216 Chapter 215, This Was Karma

Li Xu was not in the mood to care about him. She said to Li Lei, “Let’s have lunch here. After lunch, I’ll go get the money. You take it back.”

Li Lei and Meng Xiaoning did not decline. After eating at Li Xu’s place, Meng Xiaoning helped watch the shop while Li Xu took Li Lei to the bank to get the money.

On the other side of Qili village, Li Yong and Li Miao laboriously moved the remaining two baskets of tomatoes from the truck.

It was already past twelve o’clock. If this was a normal day, the gathering would have long dispersed.

However, it was the end of the year, and everyone was rushing to the gathering. Therefore, even though it was past twelve o’clock, there were still quite a number of people at the gathering.

After unloading the tomatoes from the truck, Li Yong placed them one by one neatly in front of him, ready to be picked.

Li Miao sat at the side, her expression somewhat dull.

She was exhausted!

Early this morning, in order to get a good seat, the brother and sister woke up early.

The seats in the market were fixed. The stall owners had paid for them. So they, as outsider stall owners, could not enter.

But the seats outside were different. It was first come first serve.

The two of them were lucky today. When they came, there was no one around, so they took a very good seat.

Therefore, the business today was very good. They had brought more than twenty baskets of tomatoes, and they were about to sell them all.

It was their first time doing this, so the two of them didn’t dare to ask for more. It was 55 cents per kilogram.

“Go inside and buy some steamed buns, fried dough sticks, or something. The two of us can buy some to cushion our stomachs first. We’ll eat when we get home.” Li Yong took out a few pieces of change and handed them to Li Miao.

They had only come in the morning after eating. It had been six or seven hours, and Li Yong was really hungry.

Although Li Miao didn’t want to move at all, she still forced herself to stand up. She took the money in her hand and slowly walked inside.

Li Miao only felt as if there were two big iron balls tied to her feet. She couldn’t move her feet no matter how hard she tried.

She walked in muddleheaded and accidentally bumped into a person.

The person was a child, the things in her hands scattered all over the ground after she bumped into her.

Li Miao came back to her senses and quickly squatted down to help the child pick up the things. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Auntie didn’t do it on purpose. Where are your parents?”

The child kept her head down, but Li Miao did not notice anything unusual.

Soon, a middle-aged woman in her thirties came running over from behind. She was holding the hand of a little boy who was about the same age as Ji Zixuan.

The woman ran over and scolded, “What’s wrong with you? Can’t you see where you’re going? Did you felt wronged to carry a little something?”

At first, Li Miao thought that the woman was scolding her. But as she listened, she felt that something wasn’t right. The woman seemed to be scolding the little girl in front of her.

Li Miao quickly explained, “Big Sister, I’m really sorry. It’s my fault…”

Li Miao stopped mid-sentence when the little girl in front of her looked up.

She had never thought that the little girl was actually Shen Lingxue.

Li Miao found it difficult to associate the person in front of him with the Shen Lingxue that she remembered.

In the past, Shen Lingxue always wore a clean dress and small leather shoes. At that time, her face always had a loathsome arrogance, as if she was some little princess.

But now…

Li Miao looked Shen Lingxue up and down. She was wearing a black cotton-padded jacket that did not fit her. The cotton-padded jacket was so dirty that it was hard to look at. It was oily and slippery. She was wearing a pair of gray cotton pants on the bottom which was mended at the lower part. And wearing a pair of black cotton shoes. It was obvious at a glance that the shoes she wore were too big. Who know whose shoes she had picked up?

Her long hair from before had been cut short. At this moment, it was piled up messily on her head. Her small face was no longer as white and tender as before. It was red and wrinkled.

The woman was quite mean to Shen Lingxue. However, she waved her hand generously to Li Miao. “It’s fine. It’s fine.”

Li Miao smiled and handed the thing in her hand to Shen Lingxue.

Shen Lingxue looked at Li Miao and gritted her teeth.

Li Miao was shocked by the look in her eyes.

This did not look like a child’s eyes. They were filled with hatred and resentment.

Seeing that Shen Lingxue did not take it, the woman reached out and slapped her on the head. “Are you stupid? Quickly pick them up and follow me home.”

The little boy also chimed in, “Hurry up, I’m starving to death.”

The woman treated the little boy with a completely different expression. She said with heartache, “We’re going home now. Mom will buy you a bun later, eat this first.”

Seeing that Shen Lingxue did not take it, Li Miao could only pass the things in her hand to the woman again.

The woman took it while swearing. Li Miao nodded and turned to leave.

“Are you mute or blind? I asked you to carry these things, didn’t you hear me?” The woman continued to curse.

The corners of Li Miao’s lips twitched, and she did not even turn her head.

To be honest, if it was an unfamiliar little girl, she might feel a little heartache.

But this person was Shen Lingxue. For the things that the mother and daughter had done in the past, it was only right for them to suffer so much now.

She could not sympathize with Shen Lingxue.

Even when she saw that Shen Lingxue was not doing well, she actually felt a faint sense of joy.

At that time, this mother and daughter pair were so proud!

But now? Shen Mei had died, and the Shen family took her pension, yet they treated her daughter this way.

What was this called? This was karma!

Thinking of this, Li Miao could not help but smile.

Li Xu had already told the Li family about Shen Mei’s car accident. She had only omitted the part where she had been threatened.

Li Miao suddenly felt that her legs were no longer sore, and her body was no longer tired. She went briskly to buy a few steamed buns and fried dough sticks before bringing them back to their original spot.

“Second Brother, guess who I saw just now?” Li Miao handed the steamed bun to Li Yong and asked with a smile.

Li Yong took the steamed bun and finished one in two or three bites.

With the steamed bun in his mouth, he asked vaguely, “Who is it?”

“Shen Lingxue!” Li Miao did not keep him in suspense and said directly.

Hearing this name, Li Yong choked for a moment. He raised his hand and patted his chest with all his might before reluctantly swallowing the steamed bun in his mouth.

“Why are you mentioning her? What bad luck!” Li Yong rolled his eyes.

“When I met her, she was with a woman. She was probably Shen Mei’s family. She didn’t treat her well at all. She was dressed like a beggar, and that woman was still cursing at her.”

“Serves her right!” Li Yong sneered and said.

The brother and sister were both in a good mood when they found out that Shen Lingxue wasn’t doing well.

For people who had hurt their elder sister, the worse the other party’s life was, the happier they would be.

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