The Laws of Cultivation: Qi = MC^2

Chapter [B3] 44 — The Jade Court

The day of the banquet had arrived in the blink of an eye. Things had been moving rapidly, and now it was time to do the thing that had been the main purpose of my visit. I stood in my chamber, a few servants helping me dress into more ‘proper’ clothing. At least it was comfortable, the clothes crafted from really good materials. It did feel weird, but I had an important position and not dressing properly would look bad on the people I was working with, and reflect poorly on not just me but also the Lord and everyone else with me.

Such was the nature of politics. I couldn’t wait to put it all behind me and go back home. I missed the simplicity of not worrying about all this and just exploding stuff for fun. After I looked proper enough, the servants bowed as they left the chambers, busy with a hundred tasks.

Everyone was moving around and buzzing with energy for the preparations of the banquet. I stood up, looking at myself in a mirror that sat in my chamber. I moved around a little, the regal clothing doesn’t really suiting me all that well, but I could see myself growing into it over time, if I spent enough time here.

I changed my expression, trying to imagine how an arrogant young master would carry himself. Lifting my chin, I put just the barest hint of a frown on my face, straightening my back as if filled to the brim with pride and offended that peasants would dare breathe the same air as me.

The attempt made me chuckle, as I shook my head. Alright, that was enough messing around. I walked around my room, opening the drawer of the table present inside, before pulling out a key. Inserting it at the edge, I slid it into a crack at the corner till I found the keyhole and turned it. The bottom came loose and I opened it to see my weapon of mass destruction sitting innocently inside, packaged in the box it had come in.

I picked the void bomb up, putting it in the pouch at my waist. I don’t know why I was bringing this with me, but I would rather have it on me and not use it than need it and not have it.

Patting my clothes once to make sure I had everything I wanted, I stepped out of the chamber. Everyone else had also gotten ready, and immediately as I stepped out I noticed Ash and Abby walking together, wearing newer items of clothing.

I actually wasn’t sure they could change clothes since the ones the spirit got came with their human forms. Which had always been a little weird to think about. Labby and Ash noticed me and quickly came over.

“Master, how does Labby look?” She asked me, holding up her arms as she showed her dress.

“You look great Labby,” I said with a smile. “You too Ash.”

Ash grunted at me, clearly not very comfortable with his new clothes.

“Let’s go, best not to make anyone wait,” I said, walking out with my spirits. I’d wanted to ask Su Lin if he would accompany me but he’d vanished somewhere before I could ask him, which I suppose was answer enough.

I made my way outside and saw our carriages standing in wait. The lord’s carriage stood at the front looking more pristine than ever, and just behind him was going to be mine. Then, just behind mine would be Yan Yun, Lei, and to my surprise, Zhou Fang, who would not be traveling in the same carriage as his father. But it made sense to an extent. He was neither a lord nor held any other position, so he would not be in the official group of the invites.

I saw the servants all moving about, filling the last carriage with gifts for the Shie matriarch. Given how many officials and lords would be attending I had to wonder just how many gifts would the Matriarch be getting.

Everybody looked busy around me, not just in the manor but outside as well. The entire city had been abuzz with activity, and to an extent that made sense. Today was a big day, with the rise of another Divinity, this was a show of strength. And a celebration to the continued reign and the prosperity of the Azure-Jade empire and the Emperor.

I walked up to my carriage, and took a seat, Ash and Labby following behind me. I looked out the window of the carriage and saw the Old Man walk out alongside the Lord. The Lord looked a little more proper than he always did, but it was the old man who caught my eye. I looked at him in surprise, with his back straight, and regal robes I could see the glimpse of the lord he once used to be.

As the two of them took their seats in the front carriage, the drivers moved the carriages and soon we were off.

Looking down at myself, I began checking my clothes and making sure everything was proper. I’d been taught the etiquettes thoroughly but it was still a bit nerve-wracking. I repeated the words I had been told.

Follow the rules, bow lightly to the guards when entering, and only enter when your name and rank is announced. After arrival bow deeply to the emperor, and then the Shie Matriarch, and lastly the lords.

Simple enough, in theory, but with that many powerful lords, I assumed it was not going to be easy to even just stand should some of them decide to try and test me a little. I’d started getting used to the practices and customs in the capital, and a lot of the politics happened in the probes and checks they made with their presences and aura.

It was impolite for a junior ranked person to speak to someone above them, you spoke when addressed to. Similarly, it was also impolite to keep your presence unchecked.

There were a ton of other things, but I’d more or less understood how to act, and I simply would have to improvise the rest. The carriage clattered on the paved roads as we entered the main streets of the capital that led to the castle.

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As we passed by through the streets, I could see the city, covered in all kinds of decorations, people wearing vibrant clothes and walking all around and being vibrant, the entire place seemed filled with life, more so than it typically did. Which said a lot, since at any moment Azure city already looked quite vibrant and teeming with life.

As we got closer, I could see many other carriages that were also making their way to the palace. But part of the perks of being with one of the lords from the seven celestial peaks was that ours got entry far more easily into the castle grounds. The carriages strolled past the gates and I looked out. I’d been here once before for the Alchemy hall discussions recently, but this was the main entrance of the castle, and far more well built.

Lords and nobles all entered through this place and rows of flowers adorned the pathway, beautifully paved roads leading to a smooth ride. The different buildings and people all around only added to the feeling of the castle grounds being a city of its own, and the decoration for the celebrations were even grander inside, different symbolisms of the azure dragon hanging around, and colored clothes and lines forming beautiful patterns as they hung across buildings. Moving inwards, the decorations began to grow, and soon we passed by the inner walls of the castle grounds, as a beautiful garden blooming with flowers and brimming with spirit plants captivated me from all sides. Spirit animals moved around freely, roaming through the spirit herbs, as Qi filled the air, making my mood feel better just by breathing the air in here.

I had to admit, I was impressed.

A few minutes later we were at the location. There were multiple other carriages present here, and as I stepped out I saw other minor nobles and officials standing around in groups and cliques talking with each other. The Lord stepped out with the old man, and I saw more than a couple people glancing towards him, though none approached him beyond a light bow to acknowledge his presence.

Not as many looked at the old man, but those who did looked in shock that they quickly hid, but not quick enough for me to miss it.

I suppose that was also going to be a thing, wasn’t it? It may have been a long time since the old man was a Lord, but it was not the kind of thing people simply forgot about. Especially when your prodigious grandson ends up becoming the most reviled demon in the history of the empire. Yan Yun and the others stepped out of the carriage as well, some of the noble children striking up conversations with Zhou Fang, and a few even with Yan Yun, but I remained separate from the group. I was here as a Lord, and I needed to maintain an official… something. I wasn’t sure, but I knew I needed to stick around the Lord and wait for my name to be announced.

As we headed to the gates, the crier announced Lord Zhou’s entrance. The old man followed after him, and this time I could audibly hear the murmurs coming from inside. Still, I waited out the gates, before finally the crier began to announce my name as I stepped inside.

“Arriving now, the Baron of Taizhou, Elder of the Divine Tree sect on the seventh peak, and the youngest sage in history as well as the only five fold sage, Sage Lu Jie!”

I winced at the words, before quickly hiding my expression as I stepped in. This time the murmurs and gasps were audible that even a mortal would’ve noticed, people had seemingly stopped even trying to hide their surprise. It did feel a little nice, I had to admit, as I stepped inside, but I also hadn’t really wanted to announce myself as a sage. That had been something I’d been hoping to keep between me, the five families and the alchemy halls… oh well.

I tried to make sure I was doing everything properly, as the emperor raised his hand and silence reigned in the court. Lord Zhou and the old man bowed and I quickly followed along as well.

“It is good to see you, Lord Zhou,” the emperor said.

“I should be saying that instead, your majesty. It is an honor to see you,” the lord said. I had… never heard him speak that politely to anyone. I suppose it made sense that he would do so to the emperor.

The emperor nodded, and I kept my head bowed as he looked towards the old man.

“Sheng Ming… you have returned?” The emperor asked in surprise.

“Just a visit, your majesty. This old man is but a humble alchemist now,” the old man said.

“So you say, but we have heard talks of your disciple,” the man said, and I could feel cold sweat running down my back. Why did every word this man spoke sound like a threat?

“A disciple of alchemy. That is all this humble old fool does. It is the path I have chosen,” the old man said, keeping his head bowed.

The emperor remained silent for a moment that felt like a terribly long time before finally speaking up. “Very well. It is the boy with you, is it not? Raise your head, Lord Jie,” the emperor said.

The words were like a command, similar to what the Shie matriarch had done, and a part of me immediately resisted the words out of sheer instincts. But before I accidentally ended up offending the emperor I raised my head, trying to play off the little shiver in my spirit.

As I raised my head, I finally saw the emperor’s face for the first time. He had a stern looking face, with a thin beard and a powerful build, but it was the eyes. Those five rings within it, the mark of power, the mark of Divinity, these felt complete, absolute, like a herald of true authority stronger than anything else I had ever seen. The man oozed respect and I wanted to bow my head to him despite not being under any command any more. If he were to be thrown on the streets, people would fall onto his feet and still worship him.

It seriously unnerved me. This was unnatural.

“We have heard of you, boy. A no name child rising to the rank of lord, and becoming an elder of a sect. A new Sage as well. Impressive tasks,” the emperor said.

“You are too kind,” I said, bowing my head, trying to play it cool as best as I could.

“We want to ask you this, boy. Who are your fealties to?”

If you could hear silence, this would be the moment. The entire court went quiet, even breaths halting for the briefest of moment, speaking louder than any gasp ever could. I was damn near shitting myself at this point.

What should I say? To the emperor? No, that would be a very obvious lie, it needed to be something subtler. I raised my head as my mind raced, and I felt my heart nearly leap out of my throat, as I spoke words that barely had had any time to properly even form in my mind.

“To the betterment of this empire.”

Silence remained in the court, as the emperor looked at me.

“That pleases us,” the emperor said, and I nearly let out a sigh of relief. “Especially given how you are not from this world.”

I looked up meeting the emperor’s eyes, a slight hint of a smile was on his face as my entire being frozen solid in that moment. Only a single thought remained in my head.


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