The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 228 - A Useless Struggle!

A young girl with a pair of wolf ears appeared in front of him. Like him, she too was wearing a flaxen-colored sleeveless shirt, paired with rusty-colored pants, and a pair of cheap-looking shoes.

Her carmen-colored twin-tail hair was slightly dancing as the slight wind caressed them.

However, unlike him, she was holding a short sword. 

He wondered how she was able to summon such a sword in this world. He guessed that he skipped reading it in the manual. He didn't read the whole thing as it was too long and went to the most important indications.

Regardless, after materializing, the girl showed the same reaction as him-- puzzled and in awe of the place.

But when her eyes landed on him, they narrowed like the eyes of a hawk that wanted to devour its prey. Such as the eye of a predator..

"Are you my enemy?"

She asked as she pointed the tip of her sword to him. Her voice was, well, the voice of a person who was ready for a battle.

Yman scratched his face.

"W...Well, it wasn't hard to guess, right?" He replied with a wry smile.

He saw the girl squinted his eyes and directly posed in a ready to fight stan.

Her right hand was gripping the hilt of the sword beside her face, pointing the tip forward; Whereas, the left hand was straight in front of her.

He was wondering if she was a martial expert.

Yman, on the other hand, was empty-handed. Not only that, his trusted Deity wasn't on his side either. He had only his own at the moment.

Out of all this downside, he noticed a positive side. No restriction in this dimension! He could feel his power again. The management of this Virtual Arena probably wanted them to fight with their heart's contentment.

While his enemy was in fighting stan already; he, on the other hand, was standing still. He was a man without a style, after all.

However, all of the people in the Citadel had no idea about him. They were laughing and mocking him for being an idiot who did not buy a beginner's supply. They could buy weapons, armor, shields, and etcetera in the Citadel.

Each newbie had a starting point of 100. It was up to them how they spent it.

And yet, that newbie with the codename of The Mysterious was mysteriously dumb!


They laughed while shaking their heads.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

"Nothing, we are just watching the two cheerful newbies on their debut!"

"Really!? Hahaha!"

"Yeah! Come join up!"

"Pufft! Sure!"

Such a noisy audience in the Citadel, but all of them were Rankers. People started to gather just to laugh and make fun of the newbie's fight.

Some of them were thinking that they looked like them when they were on their first time as well.

Not far from them, one specific person was fixedly staring at the large monitor screen without being bothered by the noise coming from around him.

"Gilion!" Suddenly, someone called out to him.

Gilion didn't bother looking behind and just stared at the monitor. He was aware of the person who was calling him. But he disregarded it as the person he was waiting for had finally arrived in the Virtual Arena. He knew that one day he would meet him again. 

A grin happened on his face as he muttered the word, "finally."

Finally, he could get his revenge on him sooner. Hehe.

"Yo' Gilion!"

Tap! Gilion felt a tag onn his shoulder.

"Prince Damian."

Although Gilion didn't want to socialize with this person, he needed to show some respect. One of the reasons was because the other person was a prince of a kingdom.

"Fufu, I thought you were a statue." 

Damian laughed.


Gilion didn't engage with his joke and remained silent. 

Prince Damian, on the other hand, wasn't bothered by it. Gilion was known as the type of person who always had a face of seriousness.

Damian then noticed him staring at the monitor. He was staring at the exact person he wanted to watch.

"Do you know him?"

Gilio slightly frowned.  "Not quite. But that person wasn't someone you could look down."

Prince Damian glanced at Gilion's face and saw he was serious. "Oh, I see. That's interesting," he said with a glint in his eyes but wearing a mocking smile on his face.

Gilion did not say further as his focus was now on the monitor as the fight had finally started.

Seeing the enemy empty-handed, Special Girl sneered at him. This enemy of hers seemed like a wimp, or maybe he was looking down on her. 

Again, it must be because she was a girl!


She was fed-up with this kind of reason. It was the type of person she hated. Nonetheless, it was fortunate for her that her first enemy didn't choose a weapon. She would be going to teach him how important it was not to look down on a girl.

It would be an easy win! She thought to herself. Then she rushed forward. With a single kick on the ground, her figure disappeared and reappeared in front of him.

She was already in the pose of doing a slash.


The slash drew a long diagonal scratch that remained in the air.

However, the sound of a slash wasn't the expected sound. It was a dull, unimpactful sound. No doubt that her attack only hit empty air.

Special Girl was quite surprised because the enemy was still in front of her! Maybe she messes up with her estimation of the distance.

In the Citadel, the Rankers who were watching them were laughing at them.

"Hahaha, as expected of the newbies!"

"Puffft! That girl needs some glasses!"

In truth, Yman stepped back a little. It was hard to notice his movement because of his speed. 

Special Girl knitted her brows. She didn't know how she missed the target, but he was in front of her!

Her left foot stepped forward, then followed by a quick stab.


"What!?" She exclaimed because her attack missed again, and her enemy was still in front of her, showing a meek face while scratching his face!

"Urhmmm!" With knitted brows again, she growled while pursing her lips.

Although she was wondering why her attack failed again, she didn't waste another time and continued her attack.

She waved the short sword in hand to the enemy.

Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!

She lost count of how many times she waved the sword, but she was certain that none of her attacks hit for once!

She glared at him.

"You!" She shouted. It was clear to her now that he was toying at her.

It wasn't because she messed up with the distance calculation; he was just too fast for her.

Even the audience inside the Citadel fell silent as they narrowed their eyes to the monitor.

It wasn't hard to guess that the newbie with the code name of The Mysterious was purposely evading the attacks in a small margin.

Gilion was clenching his fist. He knew that the gap in speed between the two was too broad.

Prince Damian narrowed his eyes. "Hehe, I see." He mumbled, but who knows what he was thinking; even Gilion didn't want to know.

Suddenly, Gilion heard Damian say, "He was strong indeed, but only above average."

Gilion gawked. He knew Damian had a special ability that allowed him to gauge the person's magical power.

However, this Damian didn't see what he saw that day. Well, Gilion had no intention of pointing that out.

Damian left after saying those words, and Gilion was left alone watching the continuation of the fight.

Special Girl was annoyed!

She summoned magical energy all over her body and to her sword. Then shot herself to the enemy. Consecutive strikes were raining down onto him.

She even fired condensed magical energy in the form of a blade.

But Yman was able to evade it by flipping his body backward. When his feet landed on the ground, he kicked them and rushed towards her. More magical blades were raining towards him. He moved in a zig-zag and avoided them all.

He sent a sharp punch to her gut, which caused her to vomit.

Everyone in the Citadel fell silent.

Special Girl grabbed his pants. Yman, on the other hand, was staring down at her.

She could not lose. This first battle was important for her. She needed to win.

A grin appeared on her face. "I finally got you…" she said in a pained voice. After mumbling it, she mustered magical energy on her hand. 

Yman didn't know what she was planning, but he could not feel any danger from her. In any case, he had to finish the fight.

A raging fist came rushing down. Seeing the first, Special girl's countenance turned grim. She bit her lip and pulled his pants forcefully.

His pants tore and only underwear remained.

Special Girl grinned, but she froze and subconsciously muttered the word, "Wow!" After she noticed the bulging front of his underwear.

In truth, she expected him to feel shy and lost momentum; However, it was futile, the raging fist was still coming down onto her.

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