Chapter 401 Missing

"Y-you really did it so fast," The lady said, as she took her underwear set from Aizel.

 "You can keep those magic crystals for yourself. That's your reward. If you do more work like this for me, I will always reward you," She further added.

 "O-Okay Madam," Aizel replied.

A synchronized neigh erupted from the horses, signaling the resumption of the carriage's journey towards the mansion.

Meanwhile, Aizel was in deep thought. He was sitting on the floor of the carriage.

We have around 20 magic crystals."

[We should save them, Master. You can create gold coins with your power right now. Maybe later, you will be able to create the crystals too]

Aizel looked outside of the carriage and realized the night was coming slowly, casting a beautiful orange glow across the landscape.

"What's your name?" Suddenly the lady asked.

"Huh… Johnny,"

"How did you end up as a slave, Johnny?"

"I lost a fight against a noble, and he made me like this," Aizel replied.

"Hmm… don't worry Johnny. You can live a good life with me. Just swear your loyalty to me always,"

"Yes Madam,"

[By the way Master, that under..]

Shut it up,"

As soon as the carriage arrived at the mansion, Aizel re-entered the magnificent estate, accompanied by the lady.

"Johnny, I don't have any more work for you.

"You can head to the chamber for now and take some rest,"Please visit website to read fastest update

"T-Thank You, Madam," Aizel said politely and bowed. And then he headed towards the underground chamber where all the slaves sleep.

Sekki, It's time,"

[Fufu, finally!]

As he walked along the hall, Aizel stared out the window at the moonlight that illuminated the night.

Two guards stood watch over the chamber. Before entering the room, he nodded respectfully to each of them.

After an hour…

The guards showed up with a plate of food for the slaves, but when they opened the door, the room was empty.

The huge space resounded with a ghostly stillness.

A single guard fell to the ground in a state of shock. In response to this sudden development, the other sprinted upstairs to inform the others.


Everyone in the mansion sprung into action as his cries resounded.

As many people hurried over to him to find out what was going on, others hurried over to the slave room.


Outside the mansion, there was a tremendous explosion that startled everyone within.

The lady of the house swiftly dashed out of the room to investigate the uproar.

"WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON HERE?" She shouted from the upstairs.

"Madam, you should head inside for now. Someone is attacking the mansion. We will deal with him," One of the Kingsley family mages replied.

Under Aizel's direction, the slaves deftly descended the steep slope, making use of natural obstacles such as rocks, trees, and bushes.

A sense of both freedom and urgency permeated the air as people eagerly embraced the chance for independence and cautiously but resolutely made their way across the treacherous terrain.

Aizel's mana sense abruptly rang out in warning, signaling imminent danger.

[Master, someone powerful is coming]

In an instant, Aizel hid his armor and mask under his assassin hood.

Someone was flying toward him at an extraordinary pace.

Just then, Erina arrived, waving her hand to summon a large magic circle beneath the slaves' feet. In an instant, everyone, including Aizel, vanished.

The mage of the Kingsley family was a little late since he realized he had missed his chance.

He scanned his surroundings with scowls, but after a minute, he turned around and headed back to the mansion.

Aizel's eyes fluttered open, revealing the familiar surroundings of Rias's castle.

They stood on the grounds, where a few mages and a content Rias awaited their arrival.

Did she use the teleportation magic circle that fast? And even from one kingdom to another?"

I remember Ashlyn saying that if she used her portals to go to another kingdom without permission, she might get in trouble."

[Master, it means that she has something, some kind of artifact, or that bitch queen has done something to her]

"A great job you have done Aizel," Rias clapped, as she walked towards Aizel.

"You too Erina. You can now leave with them and set them to any clan to your liking."

"Yes, Mother," Erina said politely, bowed, and then left with the slaves who were confused.

"Can I ask something?" Aizel asked.


"Why did you want to steal some slaves from Kingsley's family? I am sure you can buy on your own,"

"Yes I can, but there are no slaves in our kingdom. And there lies a deep plan that lies behind this small mission.

"Don't worry, you will see the whole picture soon,"

*Tsk* Now where is my prize?"

"My my, coming straight for the reward huh," Rias summoned the Thick Tome and handed it to Aizel while ruffling his hair.

"I hope this can help you in your future endeavors." With that said, she left from there.

[Master, you let her do it again.]

"Whatever, just look what we have now. It's time to master the step 2, hehe,"

[Master, I don't like her]

I don't like her either, but we have to take full advantage of this opportunity for now."

[Okay, as you say]

Clutching the hefty tome, Aizel strode purposefully towards the room.

Meanwhile, a meeting unfolded within the walls of Felgura Castle.

Seated around the table were the esteemed noble heads, including Vespara, the sword emperor, and Aquarian. Some high-grade mages were yet to join. At the helm of the meeting stood the king, with Zareena faithfully at his side.

"The young war god has gone missing," The King reported.

"What do you mean by missing?" Yongiri asked.

"He went to do a private mission for Zareena and hasn't returned yet,"

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