The Insider System

Chapter 197: Job Interview

Chapter 197: Job Interview

Sitting down Tiff started to wonder if the questions were prepared in advance or if they would be random. After she thought this she waited for her answer but when the God of Light didn't answer she guessed she wasn't allowed to know for some reason. That was fine she was sure they would be prepared in advance.

She didn't think something like a Legendary job would be decided over a random chat. "Do you want me to let you answer like I can't read your mind?" Tiff decided she wanted this to be over as quickly as possible so she said. "Feel free to move to the next one as soon as I think something that you think is an answer."

Tiff guessed she hadn't even needed to say that but if she was able to find an answer to a question as soon as it was asked that would be the last time she talked for a while. "Ok. First question; What's your greatest weakness?" Tiff found this question quite complicated because she felt any weakness could become a problem depending on the situation so she needed to choose the one that was the most common one to come up.

After some thinking she had to say it was her lacking talent. She had always had a hard time unlocking jobs compared to the others and it made her unable to max out a few of her stats. The only jobs she seemed any good at unlocking were the ones that give Agility and it was probably because of her personality, or at least that was what most people thought decided what jobs you could unlock.

Other people said your personality just decided what kinds of things you did and those things were what made you unlock the jobs that matched you the best. Either way was pretty much the same and it had made her realize she was more likely to run from a fight if she had the option. "So is it your talent or your personality?"

It was probably her personality. She had done a bad job at dealing with most things in her life because of how she was, so it was actually what caused her problems in most cases. "Do you consider yourself an important person?" This wasn't something she wanted to think about and the question seemed kind of mean to even ask. She had an answer though. "No."

"Why?" Her reasoning really wasn't because she was down on herself or anything, it was just because she didn't really think there was such a thing as an important person. The closest thing was someone who could affect your life but once they could no longer affect you they lost all importance and as long as there isn't someone who could affect every person at once Important people didn't exist.

"What's Important?" The first thing she thought of was Dawn then the other members of the 23. "Your friends?" Tiff considered most of them close friends but Dawn was more like a sister, but yes, her friends were the most important thing to her. "Is that it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well usually people have more than one thing they care about."

"People usually get pretty mad after they wake up and remember all the stuff that happened to them and then realize it wasn't real. It's too bad you saw through it because it's a lot faster than this. "You could have just lied or not told me about the test to begin with."

"I don't like lying, and I've found those that do, don't make it very far in life." Tiff guessed this was another thing he was saying to hint at the fact he was going through her head because she lied pretty much everyday. "Is the interview over?" She was done with whatever this had been and wanted to leave.

"You don't want to know how you did?" Tiff didn't really because she knew she wasn't the kind of person the God of Light was looking for long before the Temple Head had made her come here. "You did pretty good. The only problem in me choosing you is that you don't want to fight, but the only reason you don't want to fight is because you think you'll die. You won't die if you're stronger and since you want to kill the Demon Lord and save your friends you wont run unless they die first but if they die your desire for revenge will grow and you'll stay to fight."

"That's a lot of ifs to base your decision off of." Tiff was sort of happy that the God of Light thought she was a pretty good choice but she really didn't agree with everything he was saying about what she would do under certain circumstances.

"Well, I mean you're not as bad as most of the people I've met in my life, plus I've kind of already decided I was going to choose you if none of the others wowed me. When Dayna came to ask if I would be willing to give a Legendary job to one of you I had her mention some of the skills you all had and she mentioned you had a stealth skill. I've seen what someone can do with one sneak attack if they know what they're doing."

Tiff knew he was talking about the death of his wife and asked. "Do you have a Legendary job like that?" The God of Light nodded and said. "I didn't, but to tell you the truth I didn't kill Akal as soon as I found him. After my years of chasing him I thought what was a few more weeks and I let him think he was giving me the slip when in reality I was studying his skills for inspiration while I worked on my newest Legendary job. When Dayna told me about you I figured I might as well test it with you if you were worthy considering you already know how to use stealth."

Tiff still didn't understand why the God of Light had wanted to make a job like that to begin with because usually Legendary jobs were given to those that the God thought would make a good Demigod to be their subordinate so usually the Legendary Jobs had something to do with the gods element or how they liked to fight and being sneaky really had nothing to do with the God of Light.

"You would understand if you knew more about job creation. It takes a lot of time and they're only so closely related to the person making them because that's all they know how to make. If it was possible we would all be making jobs that had nothing to do with our domain. Plus, losing Akal really slowed down my ability to gather information so I've been looking for a way to replace him."

"Are you saying there was something about Akal's skills that made you think you could replicate them?" The god of light shook his head. "No, Akal just had extremely high level skills so understanding even a bit of one was enough to make a whole new job." After the God of Light said this he looked at her deep in her eyes and said. "Do you want the job or not?"

She had more questions like what the God of Light meant by extremely high level skills and how a demigod that was working for them would have skills that the God of Light would think were high level but she knew she could ask those questions later if she just said yes. "Can I think about it?"

The God of light shrugged and said. "Sure, I still want to see if the other members of your group are better choices. I can give the skill to anyone and only think you would be good because of your years of experience fighting the way you do. Feel free to head back to your friends. You will have until I meet the rest of them to make up your mind. I will also be making it impossible for you to talk about what we discussed though so don't try to tell anyone."

Tiff nodded and could feel and see herself start to disappear from the hallucination she had been in for the past hour. After a few seconds of this she found herself back where she had been and took her hands out of the oracles. "Tell the Temple Head to send the next when you get back to her." Tiff nodded to what the oracle said and got up to leave.

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