The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 115 - The Mafia King Decides To Leave The Jiang Villa

Chapter 115 - The Mafia King Decides To Leave The Jiang Villa

Ruomei couldn't retort. "You…"

It was a logical argument though. If she forgot everything about Wei and didn't know how influential or rich he was and his identity as the CEO of Jiang Industries, why would she bother to be with him? Why would she claim herself as his wife?

Lihua said, "I really don't know you nor do I recollect what happened at the store. I ruined your dress? If that is so, I really apologize."

Wei furrowed his brows in dissatisfaction. His gentle gaze lowered that settled on her beautiful face. "You don't have to apologize for anything."

Ruomei stared at how dotingly he gazed at Lihua and stopped her from apologizing to her. She had never seen such a warm and gentle expression on him before. This was his side that she always wanted to see, but the woman to whom he was showing it was not her. She fell into a stupor.

Was Wei capable of showing emotions? He was always so cold and reticent. Nothing affected him. Nothing could ever bring even a twitch in his expression. But now he had changed.

And because of whom? A woman who could never match her in class and elegance? Who could never rival her wealth and status? Did Wei accept such a woman?

The jealousy in her heart knew no bounds and she dug her nails in her palm.

Lihua's gaze then shifted to the Old Madam. "You are an elder and so I respect you, but how can I hear when you are going on and on about my background? Is it such a bad thing to be average? Does having less money automatically make that person horrible and undeserving?"

The Old Madam froze.

A sharp gasp came from Jiang Xiurang as she widened her eyes. She had never seen anybody talk to the Old Madam like that before.

Should I say that she is stupid or brave?

She heard a snicker from her side. "She is dead meat."

Her son, Jiang Fai, seventeen years old, looked at Lihua in disdain and shook his head. "That is just putting your hand in the lion's mouth. Hahaha! I would love to see how she gets out of this! She is fiery but dumb."

"Everybody has been nothing but pointing out how I don't deserve my husband. Who is anybody to judge that? Having more money doesn't make anybody God. We still have the same eyes, nose, ears, mouth, arms and legs. We are still human! I don't become an alien just because I might be poor."

The Old Madam looked at her stunned. She said the same words as she said that day at the store.

Ruomei exclaimed. "Old Madam, you heard it right? She said the same words as that day! I am sure she is just lying about memory loss. Are you doing this to gain sympathy!?"

Lihua didn't know what to say anymore. "I have just lost my memories. It's not like I became a different person altogether! Of course, my words might sound similar."

Wei nodded. "En."

Shi Zhen lost all his patience by now and said, "Jiang Wei. I don't care from where you brought this woman. But you have to divorce her! We don't accept this marriage!"

Wei calmly said, "Your acceptance or rejection isn't of any consequence to me."

Lihua coughed.

That was too…

Shi Zhen was aghast. "Such disrespect!"

The Old Madam threateningly took a step forward and faced Wei. "But my acceptance or rejection is of utmost consequence! I am the Matriarch of this family. If I don't accept this marriage, then this Lixue cannot have any place in this house!"

His black orbs clouded in danger.

"Your pathetic father has already let me down once. I won't let you do the same!"

Jiang Weizhe kept quiet.

Jiang Fai snickered. "Ouch. That must have hurt so much. Poor Uncle."

Jiang Xiurang elbowed him and glared at him. "Enough!"

He rolled his eyes.

Lihua frowned.

His father?

Wei stepped forward and met her gaze as his tall body towered over her. "Then I say this. Your acceptance or rejection isn't relevant either."

The Old Madam was stunned.

"Lixue is my woman and my wife now," he quietly said, yet his words carried a dangerous weight, "She has a place in this house whether you like it or not."

She gnashed her teeth. "She won't. I have announced that you went through some accident. So the engagement was called off. It got postponed, but the ceremony will still take place. You will divorce this woman and get engaged to Shi Ruomei. That is my final decision."

Ruomei gratefully looked at Old Madam. As long as she stood firm by her side, nobody could shake her position from the Jiang family, not even Wei himself.

Lihua froze. She couldn't believe the lengths they would go to make her leave him.

Wei narrowed his eyes. "It was my fault the first time. But you announced it again despite my clarification. This will not be my responsibility. My wife is only Lixue. There is no place for Shi Ruomei or any other woman."

Shi Cuifen tearfully glared at him. "Wei. I cannot believe you will do this. My daughter has done everything she could to become a woman worthy to stand beside you. And now you are cruelly casting her aside? Do you not care about her feelings at all? You agreed to the engagement and now you say to forget about it? You just want to compensate and let it go?"

Her heart ached to see her daughter's heartbroken condition.

Lihua was in disbelief.

Did he accept this engagement himself? And now going back on it? What is going on?

Ugh... Godly handsome prince, why did you bring me here without explaining anything to me? She sobbed.

Fu Renshu quietly stepped near her and whispered the whole story in short in her ear. The expression on her face turned from shock, disbelief to speechlessness and sheer amazement that Wei could do a blunder like this.


No wonder these people are so mad at me!

After a beat of silence, Wei calmly said, "I see. Then we will leave. Lixue and I won't live in this house anymore. Let's go, Lixue."

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