The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 65 - Chapter 65: Chapter 65 The Contest Between Senior and

Chapter 65: Chapter 65 The Contest Between Senior and

Junior Disciples_l

Translator: 549690339

“A protective amulet,” Xiumei replied.

“Did you have it made especially for me?” Xu Zhengyong asked, chuckling.

“Yes, this is just a little show of sisterly concern for my junior apprentice brother,” Xiumei replied with a touch of pride.

Since the person who taught Xiumei martial arts is the same one who taught Xu Zhengyong, indeed, they both hail from the same mentor.

“I am your senior apprentice brother, and you are my junior sister!” Xu Zhengyong rebutted.

Their argument over seniority had persisted for years. Each one refuses to admit being junior to the other and each always striving to be perceived as the elder one.

Xiumei: “I pledged to our master first, while you did afterward, so naturally, I am your senior whilst you are my junior.”

Xu Zhengyong: “I was the first one to start learning from Master, and you are the later one, so obviously, I am your senior and you are my junior!”

Xiumei: “What good is it to be the first to follow if the succession can only be determined by the pledging ceremony! Following the master around doesn t count!”

Xu Zhengyong: “I am older than you! You are of the same age as Ruoruo, and since Ruoruo calls me Brother Xiaoyong, I am certainly your senior apprentice brother!”

Wei Ruo and the Xu family couple were already used to their bickering over seniority.

in the past, they used to quarrel almost monthly. Recently, due to fewer occasions for them to meet, they took a break from their lack of consideration.

Everyone laughed it off.

After a while, amazingly, Xiumei admitted defeat. “All right, you are going to the army. If you manage to come back alive, I will admit you entered the mentorship before me, and I will address you as my senior.

Upon hearing these words, Xu Zhengyong, who would have normally jumped for joy, fell silent. He shed his playful smile and turned unusually serious.

“Are you afraid, I won’t make it back?”

“If you don’t return, you will forever be my junior brother!” Huffed Xiumei as she turned her head away before returning to Wei Ruo’s side.

Xu Zhengyong came back as well, a smile on his face, and the purse Xiumei had given him tucked in his clothes.

“Xiumei’s gift has been given, now it’s my turn.” Wei Ruo had also prepared a parting gift for Xu Zhengyong.

Wei Ruo placed a small wooden box on the table. Inside were several small porcelain bottles.

“These all contain common medicines. Each is labeled, so take the corresponding one when needed,” Wei Ruo said.

Xu Zhengyong glanced at the bottles and said, “Ruoruo, your handwriting is still horrible, isn’t it?”

“You’ve got nerve to say that about me!” Wei Ruo retorted.

Xu Zhengyong rubbed his nose, “No, no, I didn’t. I dare not criticize you. Your handwriting, Ruoruo, has its charm. It’s uniquely adorable in its ugliness!’ “One more word and you won’t get them!” Threatened Wei Ruo as she closed the box, as if to take it away.

Xu Zhengyong quickly stepped forward, grabbing the box.

“I’ll take them! I’ll take them! How could I not want a gift from Ruoruo? Even if

I never use them, I’ll carry them with me, hehe!”

Xiumei rolled her eyes at Xu Zhengyong: “You disgrace.

Xu Zhengyong responded by sticking out his tongue at Xiumei.

Then, Wei Ruo personally went to the kitchen to make everyone some yak milk tea.

Wei Ruo rarely cooks, it is usually Xiumei, except during get-togethers with their wet nurse’s family.

Using this opportunity, the wet nurse handed Wei Ruo the revenue and account books from Four Treasure House for the past two months.

The income used to be reported every three months or six months, but since Wei Ruo has stationed herself at the Military Prefecture, the wet nurse feels it better to supply Wei Ruo with more money in these tough times. Most of the savings Wei Ruo had were used up recently in buying Xiaoyang Mountain. “Miss, these are 300 taels of silver, representing the past three months’ revenue from the Four Treasure House in Huzhou Prefecture and the earnings of the newly opened Four Treasure House here in Xingshan during its two-month operation. It also includes the revenue from selling sweet potato vines and leaves and last year’s stock of dried sweet potatoes,” the wet nurse handed Wei Ruo the silver.

Income from two branches of Four Treasure House came in faster than from a single one.

The revenue from the Four Treasure House in Xingshan County was slightly less than the one in Huzhou Prefecture since Xingshan is the poorer area.

The income from the sale of sweet potato leaves and last year’s dried sweet potato stock was much less in comparison to the first two sources.

However, Wei Ruo didn’t mind the small margin. She believes any earnings should be welcomed regardless of how minimal the profit. Besides, it also serves as preparation for the high yield of sweet potatoes later on.

After that day, Xu Zhengyong reported to the army.

For a time, he lost contact with both the Xu family and Wei Ruo.

Throughout these days, aside from attending lessons at the Xie Family, Wei Ruo was busily planning her next money-making scheme.

The work in the south of the city was going smoothly, and with the wet nurse in charge, developments on Xiaoyang Mountain also progressed as Wei Ruo had anticipated with no issues arising.

Wei Ruo’s medicinal herb field, which she operates with Xie Ying, was thriving with the help of Lady Xie.

They successfully acquired an inexpensive and slightly inferior piece of land in the south of the city from the government office.

Magistrate Qian, in order to uphold his fairness, gave away better pieces of land free to impoverished families that don’t own land.

On the other hand, land with worse conditions was available for purchase at low prices, far cheaper than cultivable lands to the north of the city. The plot which Xie Ying and Wei Ruo jointly purchased only costed them five taels of silver, yet it was all of ten acres.

Therefore, the cost of the land was not significant. Labor costs and improvement costs are what ramp up the price but with the sturdy support of Lady Xie, they didn’t need to worry about that aspect.

Only after partnering with Xie Ying did Wei Ruo discover that Lady Xie’s maiden home belongs to a wealthy merchant family. Lady Xie’s dowry was a whopping 128 taels of silver plus several pieces of land and lots of property located in prosperous areas, all of which earn a handsome amount annually. Although Lady Xie comes from a merchant family, she commands great respect in her husband’s family.

Right after Lady Xie married into the Xie family, they were going through a tough financial time. Lady Xie used her dowry to support the household, helping the Xie family through their difficult days.

Therefore, now that the Xie family is prospering, no one in the family had any reservations about Lady Xie’s merchant origins, and her husband had never contemplated taking a concubine.

Of course, Wei Ruo couldn’t let down the trust of the Xie mother and daughter. She meticulously arranged all aspects of cultivation, from seeding to maintenance, and prevention of pests and diseases, sharing every bit other knowledge.

Xie Ying was highly enthusiastic about the project. Recently, every time she saw Wei Ruo, she wanted to discuss the herb field with her.

This zeal made Wei Ruo somewhat miss the aloof Xie Ying of the past. You used to ignore me in the past but nowadays you seem to be glued to me. With the flourishing operation of the medicinal herb field, a lot of people became curious and some households even thought of following suit like the Xie family.

After all, the land to the south is cheap, and the county government is promoting land improvement techniques. They could also jointly cultivate hke the Xie family. Who doesn’t want more land and grain?

Yun’s family also harbored these thoughts. After all, this improvement technique was introduced by their Wei Ruo, it only made sense for them to benefit from it..

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