The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 54 - Side : Qing Yue's Determination

Heya! My name is Qing Yue, and I am Big Brother Xuan Kai's kawaii little sister! We aren't actually blood related, but he still sees me as his precious family, and loves me very much. Nya~

Let's begin by talking about our relationship. I love him as well, but not just as a big brother. I like him romantically, and want to be with him all the time!! Mm...his arms feel so comfortable around me!! I could hug him all day, no joke. But he's a baka when it comes to this kind of thing, so he can't tell at all. Hmph!

Hmm...when did I start seeing him romantically, I wonder? Was it a year ago? Two? Or have I maybe always saw Big Brother Xuan Kai like that? I don't know. But! It doesn't matter anyway, since that's how I feel now and I am determined to win his heart.

You see...before, I was shy when trying to get closer to him in THAT sense...cause, like, I kept thinking about it too hard, and got embarrassed. And besides, I figured that I had time, y'know? I mean, I could just take it slowly, one step at a time - and eventually, no matter how long it takes, Big Brother Xuan Kai WILL see my feelings for him!


Now, I can't afford to wait anymore. At first, it was just me and me alone who would be by Big Brother Xuan Kai's side. But now, there are 3 other girls - and each of them have way more developed bodies and are far prettier than me! Grr....

First it was just Feng Mian. Okay, she is fine, and I can allow Big Brother Xuan Kai to marry both of us in the future. She is a kind, smart, and beautiful girl in all senses of the word. But as long as I remain #1, she can be tolerated.

But then, another girl jumped into the fray - Yu An Xue. Similarly, she was a top beauty of Shenzhen and would be one in any part of the world. She had a nice figure, slim at the parts that should be slim and busty at the parts that should be busty. She could easily pass for a model. And above all that, she was a known as a cold beauty, distancing herself from everyone else. But when it comes to boys, the more you can't get something, the more you want it. And Big Brother Xuan Kai is no exception.

But all that being said, she is still a friendly person. Yu An Xue carries an inner burden in her heart that no one would ever find out about, until Big Brother Xuan Kai came in and swayed yet another girl without even meaning to. She had lost a certain someone 8 years ago, and Big Brother Xuan Kai helped her reunite with that person.

SPEAKING OF THAT PERSON, her name is Yu An Yan - Yu An Xue's sister. And well - after Big Brother Xuan Kai succeeded in saving her from that evil man Ghosteye's grasp, she fell in love with him too. She's not a bad person at all, but she's the top priority on my watchlist. Why? Because at one point she called Big Brother Xuan Kai 'onii-chan'. Only I can do that! Hmph!

So, there you have it! All of a sudden, I have three competitors for the #1 wife spot! And each is a formidable foe!

They are all my friends, but when it comes to my big brother, I won't give in to anyone! None of them can replace me!

The most frustrating thing of all is that I can't even blame Big Brother Xuan Kai whatsoever! He didn't try to get these girls to fall for him - but THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT MADE THEM DO SO! But of course, there's no way my dense big brother would know that, so he's just going to continue acting the way he is. I can't even tell him to stop, since he'll just reply with 'stop? stop what?'.

Ugh...this is so disheartening. Every time I look at my three competitors, my eyes land on their voluptuous boobs, then subconsciously move my hands to feel my own non-existent ones, and feel close to crying.

Since I didn't have such a nice body...I only had one hope:

Is my big brother a lolicon?


Probably not...

But it's okay! Even if he isn't, I'll just get my boobs to grow bigger! I swear this! I'll ask my three 'enemies' for the method to do so...and then SURPASS THEM! Mwahahaha! Just you wait, Feng Mian, Yu An Xue, Yu An Yan! I will beat all of you and seduce Big Brother Xuan Kai first!

I've made up my mind! I won't overthink things anymore, and just tell myself what I'm doing is natural. That way, I won't start blushing and stuttering whenever doing something to get closer to Big Brother Xuan Kai! Hehehe~

No matter how many more 'foes' come my way, I will defeat them all, and secure my place as number 1 inside Big Brother Xuan Kai's heart! That is my ultimate goal! Kyaaaa!

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