Just as I finished covering Qing Yue's naked figure, Mei Gui stepped out of the shower. The first thing she spotted was me, who made a good act of pretending to put Qing Yue to sleep.

"… Master."

"Hm?" I turned to her, pretended to not have known she was there. "Oh, Mei Gui. What's up?"

"… Why are you pretty much naked?"

"Oh, this? Qing Yue was having a nightmare, so I had to calm her down and put her back to sleep," I explained. "Didn't have time to put on any clothes other than underwear."

"… Hm. I see."

Mei Gui, with a perfectly neutral expression, walked over to the bed I sat on.

"W-Woah, hey. What are you doing?"

She sniffed the air. "Just making sure if… she is alright."

Saying this, she flung off the blankets, where a naked Qing Yue lay underneath.

"Ah, seems we've been caught, hehe~" She giggled as if this was no biggie.

Mei Gui narrowed her eyes and turned to me skeptically. "… Master?"

I sighed. "Yeah, yeah… we were having sex. I made her a promise before the exam happened, so…"

"I see." Mei Gui let go of the blanket and went over to her own bed, lying down in it silently and pulling the sheets over her body.

I blinked. Wait… that's it?

I had expected more of a lecture, but Mei Gui just…

Something isn't right.

"Mei Gui?" I said quietly, looking at her laid down figure.

"…" She didn't respond and rather rolled her body around so that she was facing the wall, refusing to even look at me.

… You're kidding, right? Since when did she get this emotional and start ignoring me like this? I suppose she is becoming more and more human through staying with the girls and me, but…

I walked over and sat down on Mei Gui's bed, beside her body. I could feel her warmth from here, despite not touching.

"Mei Gui… if you're dissatisfied, just say something. Don't hold it in and pout like that."

"…" She still remained silent. I took a deep breath.

"Look… if you don't like me having sex with these girls, just say so clearly. I can't guess what you're trying to say by being angry and ignoring me like this."

"… I'm not angry," Mei Gui replied quietly. "It's more… disappointment, Master."

"Disappointment…? In me?"

"No… in myself."


"I thought I had become close enough to Master that you wouldn't hide anything from me, but it seems I was wrong. If even my own Master lies to me… what kind of failure am I?"

… Wow. Here I was, thinking she was mad at me, but…

"That's not it, Mei Gui…" I quickly corrected her train of thought, slipping into her bed and wrapping my arms around her body. "The reason I lied back there… it was… well, I suppose it was because I thought you wouldn't be happy about it."

"Master… who you have sex with is not any of my concern. That is your choice and yours alone — I have no right to intervene," she said quietly, hugging my arms tightly. "I only ask that Master does not hide anything from me."

"I… can't promise that," I replied truthfully. "If telling you something will end up hurting you, then there's no way I'm going to tell you it. But anything else… I'll agree to those terms of yours."

"I suppose… that's fair," she sighed after some thought. "Thank you, Master."

"It's fine. That was my bad."

"Also…" She turned around to face me, wrapping her body around mine tightly and burying her face against my naked chest. "I know I said who you have sex with is not any of my concern, but… can you… do it with me sometime as well, Master…?"

I blinked. "H-Huh?"

"I don't ask that you do it with me frequently. I just wish to experience what having sex with Master feels like. Seeing the other girls do it one by one… it makes me feel this strange, uncomfortable feeling in my heart that creates negative emotion."

"I think… what you're feeling is jealousy~" Qing Yue declared, hopping over and sitting down on the bed as well. She had finally pulled on her clothes, and now wore proper pajamas. "Hey, Big Brother Xuan Kai… you won't turn down her request, will you?"

Damn it, Qing Yue… stop giving me pressure like that!

Taking a deep breath, I complied, unable to withstand those pleading eyes of hers.

"… Fine, fine. I'll do it with you sometime, Mei Gui," I said, stroking her beautiful silver hair. "Just not today, since I'm completely worn out."

"Hm~? Worn out, you say?" Qing Yue giggled. "Guaranteed, if I stimulate you a bit with my feet, you'll be ready for more in no time, Big Brother Xuan Kai~"

"A-Ahem…" I cleared my throat, shooting her a glare as she smirked smugly.

"Anyway… we should go to sleep. There's still school tomorrow."

"M-Master," Mei Gui suddenly said as I moved to leave, pulling me back down.


"Could you… sleep with me tonight?"


"When you held me just now… it felt nice. I want more."

I was a bit stunned at first, but then chuckled and eased myself into her bed again, enjoying the warmth of her company. Giving her a light flick on the forehead, I then pulled her into a wholesome embrace.

"You're getting greedy, huh?"

"Yes… I apologize, Master."

"Don't worry about it. All of the girls here are greedy. If you want don't want me to be taken by them, you'll have to start being more aggressive as well."

"I see… understood, Master."

"Fufu~ in that case…" Qing Yue cackled like a devil and shoved me inwards on the bed, making space for herself as she slipped in beside me.

"Q-Qing Yue…?"

"What? You can't expect me to just obediently go back to my bed while you two are all cozy here together, can you?" She licked her lips and hugged me from behind.

With a sigh, I shifted my body so that I was facing straight up, with an extremely cute girl in each of my arms.

Heh… I wonder what my parents would say if they saw me in this position.


The next few weeks after that night weren't eventful at all. No special exams came up, so it was pretty much just regular school. On our free time, we would go to the library to learn some powerful new spells, but before long, I had learned everything there was to learn in there with my monstrous spell learning abilities.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a single book in there that contained info on how to awaken a Battle Soul, but the good news was, June was right around the corner. When the break started, students would be able to leave campus, which meant I could meet that master above Golden Monarch realm Long Lu knew.

But regarding what happens at night... every night after that one, Qing Yue would find some way to rope me into having sex with her. Feng Mian would only come to me when her succubus urges were too much, since she wasn't the aggressive type, but Qing Yue was the exact opposite. She knew I liked her feet, so she used that against me and stimulated me into having sex with her.

Of course, when it wasn't her safe day, we used condoms she bought from the Recreation Campus. She said she didn't mind becoming pregnant with my child since we were going to get married in the future anyway, but I minded. If she became pregnant, I would have a lot to answer for with the other girls since we've been doing it in secret, and she also wouldn't be able to participate in special exams for 9 months.

I wanted to have as many people working in the class as possible, so her having my kid right now really wasn't a bright idea. Besides, I was nowhere near ready to become a father yet. Hell, I was still trying to get revenge for my own.

But back to the original topic… no, I didn't forget my promise to Mei Gui. It's just… every time we tried doing it, Qing Yue also wanted to join in, which in turn made Mei Gui leave since she didn't want to share me. I felt very bad about it, but I couldn't exactly expect Qing Yue to sit off to one side while Mei Gui and I had sex either. The opposite wasn't true, since Mei Gui was the patient type.

Every night, Qing Yue and I did it all the way up to midnight, pretty much. It starts once both of us have showered, then we stop while Lin Luo and Mei Gui fall asleep, then once they have, I set up a sound barrier and we continue.

Counting the number of times I cummed inside her… it's probably well above 100 by now, honestly. Yet neither of us was tired of it in the least. We explored countless sex positions and determined the best ones, and even tried out anal. Qing Yue was a big fan of that, since it meant I could do it with her without the condom.

Life went on like this for a while. Quite frankly, it was pretty enjoyable.

Finally, however, May was nearing its end, and there was just one final test to complete before the first break of the school year came around:

The first set of normal, year-wide exams.

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