The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 68 - Chapter 68: Chapter 68 You Know So Much l

Chapter 68: Chapter 68 You Know So Much l

Translator: 549690339

“If I’d known, I would have come to pick earlier.” Xie Ying muttered, then still picked the heaviest and lightest from the remaining blind boxes.

As for the principle, Xie Ying didn’t know, it was all metaphysics.

“Shopkeeper, I’ll buy one too.” Wei Ruo took out her silver, gave it to the shopkeeper, then picked up the nearest box.

Seeing this, Xie Ying leaned into Wei Ruo’s ear and whispered, “Each of us can buy two, take one more to stand a better chance. If you don’t have enough silver, I’ll cover you, don’t worry. Aren’t we going to collaborate in herb farming? I will just cut from your earning.”

Wei Ruo felt Xie Ying’s goodwill. She specifically whispered to her, probably out of fear she would be embarrassed to accept.

“No need, it’s fine, it’s not that I don’t have enough money, but solely because I don’t want to buy two.” Wei Ruo explained.

Xie Ying: “Really?”

Wei Ruo: “Really!”

Xie Ying: “Well, okay then.”

Wei Ruo and Xie Ying paid for the blind boxes, and the shopkeeper took out his register to record their names.

Wei Ruo wrote down her elder brother Wei Jinyi’s name while Xie Ying wrote her elder brother Xie Jue’s name.

After purchasing the items, Wei Ruo and Xie Ying headed west to the city, where there was a separate courtyard of the Xie Family. The yard was beautifully landscaped, with pavilions, towers, artificial hills and ponds.

In Xingshan County, the Xie Family’s compound was definitely among the top-ranked.

The two of them first took a carriage ride for a distance. Upon nearing their destination, Xie Ying suggested that they take a walk to the courtyard, as the scenery along the way was quite good.

Wei Ruo agreed, and she happened to see some Motherwort by the roadside that she planned to pick.

Seeing Wei Ruo plucking while walking, Xie Ying asked what it was.

“This is Motherwort, it helps women a lot. Since they are not being picked here, presumably because they can’t recognize it.” Wei Ruo explained.

Most ordinary people had limited knowledge of herbs, and often overlooked them as ordinary grass.

“Motherwort? What is good for women?” Xie Ying asked further.

“It is…” Wei Ruo was a bit embarrassed, because they had two guards following them a few steps behind.

She leaned into Xie Ying’s ear, and whispered softly, “It helps women with menstrual irregularities and menstrual pain.”

Xie Ying’s face turned red instantly.

“How… How do you know about this…”

“I’m going to grow herbs, so naturally, I need to know the uses and characteristics of each of them.”

“That makes sense. But how much do you know about that matter?” Xie Ying asked curiously.

Xie Ying was the same age as Wei Ruo, both thirteen, and not far from the coming-of-age ceremony. Her mother had already mentioned some things to her, all vaguely, and she was still very confused.

“I probably… know everything. I’ve lived twice, plus studied medicine, it’s hard not to know.”

“Is it very scary?”

“No, you don’t have to worry about it. As long as you take good care of your body, there won’t be any problems. When the time comes, you just let me know, and I’ll teach you how to make easy-to-use menstrual belts.” Wei Ruo said.

“You… How could you say such a thing?”

Mentioning menstrual belts, even the usually carefree Xie Ying couldn’t help but to feel a little embarrassed.

“We are both girls, there’s nothing wrong with discussing these matters. Moreover, it’s a normal phenomenon that will happen sooner or later. It’s better to clearly understand it, than spoiling your health because of too little understanding. People often fear things because they don’t understand enough. We need to understand rationally and objectively, rather than avoiding it blindly.” Wei Ruo explained.

Wei Ruo’s remarks left Xie Ying stunned.

“Strange, you’re the same age as me, but why does it sound like you’re giving a lecture sometimes?” Xie Ying looked at her curiously, her expression also mixed with a bit of admiration.

She had rarely admired peers, and Wei Ruo was the first.

“The books have a house of gold, the more you read, the more you learn.” Wei Ruo attributed the reason to reading.

“What kind of books do you read? The books in my house, except for the military ones, are all very boring. Even the military books are boring to read. It’s only interesting when grandfather told me about them, and now the stories from Mr. Wang are also quite good, on par with my grandfather’s.”

As she spoke, Xie Ying also started to help Wei Ruo pick Motherwort.

They chatted, laughed and had already picked a large bunch of Motherwort.

At this time, Xiumei approached and whispered to Wei Ruo, “Miss, there’s a shady figure lurking around in the woods over there, he’s been following us for a long time, doesn’t look like a good person.”

The road to their villa adjoined a stream on one side and a mountain on the other, with shrubs and weeds flanking the two sides. Wei Ruo and her entourage were looking for Motherwort among the weeds.

The suspicious person that Xiumei mentioned was in the nearby woods by the road.

Xie Ying also looked in that direction, but the bushes blocked her view. She could vaguely see a figure moving, but couldn’t see the person’s face clearly.

“This guy chooses to walk in the woods instead of the road, which is definitely unusual! Moreover, further down this road, there’s only my family’s villa, there’s no reason for meandering people to wander here!” Xie Ying was certain.

If even Xie Ying said so, then this person was truly very suspicious.

“Meimei, are you confident?” Wei Ruo asked.

“Yes! Miss, don’t worry, I will subdue him as soon as he gets close!” Xiumei replied confidently.

“Okay, let’s then pretend to be unsuspecting.” Wei Ruo said.

Therefore, Wei Ruo and Xie Ying pretended not to know and continued to pick Motherwort, while Xiumei found a good ambush location.

Indeed, the shadowy person came down from the mountain and was about to pass through the wilderness.

Xiumei seized the opportunity, sprang up quickly, and grasped the man with a holding technique.

The man immediately resisted, waved his fist back at Xiumei, Xiumei dodged and swept the man to the ground with a sweeping kick.

The man’s face was down, his face intimately contacted the weeds on the ground.

As he was about to lift his head, Ximei kneeled on the man’s back, her hands grasped the man’s hands from behind, subduing him completely.

“Meimei, give him a punch!” ordered Wei Ruo.

Xiumei’s fist then landed on the man’s back.

The man struggled to lift his head and cried out for mercy, “Don’t, don’t… it’s…it’s me!”

“Wait…” Xie Ying ran up to stop Xiumei, “Ruoruo, he seems to be my elder brother!”

“Your… your brother?” Wei Ruo blinked in surprise.

The man subdued by Xiumei, Xie Jue, struggled to lift his head a little higher so

that they could see his face, “It’s…it’s me… little sister, it’s me….”

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