Nicholas was very happy with the visit. He wished he could stay longer but he understood that it was not his place. Being allowed to meet Luciel and Jan today was already a good thing. So, he shouldn't push his luck.

Perhaps, if they could maintain this civil interaction, and Leland no longer felt threatened about his presence, he could talk about taking the kids to the palace and introduce them to his side of the family. He could already imagine his mother's happiness and excitement to see the boys again.

This thought made him smile.

"You should listen to your mother," he said to Luciel and Jan before he reluctantly had to leave the castle. The sun was almost gone from the sky. It would be rude to pretend that he didn't realize it was almost night. "I hope we can see each other again very soon."

"Oh, why can't you stay here?" Luciel asked innocently. "We have a lot of rooms in this castle."

Nicholas chuckled and shook his head. "That would be lovely, but no. I have to go. Maybe some other time."

He ruffled their hair alternately then cast his glance around. He was surprised to see Leland walk toward them. His face was emotionless as usual. His presence surprised Nicholas. He didn't think he would see the Alpha before he left.

Now, this might be a good idea to finally talk?

He smiled at Leland and spoke to him when the Alpha arrived. "Thank you for everything. I guess it's time for me to go."

Leland nodded. He looked at Luciel and Jan and noticed they were in a very good mood. He wondered what they were talking about with their biological father. From his observation earlier, they seemed to have such an interesting conversation and the boys laughed a lot.

Nicholas was probably telling them stories about his childhood, adventures, and life as royalty in the palace. Maybe even how he met their mother. Those were interesting topics to discuss and Nicholas seemed like he was a good storyteller too.

Leland, on the other hand, was not good with words and never had such moments where he would converse with them for small talks. He just listened more. What could he share with them about himself and his childhood? There was nothing interesting to recount.

Sophie already told them everything they needed to know. He loved listening to her when she spoke with her sweet voice about how she and Leland were actually raised together when they were really young.

Leland looked like he wanted to say something, but he halted his words. He finally nodded and walked Nicholas out. For a moment, Nicholas felt awkward. They walked in silence and his mind was quick to work on something to say to break the ice.

How could he make Leland open up more and allow him to visit again? Maybe even take the boys to Livstad and visit their grandmother...

They arrived at the castle courtyard and their horses were already prepared by the servants, waiting for Nicholas and his small entourage. Lily Moonchester stood with her men near the horses, accompanied by some lycans from the Blood River Pack.

Lucas was standing beside her with a smiling face. His overly enthusiastic expression caught Leland's attention. He glanced at Lily and then at Lucas alternately.

He realized there was something about the woman that made his Beta smitten. Leland wondered if Lily and Nicholas had something going on and Lucas would be heartbroken.

He had been thinking about it. To see Nicholas suddenly relent and said he would no longer pursue Sophie, only wished to have a relationship with his sons, made Leland think Nicholas might be trying to move on and that was why Lily Moonchester came into the picture.

But maybe he was wrong?

Leland suddenly turned to Nicholas and spoke, "How long will you be around in Hastings?"

The young king was surprised by this question. He was wondering why Leland asked. He glanced at Luciel and Jan and then at Leland. "Well... we just got here. I can stay for a couple more days. Why?"

"We will have a hunting party tomorrow. It's for fun. I like teaching Luciel and Jan how to hunt. It's in the forest not far from here. It's private property so no humans will trespass and bother us. Would you care to join?"

Nicholas was truly surprised by the invitation.

He wondered what prompted this huge change in the man who used to be his enemy and romantic rival.

He set aside his curiosity and immediately bobbed his head to indicate his response. "Definitely."

"Very well, see you tomorrow," Leland said flatly. He turned to Lucas and said, "Please take our guests back to their inn."

Lucas beamed in happiness at that order, while Duncan and Max tried so hard to stifle their cough. They were jealous that Lucas was assigned to take Miss Moonchester back to her accommodation, but at the same time, they were impressed that Leland seemed to understand his Beta was interested in that woman.

They knew Lucas and Leland were very close and the Alpha would want to support his Beta to pursue the female he was interested in.

"It looks like we will meet again tomorrow, Lily," said Lucas to Lily with a grin on his face. The woman blushed and didn't say anything, just nodded. Lucas added, "But for now, let me escort you all to your accommodation."

Lily nodded again.


Nicholas felt like he was in a dream when he rode his horse toward the inn. Things had been going so well these days. After he set his priorities and let go of Sophie, good things started to happen. He could now live true to himself, no more hiding a secret that he was a... no, not a monster, but a lycan.

He could meet with his sons and now even foster a relationship with them. He had made peace with many werewolf packs in his kingdom and they were looking toward a new era where lycans and humans could live side by side as equals.

And tomorrow, he was invited to join a hunting party by the pack which he considered his mortal enemy in the past. Ten years ago, he would laugh at you if you told him someday he would be related to the Blood River Pack and bury the hatchet.

Oh, how so much had happened.

"So, I assume things went well today?" Lily teased Nicholas who was smiling all the way to the inn.

"You can say that," Nicholas replied. He glanced to Lily's other side and whispered to the woman. "I see you also have made yourself comfortable in the company of someone."

Lily's face flushed red and her eyes widened when she heard the king teasing her back. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Lucas was smiling to himself. He could hear Nicholas' and Lily's conversation and realized they were talking about him.

"Jeez... Your Majesty, I didn't know you are a gossip girl," Lily pursed her lips.

"You are aware that we were invited to the hunting party because of you?" Nicholas asked her. "I should thank you for that."

"We were?"

"Yes," Nicholas replied. He cleared his throat and turned to Lucas. "You must stay for dinner and wine. That's the least I can do for you."

Lucas chuckled and nodded. "I'd love the wine."

Lily rolled her eyes at the two men.


Luciel and Jan were ecstatic when Leland told them they would have a hunting party the next day. They were especially delighted when they knew Nicholas was invited to join. Sophie who listened to their conversation at the dinner table was very surprised.

She didn't know when did Leland become so easygoing like this. It was a really good thing but she was not used to seeing this new Leland.

"Are you sure?" she asked him in a low voice. "Maybe we should take baby steps in doing this?"

She knew how bad the animosity between the two men was in the past. She was worried if things were to change too drastic too soon, it would have a bad impact on their already shaky relationship.

"I am not doing this for him," Leland explained. "It's for Lucas."

"Huh? What does Lucas have to do with this?" Sophie asked again.

"Nicholas Hannenbergh came here with a woman named Lily Moonchester from Red Moon Pack," Leland replied. "I believe she is Lucas's mate. I am inviting her to stay longer and get to know Lucas, but it's rude to invite only her and not the rest of her group."

"Ahhh..." Sophie pressed her lips in surprise. She was so glad to hear this information. She liked Lucas a lot. The beta was a good friend of her husband and he was fiercely loyal. Sophie had never seen Lucas attracted to any female before.

It would be interesting to see him falling in love with a female and finally getting a mate.

"That is so lovely!" she gushed. "I understand now. Oh, it's such a good idea."


"I want to see what the woman is like. She must be quite special."

"You can see her tomorrow."

"Oh," Sophie furrowed her brows. "I don't plan to join though. I am not into hunting."

"You can invite her to tea after the hunting and talk to her," Leland explained. "It's important for you to get to know the mate of our Beta and have a good relationship with her. We want her to feel welcomed."

"Ahh, I see," Sophie nodded. The thought of having a new female companion in this pack made her feel so excited. If Lucas found his mate, and she was this Lily Moonchester, Sophie would have a new friend. She was looking forward to it.

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