The Insider System

Chapter 186: Downwards Spiral Pt.2

Chapter 186: Downwards Spiral Pt.2

As Lake was waiting he couldn't help but continue to look at the trough like well that lots of people were getting buckets of water out of. He still had no evidence that there was anything wrong with the water; he just couldn't help but think it would be an easy way to kill a good amount of people before they realized how it was happening.

He just hoped something like that had happened before so the officials would be paying attention to the water quality in the city. Turning to the others, Lake went ahead and asked because there was no reason to keep his thoughts to himself. "Do you guys think it's ok for all these people to be drinking this water at a time like this?"

"It's not something you need to worry about. From what I've heard the Alchemist guild was responsible for making the water system in the city and they added a purification formation to the water channels. If anyone wanted to use the water to hurt the people they would have to do it one well at a time."

Lake nodded and said. "In that case, are any of you thirsty?" He stood up and grabbed one of the buckets near the well. Filling it Lake drank some before handing it to anyone who looked like they wanted any. After a while the other groups showed up and Lake saw that there were only two instead of the three he had expected.

"Only two? Where's the last group?" He just went ahead and asked instead of trying to guess why they hadn't come. "They were in the middle of something and couldn't stop to come. They were following a Demon Worshiper I think." Lake shrugged, he guessed 10 extra people was enough for now.

"Come inside with us we found how the Demon Worshipers are getting from tier to tier." After he said this he led them inside to see what he was talking about before he said. "We'll need help from more people if we want to get this under control. Would you all mind sending your quick people to bring news to the guild?"

Lake felt like him going with them was too complicated and their group of seven was the best to send. Plus they might end up finding something that needed to be sealed like in the last place so they might end up needing Freed and the guy who could lay formations anyway. "You're right there's no need to mitch and match, you all can go, just try to be back as fast as possible."

Lake nodded to the ones staying here and gave Freed a thumbs up as they were walking away. He was happy they had found the right answer with minimal effort from him and it was because of the way Freed talked him up. Now all he needed was for Freed to do that again to Masters later and he would be able to get a better assignment for tomorrow.

Once they were outside Lake started to head towards the door while saying. "The same as last time." He meant he would be in front and none of them had anything to say about this. Smashing the door, Lake saw most of the Demon Worshipers react downstairs and start rushing towards them with his Mana Vision.

"Some of them are coming up towards us. Grendia get ready to do that thing to the stairs again." Lake moved forward as he said this so they would get there in time to intercept them on the stairs because it would make killing them much easier. Kicking down the next two doors they found Lake didn't find the stairs like he had hoped he would and this made him think maybe the way down was hidden.

This house was pretty small so he could understand the Demon Worshiper hiding the entrance a little better since there was less house to do that for them. "The entrance to the stairs is hidden somewhere." Lake said this because there were only a few places it could be and with them all looking it should be easy to find before the Demon Worshipers burst out.

Right after he called this out Grendia said. "It's right here." Lake saw her tear the shelf off the wall. It was the first place she looked and she had called out its location before she showed them so he thought maybe she was able to feel the stone around them since she was able to control it. If that was true he wondered what the range was.

Running over to look down into the staircase, Lake watched as the Demon Worshipers came into view and summoned his barriers to hold in front of them. Right after he did this, Lake saw the stars start to wiggle around like they had last time and all the Demon Worshipers fell to the floor. "Hey, bow girl, you want these kills?"

Lake didn't really have a job he wanted to level right now so he figured he might as well let this friend from the past have the Exp. Plus this might make her less mad when he had to reask her name even though he should know it. Lake saw the girl with the bow smile slightly and felt like he had made a good choice as he saw her step forward and draw her bow.

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