The Collector Fire Dolls followed after him. After retrieving all of them, he sped up towards the Little Garden.

When Yman arrived, he heard the bad news. He heard from the Professor that Achan and her friends fell sick.

He already guessed the cause. The professor asked about him. He told him that he was fine. Though he coughed, it wasn't terrible.

Yman asked the professor about Achan and the other's situation. The professor told him that they were in dire situations.

Even he was coughing from time to time.. After handing the sample to the professors, the professor immediately secluded himself to mix medicine to counter the miasma.

When he arrived at the Little Garden, Airi wasn't there; she must be tending with her cousin. Even Cinde wasn't there as well. He wondered where that disaster-bringer girl went. The professor told him that she was summoned to her family.

Yman coughed as he sat on the sofa in the corner of the Little Garden. He checked on his status and noticed some of his stats had grown, especially his agility, vitality, and strength stats.

After closing it, he decided to go back to his Inn.

He sat on the edge of the bed. He closed his eyes and transmitted to his scout bird that was spying on Rea.

Rea was heading towards the student council. After entering an area that could not be reached by the eyes of his scout bird. Yman switched to transmit on his smaller scout bee and could mobilize inside the building. She was heading up through the magic-based elevator disc.

As he could not perceive any bad intentions towards her, he returned his consciousness inside the Inn. 

Sistela landed on his shoulder after they canceled their resonance. Then she flew on the pillow and went to sleep mode after saying her good night, though it was still noon.

Yman, on the other hand, glanced around and pondered.

He needed to pay Rea's department 5000 Points. He currently has 750 points. Thanks to the gifts from unknown people.

Yman opened his storage and summoned the collectors. He let out one first. A black Big-Beak Worm that looked like a bird hovered in mid-air.

From the large beak, it let out a dead body of the monster it devoured a while ago. The first body was the corpse of Ghastly Bird.

He loosed the sleeves of his long sleeve-jacket before wearing a glove on each of his hands. Then, he took a clean cloth and covered his mouth and nose like a mask. Next, he took a knife and started dissecting it. Taking the valuable parts, for example, its feathers, beaks, skins, and even the bone and flesh, but this time, he only took the inner core.

After wiping the inner core with a ragged cloth, it was gleaming with crystal-like luster with a jet black color. He placed it on top of clean cloth on his bed, beside him.

He didn't take the other parts as the monster was bathed in the miasma. It was a sure thing that they would inflict ailments on the unprotected people.

He proceeded on looting the other dead monsters. Each Collector Enhanced Fire Doll held about 5-7 corpses. Although they failed to collect all the corpses, it didn't bother him.

Next, he dissected the monster that looked like a crossbreed of cat and monkey. The name of the monster was Purple Face Cat. It was a rank CC monster based on Sistela's appraisal when he fought it.

The knife drew a vertical wound on the monster's body after he stabbed it and pulled it downward. Although he was careful, the blood still spurted from the wounds and tainted the gloves on his hands. Some even sprayed on the cloth that was covering his mouth.

Without minding it, he placed the knife away and dug his hand into the wound. His fingers scrutinized the inside until it touched a solid object.

When he retreated his hand, it was already holding a rough solid object. He then took another cloth and started wiping it until it was gleaming with crystal-like luster.

He continued what he was doing until more and more rough-round objects were amassing on his bed.

He used his forearm to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

To finish up his work, he cleaned up and placed the corpses back in the collector's mouths.

He stored the blood-stained clothes in his storage and would be going to burn them away later.

When all the work was done, he sat again on the bed. Then took his 5d-Seer to feed it with souls coming from the inner cores.

It didn't take long for the 5d-Seer to absorb enough souls.

After the 5d-Seer's battery was fully-filled, he started playing on it. First, he checked on his Ranker stats.

He leveled up to 3 for the first four matched but the last fight he had was not able to level him. Probably the higher the level he became, the lower he leveled up.

After closing the Ranker Status panel, he received an unexpected notification in the form of a loud tone coming from his 5d-Seer.

No need to ask what it was. Just based on its tone, it was easy to guess that it was a challenge invitation.

However, Yman gawked upon seeing the rectangular box floating in front of him because there wasn't only a single one of them. About ten challenge invitations came at the same time!

Looks like he gathered popularity without him knowing. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Or perhaps it was a normal occasion.

His mouth broke into a wry smile before he scanned each of them. Most of them were of the same level as him, and some were low-level. He then checked their Ranker Status one by one. He wanted to fight a higher level Ranker, but oh well.

After tapping the <Accept> choices, it was followed by a rectangular box asking him to Dive in or Abort.

Before clicking his desired choice, he first put away the other things on his bed and laid himself comfortably on the bed.

A misty surrounding greeted him after choosing the Dive In choices.

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