While Yman, Sistela, and Rea were buying potions, in one of the corners of the market, some people in black clothing were whispering in hush voices.

They were currently inside a dark alley in which the light coming from the sun could not reach.

Four people, all were covered in dark clothing from head to toe. If someone saw them, they would think the same thing. That these groups of people were suspicious.

A second later, the shadow in front of them seemingly distorted and another person in black cloth appeared in front of them.

"Fang, what's the matter, why you came back so soon?" Said the person in front of the person who just appeared.

"Sorry Boss Scar, but I have good news," said the person called Fang.

"Good news is it? Don't beat on the bush! Speak!" The person named Boss Scar yelled in a controlled volume..

"We saw the target!" Just as the boss wants, Fang immediately reported.


"Yes, boss!"

"Then, where?"

"That person is here in the market!"

"What?! Are you sure?!"

"Yes! Boss!"

"You know the consequences if you're lying right?"

"I won't dare, boss!"

The eyes peeking the hood of the boss gleamed like the eyes of the predator after hearing Fang's words.

"Hehehe," he grinned and wetted his lips with his tongue.

"Is she surrounded by the soldiers from the palace?" Scar asked.

He wasn't afraid of them but it would be troublesome since they were inside the Empire. It would easy for them to send reinforcements to capture the rest. If they wanted to catch the prey, they needed to do it quickly and soundlessly. They could not apply the same strategy used by those idiots who came first. Blindly charging to the target is the work of unprofessional assassins.

If they wanted to abduct someone, they should do it stealthily.

After hearing his Boss's question, Fang opened his mouth saying, "No Boss! But…"


"….I saw a handsome young man together with her! Might be a boyfriend?" 

"What!? Are you sure it's her?"

"No doubt Boss!"

Scar's face under the hood was twitching.

'A boyfriend, huh! That girl! No wonder she refused His Highness proposal!'


Fang noticed his Boss went silent.

Scar was pondering, it was very unusual and doubtful that someone who was being targeted recently is carelessly strolling in a place like this. Aside from that, they couldn't let some random guy together with the princess other than their highness.

"I see. Hehehe, this is perfect. Let's kill him in front of her. Call others! Make sure you surround them!"

"But boss, don't we need to report it to His Highness?" Fang asked.

"We will when we catch them!"

"Ah, I see, okay Boss!" After saying it, Fang's figure sank in the shadow and disappeared shortly.

At the same time that Crimson and Rea arrived at the potion vendor stall, some people in black clothing were hiding the close buildings around. They were eyeing the two while waiting for the right timing to strike.

"Boss, look! There they are!" From the window of one of the buildings, Fang pointed towards the direction of a young man and a young girl in front of the potion vendor.

"Mhm. No need to point out. I saw them."

"Uh, so-sorry Boss…"

"Tell the others to wait for my signal."

"Okay," after saying it, his figure disappeared again.

After Fang left, Scar looked at the people around him. "You, and you, go to the opposite building," he pointed to the two other men.

"Yes, Boss!" The two agreed simultaneously before they disappeared into the shadows too.

Now there's only him and the other one person inside this building's room.

But they were unaware that somewhere in the other buildings. A group of people was eyeing them too.

"Captain, the rats smell our bait," reported a young man with short blonde hair that was neatly combed to both sides and opened on the forehead. He has pointed ears, emerald eyes, and narrow eyebrows.

He was wearing a hooded green leather armor toppled with a silver chest plate. And an insignia of Encantasia Empire was visible on the chest area of his armor.

He was talking to a man with a burly figure and stood about 6 feet tall. With spiky black hair and also with pointed ears. He has thick eyebrows and almond eyes.

Like the other person, he too was wearing a green leather armor toppled with a silver chest plate.

"Be alert, we will strike once they gather all their members," said The Captain.

"Fufu, those fools thought the empress just let them do their thing without taking measures against them. Hahaha!" Chuckled the blonde Encan man.

"Mm! No one can outwit the empress! Not even those fools from The House of Duke had the guts to do it. What a mere kingdom bumpkins can do? They are just luring themselves into a trap."


These groups of people were the members of the Green Shadow Elite Squad of the Empress Elleanna Encanta, specialized in reconnaissance and assault.

They were a group of talented individuals in which the empress trained arduously in secret to shape them into a real beast.

Only a few of them saw their faces. But those few who saw them only lasted several seconds in this world before they turned into rotten flesh buried below the ground.

There were currently five people inside the room. Both of them were in uniform armors.

While everyone was eyeing their prey, Yman and Rea were currently choosing which potion to buy.

"Ah, you mean Mana Replenishment Elixir and Vitality Elixir as well?" Inquired the vendor.

"Health Replenishment Elixir also, Mister," Rea politely nodded.

After hearing her words, the vendor squinted his eyes in a brief moment. Veteran buyers of elixir wouldn't say Health Replenishment Elixir or Mana Replenishment Elixir; they usually said Health Elixir on the spot or Mana Elixir. Although there were several types and sizes of Health and Mana Elixir, the most common one is Mana Replenishment Elixir and Health Replenishment Elixir which veteran people tired of repeating themselves talking the 'Replenishment' words. Later, they called it Health Elixir or Mana Elixir in short but it only applies to veteran buyers. Aside from that, there are also Health and Mana Regeneration Elixir.

"Oh, Health Replenishment Elixir too, hehe," said the vendor while rubbing his hands against each other.

"Is this one the Mana Replenishment Elixir?" Yman picked one of the elixirs with a blue cap and blue liquid and stared at it for a couple of seconds.

There were many kinds of potions in front of them. 

'Looks like this young man is an inexperience as well,' thought the vendor before he replied.

"Yes. As you can see, they are cap in different colors. Each color represents the type of elixir. Like for example that one in your hand, it was an elixir that replenishes one's mana that is called Mana Replenishment Elixir. Not only the cap is blue, but even the liquid in it is also of the same color. On the other hand, the red color is the Health Replenishment Elixir," explained the vendor.

"I see. Then how about this one, Mister?" He placed back the elixir with a blue cap. Then pointed to the other elixir in a thin bottle— like a test tube. While the bottle of Mana Replenishment Elixir was round like a bulb but smaller than it.

"Oh, that? That is what you called Antidotes. It was used to heal Ailments."

"Then, the colors also represent which Ailments it represents?" Yman asked while shaking the bottle slightly.

Seeing him shaking the bottle, the vendor scoffed inwardly. And thought, 'it's a futile kid, fufufu.'

"Yes, you are right in there, Youngman. Since there are many kinds of ailments such as poison, paralyze, cold, and etcetera. For example that green one, it is the Antidote for poison, and that in bright yellow is the Antidote for paralyze. Also this bright blue color is the Antidote for cold."

The vendor wondered if this young man that looks like a noble didn't have any knowledge about elixirs.

On top of that, Rea also noticed some kind of elixirs inside the square bottle. Like a bottle of perfume, she was using. 

"How about these, Mister?" She asked as she picked one of the bottles and lifted it close to her eyes.

"Ah, that one is an Elixir that boosts one's resistance."

Replied the vendor.

"Hmm, an Elixir of Resistance…" muttered Rea.

"Yes, such as Stun Resistance, Impact Resistance, Controlled Resistance, and etcetera…" again, the vendor responded.

'Looks like these two did not know elixirs,' the vendor thought while maintaining an innocent smile on his face.

"And this?" Yman asked again while lifting the smallest bottle of all. It had the darkest color also among all the elixirs displayed.

"That's Booster Elixir. It boosts one's capability depending on what Attributes. For example that dark red color, it boosts the Strength of the one using it."

Explained the vendor. 'Fufu, now I'm certain that they had no idea about elixirs.'

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