Chapter 247: Chapter 246, Liar

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Hu Chunli agreed. “It’s not safe to leave it in the shop. I’ll bring it home every day! I’ll go to your house every few days and give you all the money!”

Li Xu nodded. “Alright then. It’s getting late. Let’s hurry home!”

Li Xu stayed here for two days. On the third day, it was Monday. Zhang Kun had to go to work. There was no one to look after the shop, so Li Xu could only go back.

Hu Chunli got used to it quite fast. Even if she was alone on the third day, she got used to it quite well.

At around six in the morning, she took Yang Jingyi to the shop. She worked while Yang Jingyi slept.

When she was busy until eight o’clock, she took Yang Jingyi to school and had breakfast on the way.

After sending Yang Jingyi off, she returned to work.


After working until ten o’clock, there was nothing to do. She could also sit down and rest for a while. After resting until eleven o’clock, she went to pick Yang Jingyi up for lunch.

After dinner, she still brought Yang Jingyi to the shop. The child had lunch break, so she worked.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, she picked up the child. The mother and daughter stayed until six o’clock before packing up and going home.

Throughout the whole day, it did not delay Yang Jingyi’s school and rest, nor did it delay Hu Chunli’s work.

Hu Chunli was very satisfied with her job.

When she returned home, Hu Chunli did not have time to tidy up. She took the big cash from the past few days and sent it to Li Xu.

Li Xu had also returned home and was cooking in the kitchen. She wiped her hands on her apron and said, “There’s no need to rush. You haven’t eaten yet, right? Why don’t we eat some together?”

Hu Chunli quickly waved her hand. “No need, no need. I’ll go home and eat now.”

Seeing that Hu Chunli was sincerely declining, Li Xu did not stand on ceremony and just said, “Alright, take care on the way.”

Hu Chunli and Yang Jingyi had just left the house when they ran into Zhang Kun who had just returned from work.

The two of them greeted each other before Zhang Kun entered the house.

He put down the things in his hands and said, “My Mother called today.”

Li Xu placed the food on the table and asked casually, “What did she say?”

After asking, she instructed the three children who were waiting on the sofa, “Quickly go to the bathroom and wash your hands. It’s time for us to eat.”

Zhang Kun said, “She said that she had found a good day and suitable for a wedding.”

Li Xu’s hand paused for a moment and asked, “When?”

“February 20th, the 18th day of the third month in the Gregorian calendar,” Zhang Kun said as he looked at Li Xu.

Li Xu’s expression did not change. She only said, “Alright, then let’s inform our relatives and friends to book a few tables at Fuhua Hotel.”

Zhang Kun nodded. Seeing that Li Xu was no longer speaking, his expression was slightly disappointed.

Their voices were neither loud nor soft. Ji Yuanyuan could hear them.

When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Zhang Kun’s disappointed expression.

She stood where she was and pondered for a moment before she roughly understood the reason behind Zhang Kun’s dejected expression.

It did not seem like there was any atmosphere of marriage just by treating her relatives and friends to a meal.

She blinked her eyes and deliberately ran to Li Xu’s side, asking, “Mom, do you guys want to take wedding photos? Can you take one with us as well? We don’t have a family photo yet!”

Li Xu really hadn’t thought of this. After all, she had never worn a wedding dress before.

She had never taken a wedding photo with Ji Jianguo back then. On the day of their wedding, she had only worn a red dress.

She looked at Zhang Kun and asked for his opinion, “Do you still want to take a photo?”

Zhang Kun quickly said, “Yes. It’s not expensive. Why not?”

Li Xu touched her face and felt a little uncomfortable.

After a while, she said, “Alright then, let’s go on Saturday. Let’s do a take a wedding photo and bring the children along. We can also take a family photo!”

Actually, she really wanted to do it.

After being married twice, she couldn’t possibly never wore a wedding dress, right?

If she didn’t do it now, she would definitely regret it when she got older.

Zhang Kun was quite happy. “Alright, 1’11 go and look for a suitable shop tomorrow.”

Li Xu pursed her lips. “I’ll leave it to you then.”

She was a little embarrassed. After saying that, she quickly looked at the children. “Hurry up and eat. After you’re done, go and do your homework!”

The children sat down on their chairs and quietly ate their late dinner.

Ever since Hu Chunli went to the new shop, she had brought Yang Jingyi over every morning. So now, Yang Jingyi did not go to school with Ji Yuanyuan and the others.

The next morning, when Ji Yuanyuan arrived at the classroom, it was only around 8:10 am.

There were only a few people in the classroom. Other than her, everyone else was playing around in the back.

Children of this age were lively and active.

Not long after Ji Yuanyuan sat down, Yang Jingyi also arrived.

She carried her school bag and jumped in, looking rather happy.

She sat down in her seat and tidied up her school bag.

Ji Yuanyuan went over and shared the good news with her. “My parents are going to take wedding photos. They are getting married. You and your mom will be there too.”

Yang Jingyi was also quite happy. “Really? I will definitely be there. Don’t worry!”

Ji Yuanyuan nodded. Suddenly, she felt there was something strange behind them.

She turned around and saw that the children who had been playing around earlier were all huddled together and whispering to each other.

Moreover, their eyes were constantly looking at the two of them. It was obvious that they were the ones talking about them.

Ji Yuanyuan hesitated for a moment, but she still did not care about these things.

She retracted her gaze and continued to talk to Yang Jingyi.

Yang Jingyi was careless and did not notice these things.

“Hey, Yang Jingyi, didn’t you say that your Father is a manager in a big company?” A little boy suddenly came up and stood beside Yang Jingyi.

Ji Yuanyuan frowned. Before Yang Jingyi could say anything, he was the first to speak. “What has it got to do with you?”

The boy suddenly laughed. “Liar, I saw you today. You and your mother are selling vegetables outside our neighborhood. Your Mother is just a vegetable seller. You still have the nerve to say that your Father is a manager? Liar!”

After the boy finished speaking, the group of children behind him started to jeer, “Liar! Liar, Liar…”

Yang Jingyi was so angry that her face turned red, but she could not say a word.

She was not lying!

Her Father was indeed the manager of the company, but her parents were divorced now.

Compared to the title of liar, she did not want her classmates to know that her parents were divorced.

If that happened, everyone would feel sorry for her.

She was not pitiful!

“What’s wrong with selling vegetables? Don’t any of you eat vegetables? If you’re so capable, why don’t you tell your family not to buy Jingyi’s Mother’s vegetables?” Ji Yuanyuan stood up and said coldly.

“Jingyi’s Father is the manager. I can testify. Who said that her Father is the manager and her mother can’t Work? Her Father and Mother earn money together to support her. Are you jealous? Her Mother sells vegetables to earn money that your whole family might not be able to match!”

Ji Yuanyuan’s words poked people’s lungs.

The smile on the boy’s face gradually disappeared..

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