Chapter 534: The Terrifying Ocean

Su Chen stood by the seaside, gazing into the ocean of Yan Yun Star.

The sea was calm, so quiet that not even the slightest breeze could be felt. The entire ocean seemed as still as a dead pond, without any movement.

When he first learned that the animals on Yan Yun Star could only survive through breeding, he found it strange.

With no land-based animals left, wouldn't they try to find substitutes in the ocean?

However, it now appeared that there were problems in the ocean as well.

Ju Ling stood by Su Chen's side and relayed the information she had obtained. "There are issues with Yan Yun Star's ocean. Many people once tried to enter the ocean to search for substitutes for land animals, but they found nothing. Furthermore, anyone who entered the ocean never returned, which is why there is no presence of a navy on this planet. Strangely, as long as you don't enter the inner part of the ocean, there are no problems."

"How far is 'inside'?" Su Chen asked.

"On the coast, it seems to extend about five kilometers beyond. Once inside, even a slight touch of seawater can lead to trouble. Here's a record for you to see, Commander."

The next moment, an interface appeared in front of Su Chen. It showed a helicopter hovering in mid-air, with a young man who looked like a rich second-generation holding a fishing rod and casting it into the ocean.

However, in the next moment, a terrifying incident occurred. An unmatched surge of power pulled the rich second-generation and the helicopter into the water, submerging them in the ocean. It created only the slightest ripple.

From the video, it was clear that nothing had appeared in the ocean. So, where had this immense power come from?

Another point was that even if there was something powerful below, it should have only dragged the rich second-generation down. Why had it pulled the entire helicopter down?

In the face of the unknown, Su Chen didn't mind sending his subordinates to investigate.

"Build a seaside base and let the Giant Squid and Dolphin explore."

Under normal circumstances, reaching this location would require a long journey. However, with the guidance of the ruins' stone statue, they would arrive here quickly.

A free teleportation device shouldn't be wasted.

Soon, the Giant Squid and Dolphin were constructed, and they followed Su Chen's instructions, moving in different directions.

Within their line of sight, everything appeared normal. However, when they had moved so far that Su Chen couldn't see them anymore, something strange happened.

In an instant, one of the Dolphins disappeared!

Su Chen hadn't noticed anything, and there were no light spots on the map, indicating that the Dolphin's death wasn't caused by any creature. It might have been some natural phenomenon.

Su Chen used another Dolphin's eyes to look into the ocean. Everything around seemed ordinary, without any apparent danger.

But it was precisely this normalcy that made the ocean's terror stand out. In an ordinary ocean, how could there be no presence of any life?

Yun Ru had already checked the composition of the seawater, and it had a high oxygen content. By all accounts, it should have been capable of supporting various forms of life.

Just as Su Chen was pondering this, he suddenly felt his vision go dark, and his connection with the Dolphin was severed.

"What just happened?" Su Chen furrowed his brow. He hadn't seen anything, yet the Dolphin had died.

Once a unit died, there would be no light spot displayed on the map, and Su Chen had no idea what would happen next.

Su Chen attempted to use a spy satellite to directly show the situation inside the ocean but failed.

This is where a question arose in his mind: how did Lisa and her Warship safely emerge from the ocean?

"Do you know what's wrong with the ocean on Yan Yun Star?" Su Chen called Lisa over.

"The ocean on Yan Yun Star has been a forbidden area for humans since I can remember. Even with Yan Yun Star's technological level, no one has been able to figure out the exact reason for the issues in the ocean. Many scientists believe that the planet's ocean may be cursed," Lisa replied, her eyes showing a hint of fear as she gazed at the ocean before her.

"When you rode the Warship, didn't you feel anything unusual about the ocean?" Su Chen furrowed his brow.

Lisa seemed to recall something and hurriedly said, "At that time, when the Warship emerged from the sea, I was genuinely frightened. After all, everyone knows about the ocean being a restricted zone, and I thought we wouldn't be able to escape. But unexpectedly, the Warship managed to leave the ocean. I was almost scared to death."

Psychic Power confirmed that Lisa was not lying, meaning she genuinely didn't know why the Warship could resist the power of the ocean.

Could it be that the Warship had something special about it?

The only unique factor seemed to be related to the stone statue. The stone statue man might have been one of the original members of the Qiluo Civilization.

If that were the case, the source of the issue likely lay with the Qiluo Civilization.

Su Chen called Taru over again and asked if the Qiluo Civilization had conducted any experiments on the Yan Yun Star's ocean in the past.

"No, why would we research the ocean?," Taru replied directly.

Su Chen caught onto something important. "You didn't know there was a problem with the Yan Yun Star's ocean?"

"What? There's an issue with Yan Yun Star's ocean?" Taru sounded surprised. As far as he remembered when he was created, there hadn't been any issues with the Yan Yun Star's ocean.

Su Chen understood that the ocean's problem must be connected to the Qiluo Civilization, possibly even to the stone statue man.

"If your memory is correct, there's only one possibility: someone from the Qiluo Civilization conducted experiments on the ocean and then destroyed all related data," Su Chen stated confidently.

Su Chen believed that there was a significant secret related to why the Qiluo Civilization experimented with the ocean and later eradicated all the related information.

Just as he was speaking, all the Dolphins and Giant Squids he had sent out died, and he had no idea what had attacked them. The ocean was indeed very mysterious.

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly had a thought: should he give the ocean a big blast? Maybe that would stimulate the ocean.

With Yan Yun Star's current state, it was still under development, and even if there were some tsunamis on the coast, it wouldn't harm anyone.

In the future, when he controlled Yan Yun Star, the ocean would be an obstacle that had to be dealt with. He had to take care of it now.

But what should he send in?

Nuclear bombs were not an option due to their severe pollution, which would require extensive resources to clean up later.

Psychic Controllers and Genetic Mutators were also not suitable because the enemy didn't appear to be biological, rendering them ineffective.

That left the Weather Control Device and the Superweapons from Red Alert.

"Let's start with the Weather Control Device and see if we can explode anything out of the ocean," Su Chen decided. (To be continued)

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