The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 1060: They killed my mate, raine...

Chapter 1060: They killed my mate, raine...

He watched in horror as Calleb in his beast form, once again roared and howled very fiercely and raised his forelegs which were adorned with extremely sharp claws, in order to shoo away Raine from him, but the guardian angel was too stubborn and determined to stay put.

Torak really couldn't stop worrying about this little mate of his.

How could Raine put herself in harms way like that? Now, Torak could feel his heart beating on the tips of his trembling fingers.

He was afraid that something bad might happen to Raine.

On the other hand, Raine looked like she didn't care about any prominent dangers that were presented before her eyes. She even hugged the danger itself and buried her face defenselessly in the crook of its shoulder.

"Calleb, come back please... Don't you want to see me again?" Raine whispered softly in to his ears, as tears rolled down her cheeks and wetted the beast brown fur.

Raine could feel the growl that was stuck in the beast's throat which caused its body to tremble violently, in order to keep his bloodlust at bay.

The beast wanted to shake off the little creature that was clinging onto him so tightly, but it was also aware that couldn't bear to hurt this girl at the same time.

Something inside him was terrified by the very thought of drawing blood from her petite body, or even as much as leave scratch on her. It was very complicated, adding to her stubborness that didn't allow the beast to break free from her tiny arms.

However, the tenderness in her voice and the warm tears that fell on his fur, helped in calming down the raging turmoil inside the beast slightly.

And now all he could do was letting out a soft whimper.

The beast allowed himself being hugged like this and eventually gave up the thought of breaking himself free from her koala grip as he welcomed the warm fuzzy feeling that was caused by the girl.

"Calleb..." Raine called his name again.

And that was when the beast's body trembled and jolted slightly as everyone could hear the all too familiar cracking sounds from the bones that were being readjusted.

The big beast in Raine's arms, slowly but surely decreased in size and left her with a human body that hugged her back, as he rested his chin on her shoulder and whispered softly in to her ears.

"Yes..." Calleb answered her call and there was nothing more that Raine could wish to hear at this time except for his voice.

The raging beast returned to his human's senses and along with that, the pain also came back in thousand fold crashing over him, as every single miniscule particular of the memories of losing his mate crushed his being , rendering him paralyzed.

Calleb was holding onto the small body of the guardian angel, who was holding him tightly, keeping him in place as his heart was being broken into million shards, while he could no longer take a shelter behind his beast.

Raine pulled him out to the reality and Calleb had to face it.

The calm that kept him masked from this pain was no longer there, as he tried to survive this raw feeling. A wound that cut him so deep that could render Calleb from doing anything aside from crying.

Yes, both his human side and beast side were crying over the loss of their mate, the pain was excruciating and this almost killed them.

It was only the warmth from the guardian angel's body had been able to regain their senses and Calleb tried to focus on it alone, to keep his mind sane.

In that very moment, the night was filled with agonized howls of a human, who was going through hell and back.

Listening to him could literally make one feel his pain and shed tears sorrowfully.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Alpha stopped trying to break down the invisible wall that kept his mate from his reach, because he could see how much his beta needed the guardian angel at this moment.

Even when the wall miraculously disappeared, the Alpha was still standing in the same position and let the night absorb the pain of the lycan.

Calleb needed this moment and Raine could handle him...

Despite what was happening, Torak was very proud of her, because Raine had grown stronger, not only psychaly but psychologically as well.

She was everything that Torak could ask for and he was glad that this perfect soul was his.

Raine was a Luna by nature...

Calleb gritted his teeth when wave after wave of pain crashed over him hard. He could barely breath as each breath that entered his lungs hurt him even more.

"I lost Rossie..." Calleb said and by saying that out loud made everything feel even more real. It was valid. A solid fact that no one could deny. "They killed my mate, Raine... They killed my Rossie..." Calleb whimpered in pain, as he buried his face in the crook of Raine's shoulder.

"I know..." Raine said between her sobs. She caressed his back in soothing motions, but she was not sure if it would be of any help for him.

"They killed my mate, Raine..." Calleb kept repeating those few words again and again, until he poured out what he felt now and it took a really long time for Calleb to recover.

However, he was not alone, because Raine was beside him during the lowest state of his life, to hold him together, forbidding him from falling apart even more.

While Torak and the other creatures stood silently as witnesses for how much destruction could happen to the one who lost the other half of their soul.


Hope was awaken by the howls of the roaring beast from afar. It sounded very painful and she knew where it was coming from.

It was Calleb.

Hope wanted to go and take a look, but her now exhausted body didn't even allow her to open her eyes, especially when Kace wrapped his arms around her body for her to feel the safety that she needed in her mate's embrace...

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