Aizel stood outside Rias's chamber, thinking deeply as he stared out at the stars and the hills around the castle.

He had limited information, aware only that seven mages were searching for him.

They were still in the kingdom, and the queen had given no further information regarding their location.

How are we going to find them now?"

[Maybe we should do something that might attract their attention?]

Yes, but how? And what after that? Taking a Grade V is still too risky for now."

[You have to be in your top game, Master]

Top game my ass! I don't know how much mental potion I need to chuk down for it."

"So, it's true. You are really here," Suddenly, a voice made him turn around.

This fucker," Seeing the face of Kelvin made him more annoyed.

"What are you doing here at night?" Kelvin asked.

Aizel looked around and then stared towards Rias room. Then he smiled like a devil.

Seeing him smile like that made Kelvin realize he shouldn't have done that.

Aizel casually fastened the buttons of his pants, wearing a mischievous grin.

"Never realized your mother had such energy. Well, good night. See you tomorrow." With that, he left.

"I really want to smash his face," Kelving grumbled in anger.

While heading downstairs, Aizel coincidentally crossed paths with Erina.

"Hey, I need to tell you something," Aizel suddenly said.

Erina stopped and waited for him to speak further.

"The queen asked me to tell you that there are some people who have come from the Felgura Kingdom.

"They are searching for me. So I need to deal with them. She asked me to tell you that you have to help find them," AIzel said.

[Master, do you really think this will work]

"Why didn't mother let me know this personally?"

"I don't know. I just came back from the clan, and she informed me of that. It looks like she was busy in planning about the new situation,"

"New situation?" Erina asked, looking a little confused.

"About the lands and attacking the Felgura Kingdom,"

"Ohh… ummm… follow me,"


[She is a complete idiot]

She knows how much Rias wants me. So probably she thought the queen could have asked for her help in this situation."

"Do you know anything about them?" Erina asked. As they both started to head outside of the castle.

"Hmm..while rubbing his chin Aizel said, "There are 7 mages. Few of them are Grade III and Grade IV, while one of them is Grade V. He is also the younger brother of Yotum."

"Brother of Yotum, that coward," Erina murmured.

"Do you know him?" Aizel asked.

*Tsk* Asshole ran like a coward when we met last time. I would have killed him on the spot."

"What about his brother? Do you know him or what type of core and power he has?" Aizel asked.

"I don't give a shit about weaklings," Erina replied.

"There were a few guys who saw a mage trying to escape from some mages from the queen's castle.

"The mage was badly injured. He seems to be using fire and lightning power.

"Also, his weapon could change shapes," Badri reported.

"That's exactly what we are looking for…"

"Great work Badri.."

"We have to save him before the queen's forces get to him,"

"Do you know where they are, Badri?" Jotum asked.

"It appears that they are heading for Cobbletown," Badri replied.

"Uhhh…Jotum took a deep breath and then said, "Not far from here."

"Let's go,"

All of them stood one by one and followed Jotum out of the bar. One of them waved his hand, which carried everyone in the air.

And then they flew towards their destination.

They didn't reach the town's outskirts until the following day, even though it was close. The half-moon was already rising in the sky as they reached the town's vicinity.

As soon as they noticed a slight disturbance on a distant roof, their awareness of the situation intensified.

"Quickly, Badri take three guys with you… rest of them follow me," Jotum ordered.

They split into two parties, with Badri leading one and Jotum the other, and infiltrated the town.

Navigating through narrow streets, they advanced towards the roof, where their target sought escape. As a Grade V mage, Jotum had the team's unmatched mana sense skill.

Using his expanded senses, he saw five Grade IV mages chasing after Aizel as he moved quickly across the rooftops.


With a rapid motion of his hands, Jotum sent a cloud of black ash smoke rushing toward Aizel. The smoke effortlessly slipped by him, providing a short-lived cover for Aizel's evasion.

Seizing the chance, Aizel leaped from the rooftop, disrupting a few tents in a nearby restaurant as he descended to the streets below.

With haste, he sprinted towards the waiting Badri and his group.

"Everyone quickly exits the town; I will handle this," Jotum yelled. 

A rapid movement ensued as everyone swiftly made their way toward the exit.

"Ash spark cyclone," Jotum murmured.

Suddenly, he unleashed a tremendous ash-smoke whirlwind that engulfed half the town.

The mages within the smoke found themselves further ensnared, and then sparks emerged, triggering explosions within the ash smoke cyclone.

Aizel saw Jotum soar into the skies, ash smoke trailing behind his legs as he got closer to them.

"You are safe now, young war god. We will rest today and will leave tomorrow," Badri said as he placed his hand on Aizel's shoulder.

Aizel simply nodded in his response.

After they finished their mission, they and Aizel returned to the reserved bar. They have already secured some rooms upstairs for a well-deserved rest.

They quickly teleported to the bar using mana crystals and a teleportation magic circle.

Upon their arrival, the waiter promptly began serving drinks one after another. Although a few other customers were present, they seemed indifferent to the newcomers.

"Now that was easy…"

"How did you end up here…" One of them asked.

"I don't even know where should I start. I was supposed to head towards Beast kingdom." Aizel quickly chugged down a glass of beer and then continued, "But on the way it seems, the person who was smuggling slaves got caught by some mages from Theodora Kingdom."

"That's how I arrived here. And someone recognized me in an instant. You could probably guess by now what should have happened next," Aizel replied, meanwhile signaling the waiter to bring another glass.

"That queen is acting out of her mind,"

"Yeah, well it will be hilarious when we escape from here tomorrow, right under her nose, hehe…"

The door to the bar swung open again, and a slim girl stepped inside. Her pale complexion and short purple hair caught the eye of everyone in the room.

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