89 Chapter 88, Meeting The Parents

Feng Yue could not help but laugh at Shen Mei’s wishful thinking.

“Even after she gave birth to Shen Lingxue, none of those college students came back. Shen Mei’s parents could not take it anymore. They were clamoring to go to the city to look for Shen Lingxue’s father to take responsibility, but who knew that when they went to the school, none of those college students were willing to take responsibility.

They all knew that Shen Mei had several people hanging around her, but none of them were willing to admit that the child was theirs. Shen Mei’s father had originally thought that he could get a rich son-in-law, but who knew that not only did he not manage to get one, but he was also beaten up by others and returned home dejectedly. After returning home, he chased Shen Mei out of the house after giving birth. Shen Mei had nowhere to go, and she even managed to finish her confinement with the help of the villagers.

“This matter caused quite a stir in Shen Mei village. Even now, Shen Mei still doesn’t have a good relationship with her family, so when she got married, her family didn’t come.”

After saying that, Feng Yue raised her head to look at Xu Xiuhua, only to see that her face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

“Does this mean that the villagers now know that Shen Mei is someone who can seduce men at such a young age? Do they also know that Shen Lingxue is a bastard who doesn’t even know who her father is?

Xu Xiuhua only felt that she had completely lost all of her old faces. In the future, she wouldn’t be able to go out and see anyone.

Such a character was married to her third son.

“I don’t want to live anymore. The face of our old Ji family has been completely lost by this woman’s surname Shen. When I die, how can I have the face to see your Father!” Xu Xiuhua slapped her thigh and cried.

Ji Jianjun listened from the side, he couldn’t help but frown and say, “Do you regret it now? I didn’t agree with Jianguo and Yuanyuan’s mother’s divorce back then. You were so happy at that time. Yuanyuan’s Mother is such a good person. She’s capable and well-behaved, but you don’t like her at all.”

Everyone present knew why Xu Xiuhua didn’t like Li Xu.

It was none other than Xu Xiuhua felt that her third son was a university student with high social status and should be a match for the daughter of a wealthy family in the city.

In the end, he found Li Xu, a country girl who graduated from high school. She was just unwilling to accept it.

Xu Xiuhua sighed. When she thought of Li Xu, she finally felt a trace of regret in her heart.

At that time, although Li Xu could not help much with her career, she did not need Jianguo to do any work in the fields or at home. Jianguo stayed in the unit obediently and handed over 100 to 200 yuan to her every month.

Now, things were great. Although Jianguo had made a lot of money, he had not taken money from his family for more than half a year.

She knew that it was all because of Shen Mei, this b*tch, who had instigated him.

Soon, it was Saturday. Early in the morning, Li Yong rode on Li Xu’s tricycle and took Ji Zixuan and Ji Zi’ang back to their hometown.

Li Xu rode on Li Yong’s bike and went with Zhang Kun to take Ji Yuanyuan to Zhang Kun’s hometown.

The two of them had discussed this beforehand. If they were to bring all three of their children There, they were afraid that the elderly would have a headache from the noise, and they were also afraid that the elderly would feel uncomfortable looking at them.

Yuanyuan was well-behaved and had a sweet mouth. She might be able to make them happy.

Therefore, Ji Yuanyuan was just a tool person when they went to Zhang Kun’s house this time.

Zhang Kun’s house was not far from the county town. Besides his parents, there was also a younger brother and a younger sister in the house. Both of them were already married.

The younger sister married into the neighboring village and gave birth to a daughter. The younger brother had already lived separately and given birth to a son.

Along the way, Zhang Kun told Li Xu about the situation at home so that Li Xu could have some idea.

Ji Yuanyuan was on Zhang Kun’s bicycle. Hearing Zhang Kun’s words, she felt a little more at ease.

Zhang Kun had a younger brother, and the younger brother had a son, so the chances of Zhang Kun’s parents agreeing to this matter were a little higher.

The three of them soon arrived at Zhang Kun’s parents’ house. The three red brick houses in a village were considered grand in this era.

From afar, they could see a pair of old people waiting at the door. The two old people had amiable expressions. They held cattail leaf fans in their hands and fanned them from time to time. When they saw Zhang Kun, their faces broke into smiles.

“This is Little Xu, right? Do you feel hot? Go inside and drink some water.” Zhang Kun’s mother, Wang Yuechu, quickly came forward. She held Li Xu’s hand with one hand and fanned Li Xu with the cattail leaf fan with the other hand.

Li Xu supported the bicycle and took the gifts down, although she was a little shy, she said generously, “Uncle, Aunt, this is my first time here. I don’t know what you like to eat, so I just took a few random things, please don’t mind it.”

Wang Yuechu hurriedly called Zhang Kun’s father, Zhang Dali, “What are you waiting for? Hurry up and take it.”

Zhang Dali was a simple and honest farmer. He hurriedly came over to take the things in Li Xu’s hands.

The two of them chatted for a while, and the things were still taken by Zhang Dali.

Wang Yuechu hurriedly looked at Ji Yuanyuan again, and her eyes lit up, “This is Yuanyuan, right? Kun told me before that she’s a smart child.”

“Hello, Grandpa, hello, Grandma!” Ji Yuanyuan hurriedly pulled out a sweet smile, “Uncle Zhang has also often told me about Grandpa and Grandma. He said that Grandpa and Grandma are all very, very good people.”

After Zhang Kun set up the bicycle, he naturally carried Ji Yuanyuan down from the bicycle.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yuechu suddenly thought of something and her eyes turned red.

She couldn’t help but nod, “Okay, okay, hurry up and go inside to drink some water.”

When they entered the house, there were two other people. They were Zhang Kun’s brother and sister. They were preparing food in the kitchen. When they saw Li Xu and Ji Yuanyuan, they looked very enthusiastic.

“Sister, come in and take a seat. The food will be ready soon.” Zhang Kun’s sister, Zhang Yao, stood at the kitchen door and greeted warmly. She looked to be in her mid-twenties. Her face was rosy, but her eyes were very bright.

Zhang Kun’s brother, Zhang Jun, was a little shy. He looked to be in his early twenties. He followed Zhang Yao and called her sister.

Zhang Kun pulled Li Xu into the house. Wang Yuechu poured some water and handed it to Li Xu and Ji Yuanyuan.

Zhang Dali turned on the electric fan at home. The huge fan started to spin over the head, finally bringing a chill to everyone.

It was inevitable that he was a little unfamiliar when he saw Li Xu. He didn’t know what to talk about, so the topic naturally shifted to Ji Yuanyuan.

“Yuanyuan, which grade are you in?”

“Grandma, I’m in the third grade after the summer break.”

“I heard from your Uncle Zhang that your grades are very good, right?”

“Grandma, Uncle Zhang would only praise me if he likes me. I’m not that smart, I only got 13th place in the final exam.”

Zhang Kun listened from the side and quickly explained, “Yuanyuan jumped one grade. Otherwise, she definitely would not have gotten this grade.”

The old couple saw that Ji Yuanyuan was generous and polite and that she was smart and modest at such a young age. For a moment, their impression of Li Xu became even better.

For the child to be so good, it must have something to do with her mother’s education.

Lunch was prepared by Zhang Kun’s younger brother and sister. It was very sumptuous, with a total of ten dishes.

The sumptuous dishes were enough to show the importance that the Zhang family attached to Li Xu.

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