"What— that super strong lord was beheaded in a second?" Mus, who forgot his real intention at the appearance of the huge skeleton, muttered in disbelief.

"The scythe that was made from the debris of concrete was able to behead the metal-like neck of the Demon Lord?" Anthony asked with a face that doesn't want to believe.

"Must be a high-tier condensation ability…" Leon responded with a frown.

"Still impossible, there must be something else in that scythe," Hilion followed. "Even if it was sharpened to a certain degree that could tear a fluttering leaf when it touched the sharp side on it without lifting the scythe itself, it was still unbelievable that it could behead that Demon Lord." 

Hilion knew about the Demon's resilient body. They have a high physical and magical defense!

While Hilion and his White Leo Knights were having a conversation about the scythe that was used to behead the Demon Lord, Harou and Lyka also had the same conversation.

The same as what Hilion was saying, Harou was also explaining the same thing to his cousin.


"I see, in that case—" before Lyka could finish her words.

"Look! The sharp edge of the scythe is on fire!" A random participant who was closer to the huge skeleton pointed.

Upon hearing him, they all glanced at the sharp edge of the scythe and noticed that it was truly on fire.

"But… could fire affect the Demon?" It just made them more confused. Even the empress in the palace could not think of a logical reason for it.

"It can…" Beside her, she heard her niece muttering the words. The empress wondered if she heard it right.

"Uh… Rea honey… what do you mean by— it can?" The empress with a little doubt asked her.

"I mean, it's possible if the one behind it is that person!"

The empress widened her eyes from what she said 'that person'. A feeling of excitement was visible on her face when she hastily returned her gaze at the monitor.

There's no need to figure out who Rea meant from her words. Her eyes further widened when she noticed that the Grim Reaper in the monitor was exuding the same black smoke-like thing from its body. The same as those creatures who he always summoned. Even the cloak was made of the same.

And only that person that would use fire to counter a creature with high resistance with fire. Which is in a sense 'out of sense'. But that person made the impossible possible by killing them without difficulty.

In that case, 'he was alive!?' She exclaimed with excitement inwardly.

'Unbelievable! That Grim Reaper was made by that person! The same as those black creatures who kept on popping out around him!'

'No. I can't let the final fight end just like that! I want to see what that Grim Reaper of his else can do!' The empress thought in elation.

"Honey…!" She glanced back at Ella. This time with puppy eyes.

Ella on the other hand felt like she was having a headache. Looks like her initial thought was right. This empress idolized that man!?

'Aaah, I feel sorry for Her Highness Merea Ella. When Her Majesty Elleanna in her spoiled child state, no one can say no to her request!' The Royal Knight-Captain Borge Bergal thought. Reminiscing about those old days when he had to run multiple errands. Not even the late emperor could do something about this state of her.

Hah~ Ella sighed. She knew what she wanted her to do.


"Yaaay! That's why you're my favorite niece, I love you, Rea!" She said in a child-like behavior while tightly hugging her niece who was currently with dot eyes.

'That person gained a diehard fan without him knowing!' Ella thought.

Ella focused her eyes on the monitor. Then it gleamed in a bluish color.

Inside the painting, all the participants were still puzzled at the appearance of the giant Skeleton, and how it beheaded the Demon Lord.

However, around this time, everyone noticed something unusual.

The headless Demon Lord was still on his feet! And was still gripping the scarlet blade in hand.

After realizing it, an ominous aura once again exploded from its body. This time it was denser and nauseating.

All the participants stepped back subconsciously.

"Now let the battle resume…fufufu," the empress giggled.

After saying it, the Headless Boss of the room made another loud howl. But his howl this time didn't come from his mouth. It was from the scarlet energy exuding from his body.

The Headless Boss sending an ominous aura, then the Lesser Demons around started their attacks once again. It was even more aggressive this time.

"Shit! Watch out! Prepare to fight!" Leon shouted a warning after seeing the group of Lesser Demons.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The battle with the Lesser Demons immediately resumed.

"Jura!" Nicholas called out, then asked, "Tsk! That thing still alive?" 


Jura flew and landed beside him but he almost got tripped because of the pressure being released by the Headless Boss. Then Jura stabilized himself and answered, "maybe, but wasn't it good news for us?"

"You mean...?" Nicholas asked.

"We can still steal the last hit of it."

Nicholas narrowed his eyes. Looks like Jura didn't give up on the treasures yet. Neither did he.

"I see. So what's the plan?" He asked.

"Just regain as much energy as you can. Then let's fire at once when the boss has his last stroke of life."

Jura said while sending a stab to the Lesser Demon when it rushed to them. The demon was pierced to the chest, to where the flickering fire could be seen.

"That sounds difficult. Besides, that other one, don't you think it will attack us?" Nicholas, who was also just finished killing another demon, replied to him.

"I don't know. But it has a high chance that it will. In any case, we only need to last hit the real boss."

"Eh? What do you mean? How about the other one? Don't you think it's also a boss?"

"No, I can't feel any connection to it from this room."

Said Jura while pointing his forehead with a star mark, shining in purple color. He continued saying, "But I do feel it isn't an ordinary one," Then he added, "in any case, I bet whoever wins with those two, the winner will get exhausted."

Nicholas knitted his brows. "I see. Then let's do that," in the end, he agreed to Jura's plan.

But they needed to get rid of the small fries that were surrounding them at the moment.

While Jura and Nicholas planned to last hit the boss, the other expert also did.

However, all of them wish that the huge skeleton would tire the real boss of the room before the boss defeated him.

When the howl of the boss finally stopped, a stronger wave of scarlet energy was shot to the huge skeleton.


"What the—-!" Everyone exclaimed.

The attack did nothing when the huge skeleton lifted his hands and spun the scythe.

The wave of energy disappeared like nothing in there in the first place.

But the Headless Boss continued its attack, sending numerous blade-like scarlet energies to the skeleton. 

However, it was futile. All was disappeared when they touched the spinning scythe. Not even smoke was left.

The fire on his scythe. Everyone was puzzled by it. Why the demonic power of the boss was no match against a piece of weapon that was formed from concrete and was exuding with fire!?

On top of that, a fire element was used to counter demonic energy?! This is just too out of sense! Everyone shouted in their brains.

Noticing that his attack was fruitless, the Headless Boss decided to change its attack. He leaped in the height of 15 meters away from the ground towards the skeleton, while wielding the sword in both hands and about to do a sudden downward strike.

"Watch out!" Hilion shouted a warning for his men who were a little closer to where the Headless Boss would land.

Everyone jumped to their backs.

But before the sword could strike down. 

"What the hell! It floated in the air!" Vince shouted when he saw the skeleton floated in mid air to avoid the attack.

The Headless Boss dissed his first intention. Then he landed on the ground with a loud bang but without doing anything.

However, another pit was created on the ground when he landed.

Upon learning that the enemy could stay in the mid-air, the Boss curled up his body. Then from his back, something was wriggling. A moment later, a pair of scarlet wings grew.

Then it flew rapidly towards the skeleton. 

"Eh, what was he doing?" Anthony asked when he saw the skeleton extended his hand towards the charging enemy in mid-air.

In a split second!


They saw a figure sent flying and crash loudly on the ground. And a cloud of dust raised into the air covering their vision.

The whole room was already in a mess. But now it is more of a ruin.

Roman just remained on his feet. He didn't know who he would attack. So he decided to watch for the time being.

Regardless, whoever among these two would win, they would be a good opponent for him.

After the cloud of smoke cleared up. They saw the Headless Boss already stood up straight while gripping in both hands the hilt of his blade at chest level and was facing the broken ceiling. On the contrary, the blade was facing the broken floor.

The next second, they saw him piercing his blade to the ground.

Then the 'already on fire ground' was now scorching.

"Dammit! It was an Enhanced Version of Hell-Bound ability! Everyone don't step inside its range!" Hilion shouted. Inside the range of it would weaken their strength. On the other hand, it strengthened the demons.

Even before Hilion said it, Gilion and Gath already leaped away from it.

Many Lesser Demons came out of the grounds. Some of them have wings, and was wielding a fork-spear in hands.

They were the Middle-Tier Lesser Demon.

Without a warning, they flew towards the skeleton while sending Fireballs to it. While the others went to the participants.

"Everyone prepare yourself. Another wave of enemies!" Leon shouted once again.

"Tsk! They look stronger than before!" The shield-user member of  White Leo Knights grunted.

The Headless Boss was seemingly laughing as it was producing gushing sounds. While his chest and shoulders were trembling.

Unfortunately for him, the skeleton lifted his hand, facing the incoming countless enemies.

Countless Wind Blades and Earth Javelins materialized from his back. Then without waiting for the enemies to reach him, he fired them all at once.

The charging Middle-Tier Lesser Demons find themselves in predicament.

"What the hell! That skeleton was too broken!!!" The audiences who were in elation a moment ago when they witnessed the fight of Roman were now dumbfounded.

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