100 Chapter 99, Surprise

Zhang Kun did not see Li Xu. He looked around and saw that she was busy in the kitchen. He opened the black plastic bag in his hand and said, “Thank you for your hard work today. Uncle Zhang bought ice cream.”

Seeing this, Ji Zi’ang’s eyes lit up, “Uncle Zhang, you’re the best.”

Cold food made people prone to diarrhea, so Li Xu did not buy ice cream for them in the summer.

Zhang Kun reached out and took out green ice cream. He then handed the rest to Ji Zi’ang, “Take it and share it with your Brother, Sister, and Aunt.”

“Thank you, Uncle Zhang.”

“Thank you, Brother-in-law.”

The children and Li Miao spoke almost at the same time.

Zhang Kun took the green ice cream into the kitchen.

“Why are you here? Go out and help them count the money,” Li Xu said with a chuckle.

Zhang Kun didn’t say anything. He just tore open the packaging of the ice cream and put it in Li Xu’s mouth, “Come, take a bite!”

Li Xu looked down and shook her head, “I don’t eat this stuff. Take it out and give it to Yuanyuan and the others.”

Who wouldn’t like to eat ice cream in summer?

Zhang Kun knew that Li Xu was reluctant to eat it, so he immediately put the ice cream on Li Xu’s lips, “They all got one. This is specially reserved for you.”

The ice cream was already on her lips, so Li Xu had no choice but to take a bite.

The ice-cold ice cream slid down her throat as if her whole body had become refreshed.

Li Xu Sighed in satisfaction and said, “You can eat the rest.”

Zhang Kun handed the ice cream over again, “Take it and eat it yourself.”

Li Xu hesitated for a moment, then wiped her right hand on the apron and took the ice cream.

Zhang Kun pushed Li Xu to the side and took the bowl from the sink, “You can go out, I’ll wash it.”

Li Xu hurriedly said, “Leave it, I’ll wash it after eating.”

Zhang Kun was about to say something when Ji Zi’ang rushed in excitedly, “Mom, we’ve calculated it. We made a total of 118 Yuan today!”

Zhang Kun was surprised, “So much!”

Ji Zi’ang raised his head proudly, “Of course, we even sold it at a discount price today. If we sold it at the original price, there would be even more!”

“My silly Son, if we sold it at the original price, why would there be so many people buying it? When the event is over, the turnover will definitely not be this high.”

However, Li Xu was already very satisfied.

She had earned a month’s rent!

Li Miao tidied up the entire money and placed it in the drawer of Li Xu’s bedroom. The change was then put back into a plastic bag, ready to be brought to the shop the next day.

Zhang Kun stayed here for a while before leaving.

The activities in Li Xu’s shop lasted for a total of three days, and the turnover for these three days was getting lower and lower.

On the fourth day, the activities ended. After the whole day, the turnover was only around fifty yuan.

However, even so, Li Xu was very satisfied.

Compared to the market, it was much better. Moreover, there was at least a fan blowing in the shop, which was always more comfortable than the market.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Li Miao went back.

On the fifth day, only Li Xu was left in the shop.

Seeing that school would start in less than a month and the shop had stabilized, Li Xu ordered the three children to do their homework at home.

The whole morning was relatively relaxing. After closing the door for a while in the afternoon and hurriedly making food for the children, she was about to take the food to the shop when there was a knock on the door.

Li Xu was busy with her hands, so she ordered Ji Zi’ang, “Zi’ang, open the door and see who it is.”

Ji Zi’ang answered and ran to the door barefooted to open it.

Li Xu mumbled helplessly, “Put on your slippers, it’s cold on the floor…”

“Aiya, I know, Mom, don’t… Grandpa Qin?” Before Ji Zi’ang could finish his sentence, his eyes widened and his voice became louder.

Qin Junshan panted lightly and said with a smile, “How is it? Are you surprised to see Grandpa Qin?”

Ji Zi’ang stuck his head out and looked behind him, “Grandpa Qin, Uncle Qin and Auntie Cheng aren’t here? Why are there only you and Brother Mucheng?”

Standing at the door were only Qin Junshan, Qin Mucheng, and Qin Xiaomin.

Behind them, Li Xu had already come out. She was also a little surprised to see Qin Junshan, “Uncle, come in and have a seat.”

When Ji Yuanyuan saw Qin Junshan coming over, she quickly ran to the kitchen to get some water.

Qin Xiaomin and Qin Mucheng supported Qin Junshan on his left and right as they entered the house.

After Qin Junshan sat down, he answered Ji Zi’ang, “Your Uncle Qin and Auntie Cheng were busy, but Mucheng and I missed you guys, so we came over.”

Ji Zi’ang suddenly chuckled and looked at Qin Mucheng, “Don’t tell me that Brother Mucheng missed Yuanyuan?”

Ji Yuanyuan, who was carrying water out of the kitchen: …

She looked at Ji Zi’ang with a fake smile. What was this guy thinking?

He wasn’t smart when he should be, but he becomes smart when he shouldn’t be.

She brought the water forward and placed the tea in front of Qin Junshan, “Grandpa Qin, you must be tired. Hurry up and drink some water to moisten your throat.”

Qin Mucheng obediently sat at the side of Qin Junshan and looked at Ji Yuanyuan with eager eyes.

Ji Yuanyuan smiled at him, “You have some too. I’ll go and get it for you now.”

After she said that, she turned around and ran back to the kitchen, bringing out another glass of water.

Li Xu followed her and poured a cup for Qin Xiaomin as well.

After coming out, Qin Junshan had already drunk the water.

His eyes lit up, “This water is delicious and sweet. It seems that this place is really a good place. The quality of the water in B City is far inferior to this place.”

Qin Xiaomin was also from S City. After taking a sip, she said somewhat strangely, “Why is the water at our place not as good as yours? It’s really strange.”

Ji Yuanyuan thought for a moment and said, “Aunt Qin, your house is far from mine. It’s normal for there to be differences.”

The water they drank was from a spiritual spring. Naturally, the water from other places could not compare to it.

Qin Junshang was also thirsty. He raised his head and drank up the water in a few mouthfuls.

Ji Yuanyuan’s eyes lit up as he looked at him, “Grandpa Qin, are you still going to drink? I’ll pour it for you again, okay?”

Qin Junshan, who was already full, looked at Ji Yuanyuan’s expectant gaze and could only say without conscience, “Grandpa does still not have enough.”

Ji Yuanyuan hurriedly reached out to take the cup from Qin Junshan’s hand, “Grandpa, I’ll take it for you.”

“Then I’ll have to trouble Yuanyuan, “Qin Junshan said with a smile.

Ji Yuanyuan shook her head, “It’s not troublesome at all.”

It would be better if he drank more. Only by drinking more could his body get better.

Qin Junshan drank three cups in a row before Ji Yuanyuan finally stopped.

Although the spirit spring water was good, drinking too much of it could fill people to death.

Seeing that Ji Yuanyuan no longer fed him water, Qin Junshan secretly heaved a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

After pausing for a moment, Qin Junshan looked at Qin Xiaomin, “Xiaomin, I’ll have to trouble you to make another trip to bring the things upstairs.”

Hearing that, Li Xu hurriedly said politely, “Xiaomin, don’t go and bring them up. Uncle, I’m already very happy that you guys can come. What’s the point of bringing anything up?”

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