The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1099: Side story: something happened

Chapter 1099: Side story: something happened

Jedrek gave Lilac a rub on her back to ease her pain, since their child was very active at night and most of the time would give his mate a hard time while sleeping.

This affected Lilac's sleeping time. She would sleep when the sun peeked from behind the horizon until it shone brightly in the middle of the day or through the whole day, and then wake up at night.

However, Lilac had never complained about this. She loved it when their child kicked her and moved around, creating bumps all over her stomach.

At first, they were concerned about how active their child was until the healer from their pack, who came from their realm, but now staying with them in this castle like house, said that it was normal for having an active baby.

Both mother and baby were very healthy. Only after hearing this, did they start enjoying such moments as they couldn't wait to see him. To welcome him into this world…

He would be a strong child and Jedrek could feel it.

"Feel better?" Jedrek asked Lilac when his mate snuggled closer to him and kissed his chin. "Do you crave something?"

Well, though this was the last month of the pregnancy, but somehow Lilac still craved for something, maybe it was her way of asking to be spoiled, or it was indeed a craving that she felt, but either way Jedrek didn't mind it at all.

He was more than happy and felt proud when he could provide anything that his mate and child wanted.

Even the most ridiculous thing like; having a warm house party for the second time because Lilac wanted to see Raine and Hope again.

Jedrek was not thrilled to see his brothers for a second time this week, but seeing how happy Lilac was to be able to meet Hope and Raine again, also their children, the king brushed off his irritation and tried be happy for his mate.

"Hm," Lilac purred against his neck when Jedrek's warm palm caressed her stomach. "I feel bad for making you stay up all night with me," she said softly.

"Don't say something like that, I am more than happy to have some interaction with my firstborn, though he is not here yet," he said dreamily, while imagining how his son would look like. It would be better if he got Lilac's temper rather than his, as he was not really proud of his character.

Having Lilac's appearance would be good too, though he was a boy. Well, Jedrek would never complain…

For now, Jedrek felt his life was complete, with his mate by his side and their child, it was the epitome of happiness that he had never felt for the past few years.

"So, I am not annoying when I asked for some absurd thing?" Lilac raised her head and peeked through her long lashes, as their eyes met.

"Absolutely not," Jedrek appeased her worry, as he leaned over to kiss her small nose. Lilac didn't look like she gained weight at all. The only thing that indicated that she was pregnant was only her big baby bump. Aside from that, she didn't show any significant changes.

In the beginning, it concerned both of them. Lilac thought there was something wrong with her, but only when the healer just laughed it off and said there was nothing to be worried, could she sigh in relief, especially when it showed there was nothing wrong during the pregnancy.

"Really? Even when I asked something ridiculous? I am not annoying?" Lilac confirmed this again.

"No, you are not," Jedrek assured her. "To me, your requests were not annoying at all."

Lilac grinned widely when she heard Jedrek's words. They were very pleasant to her ears. "Then, can I ask for an apple? But I want it to be cut in rabbit shape…"

Jedrek: "…"


Lilac woke up when she felt there was someone near her because of the hushed voices, indicating that she was not alone and it was most likely not Jedrek.

At first, the bright sun light which hit her eyes made her let out a small groan, as she tried to regain her consciousness.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty…" Hope jumped to the spot beside Lilac and this made Raine shriek before she reprimanded her for her recklessness.

"Don't do that, you almost made my heart stop, what if you missed and hurt her!" Raine scolded her, but Hope just laughed lightly.

"Of course that will never happen," Hope said smugly. "I have excellent body coordination." And then she glanced at Lilac beside her, who didn't bother with this small ruckus, as she rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned. "Moreover, she was lying still like a dead log, there is no way I will hurt her."

Raine just grumbled when she heard that. She knew that Hope wouldn't hurt Lilac, as she jumped a bit far from her spot, but still, seeing the way she jumped just now, made her heartbeat accelerate very fast.

Even though she had twins now, but her behavior didn't change in the slightest. She was still very lively and reckless like she used to be. Well, that was not entirely a bad thing…

"What time is it?" Lilac asked in her hoarse voice as she propped herself up and leaned against the headboard of the bed.

"You have slept through an entire morning and afternoon," Hope generously informed her and helped Lilac in tidying up her long hair, while Raine sat down on her other side.

"We have been here for hours, waiting for you to wake up," Raine said, giving a glass of water for Lilac, so that she could feel refreshed after her long sleep.

"Yes, you are the one, who invited us, but it was Jedrek who we met," Hope complained.

"Where is he?" Lilac looked around her and didn't find her mate. She was still in their bedroom and knew it was a little bit hard for anyone to make Jedrek step out of the room while she was still sleeping.

Little did anyone know that Jedrek was quite overprotective of Lilac and their baby.

"He is in the front yard with our mates and children," Raine answered her and then she too leaned against the headboard after putting the empty glass on the nightstand.

Lilac was surprised that they left the three of them alone, even letting them look over the kids. "Do you think it is safe to leave them be?"

Raine and Hope laughed at Lilac's question.

It was true that leaving the three Donovans alone was quite worrying, as the last time they reunited, they didn't stop bickering.

"Actually, the children will keep them behaved," Raine said gleefully, while Hope started laughing.

"The children will indeed keep them occupied, keep them busy just to start an argumentation, so it was very safe to leave them alone," Hope chimed in.

Lilac laughed, she could imagine how those powerful lycan would look while babysitting the children without their mothers, because as far as Lilac knew, this never happened before.

"Okay, let's go, I want to see them," Lilac said and moved forward to get off the bed, but then she let out a muffled growl when she felt something wrong with her stomach.

"What happened?" Raine was the first one to notice this. She immediately held Lilac, who held her stomach.

"My stomach hurts," she whined.

"Oh, no! What is happening?" Hope was flabbergasted.

"Call Jedrek to come!" Raine instructed.

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