The Insider System

Chapter 189: Downwards Spiral Pt.5

Chapter 189: Downwards Spiral Pt.5

A few seconds after Lake yelled someone came running into the room and instantly their face paled when they saw Masters. Lake didn't just let them stand there and stare and said. "He's been poisoned, go get someone from the Alchemist guild." After he said this he saw the speed the person was running and decided he couldn't rely on them to get help.

This meant he was going to have to do something himself that could solve this problem. Thankfully he had lots of health potions so he should be able to keep Masters from dying if he did something stupid by accident. His first thought was he needed to identify what he poison was so using his knife Lake made a small cut on one of the areas the poison had spread through and got some of the corrupted blood.

Inspecting it, Lake looked through the massive amount of information that came up until he found what kind of poison had been used on Masters. Lake wasn't too interested in its name but the effects were really important because he was pretty sure he had a way to help Masters as long as they had only used a pure poison on him.

Lake found that the poison was probably an afterthought to whoever had used it because it didn't have any crazy effects and that he could probably use Poison Control to pull it out of Masters. Getting another health potion out of his bag Lake poured some more into Masters' mouth and started to pull the poison that was in Masters out of his veins.

It was an ugly sight with small bubbles forming on Masters flesh before popping to release the black juice that was the poison that had been killing him but lake had prepared for the damage he was causing by having Masters drink more potion before he started. Lake watched as all the ripped parts of Masters skin started to reheal only to be ripped again as he pulled more poison out.

After a while Lake had a small ball of poison floating next to him and he couldn't believe how much he had been able to get out. There was no way there had been this much when Masters had first been poisoned and Lake guessed it had been diluted by masters blood making it much bigger now. It was probably what had given its dark color as well.

Lake could tell he was fully cognizant so he went ahead and told him what had happened. "You were assassinated." Lake could tell Masters was able to accept this explanation right away because he had already noticed the massive amount of blood that was on the floor under his chair. "Well I thank whoever went against the Assassins guild to save me."

Masters was looking around at the people around him as he said this waiting for whoever had saved him to identify themselves. "I got here after they had already left. You were pretty much already dead and you would have been for sure if I was just a few seconds later in healing you."

Lake could tell Masters wasn't too surprised it had been him because of how close he had been standing this whole time but the appreciation was written all over his face. "Did anyone see who it was?" Lake didn't say anything to this until he gave everyone a chance to assume the answer was no.

Once enough time passed he said. "Its for the best, no need to harass the Assassins guild." They weren't the type to just let something like that go so anyone who had tried to fight the Assassin would have been in debt to them from now on and would be under constant threat. Lake felt like everyone had had a good chance to see Masters and the Alchemist guilds people were done with their checkup so Lake said. "Everyone get out. Me and Masters have things we need to discuss."

Lake was using his perceived authority from this situation to get people to leave so he could have a serious discussion with Master about tomorrow. Masters didn't seem to be about to correct his behavior either so it seemed he was going to have a private chat with him like he had wanted to.

Once all the people got out Masters turned to him and said. "What is it?" Lake could hear that Masters was being very serious about what lake was about to say and he did plan to say something serious but he was pretty sure Masters was expecting him to say something about the assassination. Like he had seen something he couldn't say in front of the other people but that had nothing to do with this conversation so Lake said. "It's not about what just happened, it's about tomorrow. I need to be able to get to every city tier before whatever they're planning happens tomorrow but the elevators are out so I can't take my team with me."

"What do you mean the elevators are out?" Lake had just assumed someone had told Masters already but maybe he had already been in here bleeding out when that had happened or maybe everyone down stairs had been too busy and just figured it was someone else's job to deliver a message like that to Masters.

Then Lake realized maybe the person who had been responsible to deliver the message had actually been the assassin in this case. It made perfect sense to use something like all the elevators being destroyed to give them time to assassinate someone important. "All of the elevators were just destroyed by someone, most likely the Demon Worshipers."

Master seemed to not like what he was hearing and said. "I need to go see this in person. You have my permission to do whatever you want if you really think you can help us avoid tomorrow's disaster." After Masters said this he stood up out of his chair and was heading for the door when Lake heard him whisper to himself. "I should change my clothes first."

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