The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 67 - The Mafia King Wants His Gift Back

Chapter 67 - The Mafia King Wants His Gift Back

Even while speaking this, he didn't look at her which caused a misunderstanding to circulate between them. Wei felt disheartened and ashamed to feel inferior to Mo Huojin who understood Lihua better than him. Whereas Lihua thought of his ignorance as his way of expressing his anger and disappointment in her for lying to him.

"Oh…" Lihua couldn't say anything else.

Her Godly handsome Boss looked sad and cheated all because of her.

The four thugs watched their Boss's car leave.

"Boss and Ludo Lady looked so different."

"Of course they would. Ludo Lady lied to Boss," one grumbled.

"I never imagined that I would see Boss like that one day…"


The ride back to the apartment complex was extremely quiet. Nobody said a word. Even though Lihua had a thousand things to say to him, in the end, she couldn't find her words.

The car stopped.

Lihua didn't realize that they reached home. Wei waited. But she didn't move. He slowly peeked at her and found her to be in a daze.

"We are here."

Lihua snapped out from her daze and looked around.

Oh...we are back.

She bit her lip and nodded. They climbed up to their floor super slowly, dragging their feet. Outside their home, they stood like that in silence for a few moments. The dim light shone upon Lihua's violet earrings, making Wei freeze.

The stiffening feeling enveloped his chest again. The scene replayed in his mind endlessly as if it got stuck to him like a broken recorder.

Lihua and that man…

Lihua didn't want to settle things half way without clearing it out. She was about to say something when Wei spoke first, "E-earrings…"

She paused and blinked her eyes. She touched her dangling earrings and said, "Earrings?"

Wei pursed his lips and raised his arm towards her. With his palm stretched out, he slowly and softly said, "I don't think you...need them anymore."

Lihua froze.

"So it's better to give them back," he felt a tightening knot in his heart. His own words twisted him in pain. But he felt that there was no need for her to have those earrings anymore since he failed so miserably today. His actions not only scared her, but he failed to realize it too.

So according to him, she didn't deserve such a half baked gift.

But Lihua was unaware of his mental anguish. So for her, asking to give back the gift to him meant that he was so furious at her that he thought she didn't deserve his gift anymore.

Tears threatened to escape her eyes. This was her first gift from the man she was madly in love with. She wanted to hold it dear to her heart forever. She wanted to safeguard this precious gift even if it would turn all old and worn out in the end one day.

She trembled and her body shook slightly. She lowered her head and tried to hide the tears finding their way out of her misty eyes.

Her fingers tremblingly took out the earrings and with a heavy heart, she handed it to him. "...H-Here…" her voice choked.

As the beautiful, violet earrings landed on his palm, he tightly closed them in his fist. The pain and the tears left Lihua unable to say anything else.

She quickly turned and fumbled with the lock. She opened the door and stepped inside, shutting the door behind her.

Wei blankly kept rooted to his spot for a long time before he quietly entered his own house and shut the door too.

Lihua collapsed on her knees and burst into tears. She gasped and sniffled as she didn't let herself cry louder in fear that Wei would hear it. She touched her empty earlobes, and tears streamed down her cheeks even more vigorously than before. She kept wiping her tears, but they refused to die down as if a dam was broken apart. She hugged her knees and hid her face in them as the hot tears sleeplessly ran down them for the entire night.


The next morning, somebody was loudly banging on Wei's door to no end. Wei was already awake,. holding onto Lihua's earrings for the entire night.

"Open the door, you rich and evil capitalist!"

Wei's mouth twitched on hearing Bobo's voice. He didn't respond. But Bobo kept on banging the door.

"I know you are inside you evil capitalist! Open the door!"

Wei refused to comment. He was in no mood to entertain a kid right now. There was silence on the other end too. Wei thought Bobo left.

"Lihua was crying last night."

Wei's eyes flew open at those words. He immediately opened the door and looked at Bobo, feeling panicked. "What? Lihua was crying? W-Why? When? Is she hurt?"

Bobo put his hands on his waist and glared at him as his small stature stood straight against his tall one. He headed straight inside his house and turned. "We need to talk!"

Wei closed the door and urgently asked, "Tell me about Lihua first."

"That is why I came here!"

He made him sit on the couch and faced him akin to an angry teacher who scolded a student for not doing his homework.

"How dare you make my Lihua cry! Who do you think you are?"

Wei blankly stared at the child. "I...I-I don't know." His gaze dimmed as he lowered his head. "No…I know why she cried."

"Uh-huh. So spill it out."

"It's because I am incompetent."

Bobo rapidly blinked his eyes. "What?"

"I failed my duties as her man."

Bobo was confused.

What nonsense is he spouting?

When Wei recalled everything that happened, Bobo facepalmed. He wished to bang his head on the wall.

"You are an idiot!"

Wei nodded. He felt depressed even further. "En. I am."

"What kind of a man gifts something to a girl and then asks her to give it back to him the same night!?" Bobo flared at him and demanded an answer.

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