The Insider System

Chapter 403: The Deal Pt.39

Chapter 403: The Deal Pt.39

The light show was pretty, but Lake started to get bored thirty minutes after the clouds appeared. He understood that most of the clouds had probably appeared early, so they wouldn't miss anything since he had done the same, but surely it couldn't be much longer.

Either way, he decided to talk to his servants to see why his food still hadn't arrived. "How long would it take you to go to the cafeteria and come back?"

"It would depend on if I was eating or not."

"No, you're bringing food back to me so I can eat it."

"Oh, I'd take around 20 minutes, but I'm faster than the other two." Hearing it would take 20 minutes for his fastest servant to go there and back, Lake decided that his servant was doing a good job and tried to find something else to think about. After a few seconds, he remembered two other things he had found while gathering the things on his list, the core from Mizzly and the knife that did nothing when it was in Inner Vault.

The core wasn't something he could take care of now since he couldn't leave the balcony, but the knife was something he could look at to try and figure out what was up with it. Taking the rusty knife out of his storage, Lake was about to inspect it when he heard the door to the balcony open.

Getting ready to eat his food, Lake put the knife away again, only to hear a voice he hadn't heard in a while say his name. "Hello, Lake."

"Millie, what are you doing here? I was starting to think you had moved into the kitchen." He had wanted to see her to see how the plan to open restaurants was going, but he hadn't bothered to actually do it yet because he felt she would be too busy to talk to him.

Seeing this, Lake started wondering why the gods were doing all this in the open where people could see it. Surely, if they wanted, they could do this wherever they were before they left the clouds. There was no way the gods had no places to meet that didn't involve coming here to the mortal world.

He guessed there was a chance they wanted the people to see what was going on, but it wasn't like they would explain anything to the people watching, so he didn't think the gods cared too much if people got to see them.

It made more sense that the Demon Lord was the one who had asked for them to do all of this out in the open so people would see him making the gods give him what he wanted, but maybe he was wrong, and they had to meet here in the mortal world for things like this.


Donny had never felt being teleported before, but the weird sensation he had before he found himself in a new place had to be what that was. Donny started to blink his eyes to get used to the amount of light in the new place. Once his pupils had dilated to the appropriate level, Donny found he was now in the center of a room filled with at least eight giants.

He had expected to see some eventually because they were what made up most of the upper level of the Demon Lord's army since they were all technically Demigods, but seeing so many was out of his expectations. It made him feel the Demon Lord was expecting a battle to happen, but he highly doubted this just based on what he knew about the gods' reluctance to declare war.

The Demon Lord probably had a better idea of the situation, though, so his opinion didn't make him feel better. Still, honestly, he would be okay with getting caught up in a giant battle as long as someone finally put an end to the Demon Lord, even if the bastard would eventually come back like he always did.

His family had a long history of fighting against the Demon Lord before he was strong enough to keep all the gods from attacking him. And at the end of the day, a trade of his life to take down the Demon Lord was pretty good, even if he would only be dying because he happened to be too close.

Plenty of his relatives had made this same sacrifice. And while his brother probably wouldn't do a great job remembering their history and passing it on to the next generation, someone like his uncle would probably know about his death and make sure to make him sound heroic. "You come here."

Hearing a whisper, Donny returned to reality and looked to where it had come from. Seeing three other people dressed like him with chains huddled together in the corner away from where the giants were all standing, Donny moved towards them, relieved to have a chance to talk to someone in the same situation as him.

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