[Translator – Pr?ks]

[Proofreader – Pr?ks]

Chapter 76: Luminous’ Collection (2)


Poison attribute mages were popular among adventurers.

This was due to the effectiveness of poison magic.

However, it couldn’t be used recklessly in actual combat.

Poison is indiscriminate.

On the contrary, if poison had eyes, its value would be limitless.

That’s why…

“Slime Virus.”

The Slime Virus skill, which summons slimes filled with deadly poison, was very popular.

Of course, there were several restrictions on using Slime Virus as well.

Slimes weren’t particularly agile or fast monsters.

Some poison attribute mages thought about this.

What if they shot arrows coated with the poison of Slime Virus?

Surprisingly, this method became very deadly and gained popularity among many adventurers.

Killer Bee Meo took it a step further.

He shot poison arrows himself.

And he controlled the poison arrows using psychokinesis.

“Poison Arrow.”

He named this technique of his Poison Arrow.

And with psychokinesis controlling it, missing with Poison Arrow was impossible.

Especially with Luminous’ bracelet equipped, Killer Bee’s Poison Arrow couldn’t be considered a mere arrow.


It truly moved like a snake through the jungle, swiftly towards its target.

Killer Bee’s subordinate, watching from afar, let out a gasp of admiration.

“Good heavens, was Meo always this skilled?”

He had seen countless results of Killer Bee Meo’s work, but none as impressive as this.

Killer Bee Meo felt the same.

“This is beyond amazing.”

At this moment, he was more surprised and impressed by his own creation than anyone else.

“Failure is not an option.”

That’s how confident he was.

The thought of missing never even crossed his mind.

Even the current situation was in Killer Bee Meo’s favor.

The prey had fallen into a trap he had set beforehand, unaware of Killer Bee’s presence. And they were in the middle of the jungle, filled with all sorts of noise.

It was impossible for the target to notice and avoid Killer Bee’s attack.

Then it happened.


Just as Killer Bee’s Poison Arrow was about to reach its target, it vanished from his sight.

Killer Bee wasn’t fazed by this.

It was natural for the target to move.

He waited.

He stopped the Poison Arrow, which was moving rapidly under his psychokinetic control, and waited for the target to reappear.

Killer Bee, who had been waiting with bated breath, narrowed his eyes.

“It’s gone.”

It was no longer visible.

But Killer Bee didn’t question this much.

The target’s location was 500 meters ahead.

Therefore, he could only think one thing.

“They got lucky.”

He thought they were lucky to have escaped his sight.

And he thought again.

‘They can’t be lucky twice in a row.’’

He believed luck wouldn’t be on their side next time.

With that determination, Killer Bee Meo gave the order.

“Track them down.”

“Yes, sir.”

At his words, his subordinates moved to where the target had been a moment ago.

To find traces.

“We have a signal.”

Upon arriving there, the subordinates immediately sent a signal to Killer Bee.


Another subordinate, receiving the signal, tilted his head, and at that sight, Killer Bee Meo narrowed his eyes and said,

“What’s going on?”

“Well… they say there are no traces?”



“When dealing with adventurers, you shouldn’t think about killing them.”

El Palm taught the most important thing when dealing with adventurers.

“You have to think about running away from them.”

He said running away well is more important than fighting well.

“As long as you can escape, opportunities will always come.”

El Palm instilled this teaching into the very bones of his companions.

Very thoroughly.

Thanks to this, in just one day, El Palm’s companions reached a proficient level in their ability to escape.

“The foundation of escaping isn’t speed. It’s erasing your traces.”

Among all the skills, the first thing El Palm’s companions mastered was hiding without a trace.

Of course, it was still a laughable level by El Palm’s standards, but those were literally El Palm’s standards.

“There are no traces anywhere.”

From the Killer Bee party’s perspective, it was no different from a mirage in the desert.

“Then does that mean what we saw were ghosts?”

“No, sir.”

“They triggered the trap. They must be nearby.”

But that didn’t mean they could give up the pursuit.

“Find them at all costs.”

The Killer Bee party started their search.

“As quickly as possible.”

Pushing themselves.

“Split up and search.”

Honestly, it was a dangerous move.

Reducing their numbers for the search when they didn’t know the enemy’s location?

It was a very dangerous situation in case of a counterattack.

But Killer Bee didn’t care.

First of all, he was confident.

“Report as soon as you find them.”

He was confident he could kill them in one breath.

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason he was pushing himself so hard in the pursuit.

“Eliminate them as quickly as possible and get out of here.”

Today was the seventh day as promised, and Killer Bee wanted to wrap everything up within this promised time. It was quite important.

The difference between handling everything within the allotted time and ultimately leaving with room to spare was like night and day when it came to the adventurers’ evaluation.

‘While working under Lord Ivok isn’t bad, performing well here could catch the eye of Queen Areda.’

Decisively, the current situation was a tremendous opportunity for Killer Bee.

Frankly, Ivok had already failed.

He might be aiming for a comeback under Queen Areda this time, but it ultimately means entering under Queen Areda.

‘Under the eyes of the ruler of the Ariant Kingdom.’

In that case, becoming Areda’s card rather than Ivok’s was advantageous in many ways.

Of course, the biggest reason was still his confidence.

‘They’re the last ones to come anyway. The most insignificant ones. They have no reason to win no matter what tricks they pull.’

This was like a fight between a lion and a rabbit.

No matter how well the rabbit hides or escapes, there’s absolutely no way a lion would lose to a rabbit.

Just then.

“Found them!”

Traces were discovered, and a smile spread across Killer Bee’s lips.

With that smile still on his face, Killer Bee said,

“Give chase.”

“Yes, sir.”

The subordinates moved quickly at his words.

“Poison Arrow.”

At the same time that Killer Bee was preparing for the hunt, it happened.


‘What was that?’

The sound of something cutting through the air pierced Killer Bee’s ears, and goosebumps rose all over his body.

There was no time to think.

Killer Bee’s instinct, his survival instinct, moved him.

He turned his head.

And then Killer Bee saw it.

‘A fire arrow?’

A single fire arrow approaching him at tremendous speed.



The sudden fire arrow pierced Killer Bee’s left shoulder.


Killer Bee was terrified and immediately ducked.

It was an instinctive reaction.

In other words, at this moment, Killer Bee’s reason was not functioning properly.

‘What was that? What the…?’

He was simply in shock.


Of course, Killer Bee wasn’t the only one surprised. His nearby subordinates were also shocked.

And at this moment, El Palm, who had fired the Fire Arrow from afar, was also surprised.

‘He dodged that.’

It wasn’t that he wanted to say his attack was perfect.

El Palm was someone who believed there was no such thing as perfection.

However, El Palm’s Fire Arrow just now was more stealthy than ever, aiming for the enemy’s blind spot.

Even El Palm himself wouldn’t have been able to see and dodge it.

‘He reacted first.’

What surprised El Palm, in particular, was that Killer Bee Meo suddenly turned his head without seeing or hearing anything.

‘He sensed it.’

There was only one answer El Palm could come up with.

‘My psychokinesis.’

The opponent sensed his psychokinesis, not his Fire Arrow.

It wasn’t strange.

He had confirmed that the opponent was also a psychokinetic user.

For a high-level psychokinetic user, it was entirely possible to sense psychokinesis directed at them.

El Palm himself could do it.

In other words, only someone like El Palm, someone who had reached that level, could do it.

‘Killer Bee is great, but…’

As far as El Palm could tell, the opponent seemed to be Killer Bee, one of Ivok’s cards.

‘He’s not that good.’

The Killer Bee that El Palm knew was a skilled psychokinetic user, but he was by no means at the level of El Palm.

If he were, Killer Bee’s reputation would have been even greater than what El Palm knew.

Of course, there was an exception.

If it wasn’t Killer Bee.

It wasn’t impossible that Queen Areda had hired another mage adventurer who used both poison and psychokinesis.

‘This isn’t luck.’

In any case, El Palm had no intention of dismissing the situation unfolding before his eyes as mere luck or coincidence.

There was definitely something going on.

Of course, El Palm didn’t need to worry about what it was.

“Apollo’s Fire Arrow.”

If the Fire Arrow didn’t work, he just needed to use a more powerful attack.


Even a wolf can be hunted by a fox if it’s careless.

Not to mention, the outcome was obvious when a wolf was careless against a tiger, not even a fox.

“Boss, we’ve taken care of everyone.”

It took less than 30 minutes for the Killer Bee party, who had killed all the adventurers who came here, to be wiped out.

It was truly an overwhelming result.

‘I did it, but I didn’t know I was this good.’

The result surprised even Divo and El Palm’s other companions, the ones who had achieved it.

In fact, it was natural in a way.

The only opponent they had faced so far was El Palm.

This was the first time they had properly used the skills they had developed in that way.

‘We’ve become unbelievably strong.’

Still, they hadn’t expected it to be to this extent.

‘To think dealing with adventurers would be this easy… Just how much of a monster is he?’

In other words, the strength of El Palm, whom they had faced, was on a completely different level.

Everyone was newly surprised by this fact.

By the ability their boss possessed.

Of course, there was also this thought.

“Maybe they weren’t such a big deal after all?”

“Could be.”

“Well, they did fall for the trap too easily.”

The thought that they might be weak.

Of course, El Palm was different.

The moment he saw Meo’s corpse, he was certain.

‘It is Killer Bee.’

That he was Killer Bee Meo, one of Ivok’s cards.

Needless to say, he was not an easy opponent. There was a reason he was one of Ivok’s cards.

Killer Bee, who used both psychokinesis and poison, was a nightmare for adventurers.

‘Over a hundred of my comrades were killed by this guy.’

El Palm knew this well.

So it was a question.

Killer Bee was indeed formidable.

‘But his psychokinetic ability is nowhere near mine.’

However, he was definitely not someone who had reached the level of sensing and reacting to El Palm’s psychokinesis.

‘There’s a reason.’

Then he must have something.

El Palm started searching Killer Bee’s entire body to find that something.

Naturally, he started with what was visible.

‘The earrings are nothing special, and the ring is for Slime Virus magic.’

Earrings, ring.


As he took out the bracelet and put it on, El Palm’s eyes narrowed.

He sensed something.

And then El Palm’s eyes started to widen.

‘Could this be…?’

If El Palm’s guess was right, this bracelet would be an item beyond his wildest imagination.

That’s why…


El Palm didn’t jump to conclusions.

‘This can’t be Luminous’ bracelet. There’s no way something like that would appear so easily. I need to properly confirm…’

Just then.


Divo approached and said,

“A giant scorpion is approaching! It seems to be the boss monster of this place!”

It was time to confirm whether the bracelet was real or not.

[Translator – Pr?ks]

[Proofreader – Pr?ks]

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