Chapter 480: Lily

"This path is blocked!" The woman extended her hand and said to the young man.

The young man sneered, not paying any attention to the woman. With his strength, he only needed one move...

Just as he was thinking that, his body instinctively swung a slap towards the woman, as if he could see her turning into a corpse.

But in the next instant, he found his palm empty!


He widened his eyes. This woman had appeared by his side without him realizing it. Although her hands hadn't touched his body, he felt an invisible, immense power hitting him, sending him crashing into a ruined wall.


The young man wasn't seriously injured, but he looked somewhat disheveled.

"This woman... is actually eighth order!" The young man's eyes glowed red as he realized that this woman was no ordinary person.

The most obvious sign was that her feet weren't touching the ground; she was floating several centimeters above it, indicating her ability to fly, a hallmark of eighth-order experts. The young man was also an eighth-order expert, so he wasn't intimidated by the woman's appearance.

He stood up, wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and in the next moment, his red Ghost Patterns reappeared. Simultaneously, an enormous blood-red fishing net suddenly appeared, enveloping the woman.

Facing the massive blood net, the woman's expression remained unchanged. She took a deep breath and then blew it out forcefully.


What seemed like an ordinary breath turned into a massive storm, causing the young man's blood net to be blown away, and he couldn't even remain standing.

"What's going on with this woman?" The young man was going crazy; he thought his abilities were extraordinary, but this woman's abilities left him bewildered.

Watching the battle between the young man and the woman, Su Chen nodded slightly. "Lily's superpowers are quite impressive. They're on par with Psychic power, but unfortunately, the emergence of superpowers is too random and can't be used at will."

This woman was the one Su Chen had recently created, originally belonging to the Super Soldiers of Red Alert 3's Empire of the Rising Sun.

Since he had no immediate use for her, he had forgotten about building this new unit. But after Libra's departure, he realized that the number of Super Soldiers under his command had dwindled, so he decided to activate Lily.

Among Su Chen's Super Soldiers, she was probably the only one with superpowers, and her ability to fly wasn't something acquired at eighth order; it was an innate superpower.

This was Lily's debut, and Su Chen had intentionally given her this stage.

Lily also understood that as a newly arrived Super Soldier, she had to achieve something to impress the Commander.

"Superwave Explosion!"

Lily had no intention of wasting time with the young man. She immediately unleashed her ultimate move, extending her right hand and clenching it in the direction of the young man.


The young man's body made a loud noise, then exploded into pieces.

Just when Lily thought her enemy was finished, she suddenly noticed something was off about the man's right hand.

Her Psychic sense told her this. She had confidence in her superpowers and walked towards the fallen right hand.

But before she could get close, the right hand started moving on its own and ran away!

"Oh, his right hand can still run?" Su Chen was somewhat surprised. He had seen a head fly, but he had never seen a runaway hand.

A person couldn't escape, so a hand certainly couldn't. Lily quickly grabbed the runaway hand using her telekinesis.

Lily manipulated her superpower, allowing the right hand to float in front of her. Her Psychic sense told her that there was a living presence inside the right hand. In other words, the man from earlier hadn't died but had transferred into this right hand.

"Commander, I didn't fail in my mission," Lily reported to Su Chen.

"Good. Bring that right hand back."

Without their leader, those fanatics were quickly apprehended. These people were excellent experimental subjects, and Yun Ru had specifically asked Su Chen to keep some of them.

Lily flew over to Su Chen's side, and the right hand struggled in mid-air as if it still wanted to escape, even though it had no chance.

Su Chen looked at the right hand and then glanced at Lily. After some thought, he said, "Lily, can you remove your heavy makeup?"

To be honest, when he first saw Lily's heavy makeup, he was taken aback. Her makeup was simply unbearable to look at.

It was like someone who didn't know how to apply makeup insisted on doing it, making it look peculiar.

"Is this Commander's order?" Lily asked in a rigid manner.


"Please wait, Commander."

Lily quickly disappeared, and not long after, a girl who looked very pure appeared in front of Su Chen. If it weren't for the sailor suit she was wearing, her identity would have been hard to discern for Su Chen.

It had to be said that the current Lily looked like an ordinary high school student and not at all like a Soldier.

Su Chen had learned some information about Lily from the System. It seemed that her upbringing had been far from pleasant. After gaining superpowers, she had been treated as a killing machine, and no one cared about her feelings.

But that was in the past. Since becoming one of Su Chen's Super Soldiers, she was no longer the same as before.

"Lily, from now on, you can maintain this appearance."

"Yes, Commander."

With Lily's matter resolved, Su Chen turned his attention to the right hand. Lily had told him that her Psychic sense had detected activity in the right hand. Lily's Psychic sense was a type of superpower that only affected sentient life forms.

The fact that the right hand reacted indicated that it contained a sentient life form.

What was going on here?

Out of curiosity, Su Chen directly used his Psychic power to invade the consciousness of the right hand.

Then he saw the history of a race!

Yes, this right hand was actually a member of a race!

Originally, it wasn't like this. It had fused with the young man's right hand, creating a separate sentient entity.

In other words, within one body, there were two different consciousnesses, which was simply unbelievable.

This race was not native to Yan Yun Star but had come from the vast universe. During their distant interstellar journey, the entire race had died out, leaving only this lone survivor. In order to prevent the complete extinction of their race, when it discovered the Planet Yan Yun Star, it had made a resolute decision to land.

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