Chapter 505: The Black Lightning

Everyone watched the video clip carefully before them. They were well aware of the destructive power of those missiles. If they had detonated as intended, they would have easily dispersed the dark clouds.

However, reality had a different plan, and the operation had failed.

After watching for a while, the Deputy Alliance Leader affirmed, "You're right; the missiles didn't unleash their full power. At least half of their force was absorbed. These dark clouds are far from ordinary."

As for what they were exactly, the Deputy Alliance Leader had no idea.

At that moment, Wang Chun, who had been silent until then, spoke up, "Don't you think these dark clouds resemble the black energy on the Shadow Ghosts?"

Wang Chun's words made their faces change. They carefully observed the video again and confirmed that what Wang Chun said seemed to be true. The phenomenon appeared to be related to the Shadow Ghosts.

"Hey, did any of you notice that there hasn't been a single Shadow Ghost in this battle?"

Prompted by the human powerhouse, the others suddenly realized it was indeed the case.

In every previous battle, Shadow Ghosts had been the first to appear as cannon fodder. But in this massive Ghost Clan attack, not a single Shadow Ghost had been seen. That was quite strange.

"These dark clouds are not just a result of the Ghost Masters' actions; they are related to the Shadow Ghosts too?"

They had very limited information at hand and didn't understand the full situation. However, after Su Chen obtained some information from Wang Chun, he immediately ordered his subordinates to investigate.

The result was surprising: these dark clouds were indeed composed of the black energy within the Shadow Ghosts, not ordinary clouds.

"To create dark clouds over so many Cities, they must have needed a substantial number of Shadow Ghosts. It's no wonder we haven't seen any traces of Shadow Ghosts recently. Who would have thought they'd use them for this?" Su Chen sighed. With the existence of Mutant Ghost Rabbits, Shadow Ghosts could return to human form and regain Elixir, which had sold quite well. However, the Ghost Clan had now used them to create dark clouds. Su Chen couldn't do anything to reverse this.

Their next task was clear: locate these Ghost Masters and stop their actions. After all, they had targeted four Cities, each with a population of hundreds of millions. If the casualties continued to rise, humanity wouldn't be able to withstand it.

The human alliance immediately mobilized all available resources to search for the locations of the Ghost Masters. They were willing to endure heavy losses to achieve this goal.

Su Chen was also searching. His method was more straightforward; he used the map. However, the locations of some Black Spots couldn't be seen on the map. He had to dispatch unmanned Scout Planes to investigate.

Su Chen selected several potential locations where Ghost Masters might be found and sent a large number of Scout Planes to investigate. This matter was crucial to his mission, so he took it very seriously.

Inside Rainless City, chaos reigned. Not long ago, black lightning had struck from the dark clouds above.

Yes, black lightning. It struck a skyscraper, causing the entire building to disintegrate into ashes. All that remained on the ground were blackened remnants.

The sudden appearance of black lightning caught Emperor Kong and others off guard. They didn't have time to prevent it.

"Dark clouds producing black lightning? What is this?" White Emperor gazed at the sky with a furrowed brow.

"It doesn't look like ordinary dark clouds. I can't help but feel that it's some kind of life form," Eastern Emperor offered his perspective.

These individuals had witnessed the Crystal Beasts in the past and now encountered a monstrous entity seemingly formed from dark clouds. There was nothing strange about it.

Emperor Kong squinted for a while and decided, "I'll go up there."

"Old King, it's too dangerous for you alone. I'll go with you," Eastern Emperor offered.

Emperor Kong shook his head. "My strength is the greatest among us. If something happens to me, you won't be able to save me."

"In terms of strength, isn't Spy stronger than all of us?" White Emperor interjected, trying to provoke.

Spy's strength was estimated to be at the Eighth Order Peak, but they didn't know that he had already reached Ninth-level Peak.

Emperor Kong blushed slightly and shot White Emperor a stern look. "You talk too much. Bring Spy here."

It didn't take long for Spy to arrive. Upon hearing Emperor Kong's request, he didn't refuse.

The two of them, with worried Human Emperors looking on, ascended into the sky and approached the dark clouds.

With a casual gesture, Emperor Kong hurled an energy ball directly into the dark clouds. With a muffled explosion, the dark clouds showed no immediate change. Only he knew that his attack could have killed a Seventh Order Peak expert.

"This test didn't yield results. I'm going in. If I don't come out in a minute..."

Before Emperor Kong could finish his sentence, Spy interrupted, "I'll go in and save you if that happens."

Emperor Kong opened his mouth but didn't speak. He smiled faintly and entered the dark clouds.

The moment he entered, Emperor Kong felt the corrosive power surrounding him. The energy shield around him was rapidly depleting, and it was happening quickly.

"These aren't ordinary clouds. They seem to be a corrosive substance, somewhat resembling the black energy on the Shadow Ghosts. There's just a slight difference," Emperor Kong carefully analyzed the situation.

After fifty seconds had passed, he felt that he could leave. After all, if more than a minute passed, Spy would enter to rescue him.

However, when he tried to return following his mental map, he suddenly realized that he couldn't leave!

"This can't be right. My position hasn't changed at all. Could it be that... these clouds are moving?" Emperor Kong could only think of this possibility.

He didn't act recklessly because he couldn't be sure if the clouds had secretly altered his position, causing his sense of direction to be completely wrong. If he rushed in one direction and ran out of energy before exiting, he might be in real trouble.

Outside the dark clouds, Spy waited for a minute but didn't see Emperor Kong return. He knew something had gone wrong.

Instead of rushing in immediately, he stood outside and struck the dark clouds with a punch.

The entire dark cloud began to tremble violently, as if human skin had been stimulated, and it reacted strongly.

With a muffled sound, a figure burst out from the dark clouds. It was Emperor Kong.

Spy's actions seemed to have disrupted the dark clouds' ability to target Emperor Kong, allowing him to sense Spy's presence and escape.

Emperor Kong looked a little disheveled. The edges of his clothing had disappeared, as if they had melted away.

"These dark clouds seem to possess some form of instinct, but they're not exactly alive. And..."

Emperor Kong was about to continue speaking when the dark clouds suddenly expanded. Thunderous rumbles echoed from within as countless black lightning bolts descended, covering the entire Rainless City. (To be continued...)

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