Their trip took them high above the vast ocean that stretched between the lands of Felgura and Zulivan for four straight days.

Travel time was lengthened due to the longer distance to the central kingdom. The distance to the central kingdom proved greater than anticipated, resulting in an extended travel time. 

The griffins stayed together, gliding smoothly through the air. Amidst the aerial procession, noble heads engaged in lively conversations, their voices carrying through the wind to fill the hours with jovial banter and shared tales.

Time seemed to blur as they traversed the endless azure horizon, forging a bond among the mages while they eagerly awaited their arrival at the fabled kingdom of Zulivan.

Throughout the entire voyage, an air of tranquility enveloped the mages.

Even if a menacing monster was flying through the sky or a scary creature was hiding under the water, nothing could stop them from moving steadily forward. The fact that there were a lot of powerful mages among them made sure that any possible threat would be dealt with quickly.

Aizel spent his time chatting with Daisy and Sekki. Conversations filled the void, their voices interweaving with a blend of laughter and shared moments.

Though Ashlyn's presence posed a slight hindrance, he still managed to have some private talks with Daisy.

As the sun began its ascent, casting its warm glow upon the horizon, a collective hush fell upon everyone.

The endless expanse of the ocean began to give way to a distant land, beckoning their arrival.

As time went on, the scenery became clearer, showing rolling hills and thick forests that went as far as the eye could see. 


The Sword Emperor whistled loudly, and all the Griffins started to line up in the air behind the King Griffin.

Gracefully descending from the vast expanse of the sky, the griffins began their descent, one after another.

With each strong beat of their wings, they gently touched down on the solid ground, their magnificent forms coming to rest. 

As the dust cleared, a group of mages with their robes blowing in the breeze could be seen. There was an old man among them. His eyes were warm and wise, and his wrinkled face was graced with a kind smile.

One by one, everyone smoothly got off the griffins, their feet finding solid ground once again.

A collective sigh of relief escaped their lips as they stood firmly on the land they had longed to reach.

Among them, the king and Aquarian walked confidently toward the old man.

With a dignified air, the king extended his hand, its regal presence inviting the old man to hold it. 

The aged figure, displaying a mix of wisdom and humility, accepted the gesture with reverence. He bowed his head and gently pressed his lips against the king's hand as a sign of respect.

"It's been long since I have met you, Dadar."

"I am honored to guide you and others to your respective castles for now,"

The King nodded.

With a fluid motion, the old man retrieved a staff adorned with intricate carvings.

Tapping it gently against the ground, a resplendent magic circle materialized beneath their feet, its intricate symbols pulsating with vibrant energy. In an instant, the surroundings blurred, and Aizel's senses reawakened to find him standing within the magnificent confines of a sprawling castle.

The grand hall, with its ornate tapestries and grand lights, spread out in front of them. 

"This castle will be yours till the tournament starts. You are all free to leave and visit the city."

"Thank you, Dadar for your service,"

"It's my pleasure, King. Now I won't waste any more time of yours," With that said, the old man teleported once again. 

"Everyone can do whatever they want now but don't create any ruckus anywhere," Sword Emperor said.

"Should we go and see the city where we are?" Aizel asked looking towards Daisy.


"I will join you too," Ashlyn replied too.

Aizel stared once again toward her.

"Kings order,"

Can't even spend some time with her,"

[Don't worry Master, there is still night]

"Do you about where are we?" Aizel asked.

"Yes, we are right now in Zulivan City. The royal city of the Zulivan family," Ashlyn replied.

"Then I will leave the guide work to you,"

"Follow me,"

Aizel and Daisy both followed Ashlyn as they started to leave.

"Where are you guys going?" Zareena asked.

"On a tour," Aizel replied.

"Ashlyn keep an eye on him. Don't let him create any problems here,"

"Don't worry, I already know everything about him. I will handle it,"

After that, they left the castle and finally stepped outside. 

Aizel stood in awe, his eyes wide with disbelief, as he surveyed his surroundings.

He had never imagined what he was seeing right now. Tall buildings reached for the sky, their majesty breaking the laws of gravity. Some of the architectural wonders were made of shiny glass, which made the cityscape look like it came from a place beyond his mind. 

It was like he was back on Earth once again. 

"Never seen something like this before?" Ashlyn asked.

Aizel looked at her and didn't know how to reply to her.

[Master, even though they are not every building is a skyscraper, but still]

I know, this city doesn't gives a fantasy type feeling,"

"Let's eat something first,"

Aizel sighed.

Ashlyn walked through the busy streets, with Aizel and Daisy following close behind. Aizel's sharp eyes took in the city's air of sophistication.

The mages they encountered exuded an air of refinement, their noble auras unmistakable. Many were immersed in their studies, their noses buried in Grimorium.

Ashlyn led them through the crowd to a cozy restaurant tucked away in a small building with big windows that let them see what was going on outside. With haste, they secured a table and settled themselves.

The attentive waiter approached their table, gracefully presenting three large sheets of pristine white paper. 

Aizel's curious eyes fell on the pages, she saw a list of dishes with their names, prices, and thorough descriptions.

"So they even have their own menu,"

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