that his opponent was nearby waiting to strike. 

From time to time, Mist God would strike him from the blind spot, but Mist God noticed that while he was aiming his weapon at his enemy, the pointed edge of his enemy's dagger was also aiming at him!

Tsk! Yman heard a displeasure tongue clicking noise coming from his enemy.

Mist God wondered how this enemy knew where he would be going to attack. Many times that he almost had himself fall as a victim instead. It was thanks to his fast reflexes that he was still alive until now. If not because of it, the match was already over for a long, long time.

Although Yman could not perceive him, he could sense his killing intent. So hiding in the mist or turning himself as the mist was useless for him.

The only problem of Yman was, whenever he was about to strike Mist God, Mist God would disappear in the mist. In which his weapon could not hit him.

The audiences in the Citadel were so stale while watching the fight in full interest.

The fight could only be described as one-sided in their perspective. But they were so puzzled as to why Mist God wouldn't take advantage of his advantage.

It was clear from their perspective that Mist God had the upper hand against his enemy.

But why? Why does Ranker Mist God retreat every time he appears to strike The Mysterious Ranker? They were baffled.

It seemed like he wanted to prolong the fight. Maybe he was taking pity on his enemy?

'This Mist God, he should have killed that shit already,' Falmouth, who was crossing his arms across his body, thought while anxiously tapping his index finger against his elbow.

He glanced at the person in disguise. He wondered what this mysterious gambler was thinking as of now. He could not read his/her emotion on his/her face as he/she was covering his/her face with a mask and sunglasses. 

Falmouth smirked. He wondered what this person's reaction after Mist God decided to end the fight. 'But damn! This Mist God is enjoying himself toying with his enemy."

No one knew Mist God's predicament. It wasn't like he was slower against his enemy. In truth, he came from a famed family of assassins. The reason he decided to retreat every time he was about to attack was, his enemy was sending off an unpleasant feeling to him.

Mist God materialized once again after he noticed the unguarded back of Ranker The Mysterious. Then he saw the enemy's hand raised and whipped towards him. He even noticed that the enemy's head was a little late to glance at the back.

Mist God believed that if he continued his attack, he could at least wound his enemy but. This enemy was sending off a feeling that he could also wound him!

This was the reason why he was so reluctant to proceed with his attack.

He wondered if this person had eyes at the back of his head and on the sides that he would know wherever he tried to attack him.

Then again, that feeling of unease had struck him. He once again retreated. He would find another chance. He was a proud member of the renowned assassin family from the Paper Kingdom. His speed wasn't so slow!

The reason he was in the lower level as of now was because of the contract he had with Falmouth.

Yet, this enemy of him was so weird! Whenever he was about to attack, an uneasy feeling would attack him.

He could not describe the feeling that crept him. But it seemed like he was unsecured. It seemed like he would be the only one who would take damage.

Damn! He needed to break this stalemate! And he needed to do something about this feeling of him.

Mist God made a nice sudden breath. He resolved himself this time!

Once again, he noticed the unguarded back and sides of his enemy. But this time, he would attack him at the front using his Cloning Technique.

The audiences were dumbfounded when Ranker Mist God suddenly came attacking Ranker The Mysterious.

"Oh my! That's a popular technique of the Assassin family from the Paper Kingdom!"

One audience exclaimed.

This time, they saw multiple Mist God, coming to attack from all sides! All of them brandished their weapon at the same time.



Everyone fell silent.

They saw all the Mist God fell on their knees! A moment later, the clones were disappearing, revealing the real Mist God kneeling in front.

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