Chapter 397 Agreed

Caught in disarray, Aizel found himself unable to return to Earth.

The idea that Alora could call out to him was his sole glimmer of hope. Still, he was aware that he needed to calm down.

Repressing his feelings, he was adamant about not showing the Queen any vulnerability.

"Will I be able to see them?" He asked.

"Soon.. But not for now. Conquer the kingdom, and they can live with you here forever," the queen replied.

[Master, we can think of another solution. Don't sell yourself]

"Do you know, what is Hell?" Aizel asked.

The queen furrowed her brows and looked a little confused. This was the first time she had heard that word.

"Hell… it's a shame that even I don't know what it is," she replied, rubbing her chin with her fingers.

"If anything happens to the kids and others because of you or others, believe me, you will all experience what is hell," Aizel said in a deep and serious tone.

"I accept your offer."

A big grin appeared on the queen's face. She quickly stood up and reached towards Aizel.

"Now my war god, you can call me Rias," The queen said as she moved her fingers to Aizel's face.

"Let's see…" She quickly turned and started to circle around him like a kid, and she looked in deep thought.

"From what I can see, you haven't learned the magic circuit, and now you are progressing towards Grade IV."

Now that I have made a deal, I think it's best to take every advantage I can from her," Aizel thought.

[I don't like this Master, this is not the way we do things]

I know Sekki, but for now, this is the best option …trust me,"

"I am learning magic circuit but… Aizel demonstrated this by creating a magic circle that broke at the last step while doing a complex pattern.

Rias was observing while nodding her head.

"You have been taught well. You are close to perfecting it. Okay, I have an idea…

"You keep practicing this, and when you are able to create the magic circles, I will personally teach you the last step.

"This whole room belongs to you.

"You will get food all the time, and you are free to roam here. But try; don't go too far or pull any tricks.

Rias came close to him again, bringing her lips close to his ear, and whispered, "You will have everything, Aizel, even me. Don't disappoint me or you know what will happen,"

"Okay! Now I am leaving. I have some important things to attend to. I will visit you later tonight. Bye bye…"

Rias started to leave when Aizel suddenly grabbed her hand.

"My my, "

"I need to inform Daisy and others that I am okay," Aizel said.

"Ohh…you can't do that,"

"W…What do you mean? I have agreed to your terms; at least let me inform them."

"So, you can use fire, lightning, water, and spatial, anything else?" While walking, Rias asked.

"I can't use spatial powers yet," Aizel tried to lie a little.

"Umm… but you will learn it somehow soon. You should join some clans and also get to know others."

"I don't want to make any friends… and what about this clan? What benefits will it bring me?" Aizel asked.

"You will be able to learn more about your core and power. You will be giving missions frequently.

"You can participate in competitions, earn some merits, fame, artifacts, etc."

"Artifacts like magic artifacts?" Aizel asked.


"Can anyone have magic artifacts here or only for the nobles?"

"Nobles?…. Hahaha, there are no nobles here."

"What do you mean?"

"In my kingdom, there is no special treatment for you from birth. You have to earn everything by yourself.

"The more stronger and the more benefits you bring to the Kingdom, the more you will be rewarded.

"You can earn everything based on your efforts and merits. It doesn't matter who you are."

It's interesting; at least her kingdom seems much better than the Felgura," Aizel thought.

[Master, those clans must be just like the clans we have read in the novels]

Yes, they must be."

"Another reason why my Kingdom is better," Rias said and winked towards Aizel.

"Mother, the process is going smoothly for now." Suddenly, the eldest daughter of the queen arrived.

"Good, make sure no one does anything without my orders. Now it's not the time."

"By the way, Aizel meet my eldest daughter, Erina. She is also the one who brought you here,"

Aizel looked at Erina, who really looked pretty similar to her mother.

Hearing that she was the culprit behind this, a fit of anger was also boiling up inside of him. Suddenly he thought of something and then a grin appeared on his face which confused Erina.

"I forgot to tell you guys something. Not long ago, I was injured badly. But a woman saved me. She looked pretty similar to you," Aizel said as he looked towards Erina.

Erina's brows furrowed, and she realized where this was going.

"However, in the end, I found out that she has just helped me so that she can suck my life energy like others."

"You… what did you do?" Erian asked.

"I killed that bitch. Burst her head like a watermelon. I have to say, it was satisfying. I still feel like it was only yesterday when I burst her head."

"So you are the one who killed Larisa," Erina said, her anger visible in her eyes.

"My my, you are so brave, Aizel. Telling a mother about her daughter was killed right in front of her.. Hehe, I like it."

[This bitch is crazy]

"Erina, leave it. He didn't know about her and what he did was just to save himself. And besides I don't consider a weakling like her to be my daughter."

"She dared to run from her punishment and escape to the other kingdom."

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