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Tang Yueshan’s question could only be answered by Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao hung the IV drip on the hook at the head of the bed and said, "It can be treated. But it's still better if not too many people get infected. I’m afraid the medicine won't be enough."

Recently, there had been an excessive use of medication. She wasn’t sure if it was her illusion, but the little medicine chest no longer seemed to gleam again, as if its contents had been emptied out…

This girl can even cure plagues... Tang Yueshan covered his chest. What was this sudden surge of pride?

"How is the relationship between the remnants of the previous dynasty and the State of Chen's army?" Gu Changqing continued asking.

"They’re not entirely aligned. On one hand, there are certain differences in the distribution of benefits. On the other, their methods against opponents also don't always align." Tang Yueshan explained.

"For example?" Gu Changqing looked at him.

Tang Yueshan said with a hint of mockery, "For example, the State of Chen's army once demanded that the remnants of the previous dynasty hand over Princess Ning'an to threaten the border soldiers, but it was halted by the Imperial Son-in-law."

Gu Chengfeng chuckled, "Is the Imperial Son-in-law truly devoted to Princess Ning'an? Then why is he destroying her country?"

Tang Yueshan narrowed his eyes at him, "What do you understand? An ambitious man won't be content as a powerless Imperial Son-in-law, especially since he was a member of the former imperial family. Restoring their dynasty is his mission."

"What about the Imperial Son-in-law’s uncle, Yi Wang?" Gu Changqing inquired.

"He also advocated handing Princess Ning'an over to the State of Chen's army. However, the Imperial Son-in-law’s will is too strong. He has considerable prestige at the border, so Yi Wang hasn't fallen out with his nephew yet. Initially, when your grandfather wanted to rescue Princess Ning'an, I didn't support him because strategically, I thought having Princess Ning'an in the hands of the Imperial Son-in-law could maintain a crack in their three-way relationship. But if Princess Ning'an were to disappear, they would unite completely." Tang Yueshan explained.

Gu Chengfeng sat up, "But what if Yi Wang decides to eliminate the problem and directly kills Princess Ning'an?"

Tang Yueshan sighed, "Your grandfather thought the same, which is why he risked his life to save her."

Tang Yueshan didn't approve of Old Marquis’s actions, but he couldn't stop him. After all, Old Marquis held imperial orders. The Emperor had instructed him to bring Princess Ning'an back safely, and he had to do it.

Gu Chengfeng snorted and lay back on the bed again, "If you had sent more people, maybe my grandfather wouldn’t have been in trouble!"

Tang Yueshan shook his head, "It won't help. This is the information I gathered while hiding after the defeat. The Imperial Son-in-law has a formidable death warrior by his side. Even the three Dragon Shadow Guards sent by Imperial Concubine Dowager Jing to protect Princess Ning'an weren't his match, let alone my soldiers. Your grandfather’s martial arts aren't weak. He could handle a single Dragon Shadow Guard, but if three of them act together, it's uncertain."

"He’s that powerful?" Gu Chengfeng was surprised.

Gu Jiao quietly closed her little medicine chest.

Could this death warrior be the same one from her dream that severed Gu Changqing’s legs?

He was able to beat three Dragon Shadow Guards, no wonder they could plot against Gu Changqing.

But judging from the assassination attempt, Gu Changqing’s strength wasn't weak either. Otherwise, they could have just openly killed him.

"What are you thinking?" Gu Changqing asked Gu Jiao as they left the room.

"It's snowing again." Gu Jiao stood on the porch, watching the flurry of snowflakes, "It's a good time to march."

"I wonder when it will stop." It would be better to engage in war after the snow stopped.

"At the hour of xushi(7-9pm)." Gu Jiao replied.

"You also know how to read the sky?" Gu Changqing looked at her in surprise.

Gu Jiao nodded calmly, "Yes, a little bit."

Gu Changqing smiled gently and took off his cloak, putting it on Gu Jiao. With hands that were slender yet calloused, he tied the ribbon of the cloak around her.

Gu Chengfeng’s Luohan bed faced the doorway directly. He lay there, sourly watching his eldest brother putting the cloak on Gu Jiao. He snorted and turned his body away heavily!

He didn't want to pay any attention to his eldest brother anymore!

From the room, there came the thunderous snoring of Tang Yueshan.

Gu Chengfeng felt annoyed. He covered his head with the quilt and tried stuffing his ears with the cotton from his pillow.

Unfortunately, the ears of a martial arts practitioner were too sensitive. Tang Yueshan’s snoring sounded like thunder in his ears.

For a moment, Gu Chengfeng couldn't decide whether he was angrier at his eldest brother for ignoring him or at Tang Yueshan for snoring so loudly!

"Humph! Everyone is trying to annoy me! Fine! Once I recover, I'm going back to the capital! I won't come to this ghostly place again!"

"What ghostly place?"

A familiar voice sounded by his bedside, causing Gu Chengfeng to startle, freezing in place.

"Why are you covering your head with the quilt? Isn't it suffocating?" Gu Changqing reached out and slowly pulled down Gu Chengfeng's quilt.

Gu Chengfeng weakly resisted but he really had no strength.

He glanced at his eldest brother who suddenly returned, feeling a surge of multiplied grievances in his heart.

He knew he wasn't that impressive, but he tried his best. Eldest brother commended all the defending soldiers, yet he did not acknowledge him.

Was he not good enough?

He transformed from a scholarly figure to a soldier fighting on the front lines. He didn't retreat, didn't abandon the city, didn't flee.

It was quite difficult for him, actually. After all, he hadn't been accustomed to hardship since childhood.

He wasn't used to it at all.

But he endured it all.

He didn't utter a single complaint.

Why couldn't his eldest brother see his efforts?

"Does it still hurt?" Gu Changqing asked.


Now you come to care about me!

Too late!

Gu Chengfeng shifted uncomfortably.

Still no praise for me! Still no compliments!

"I have something for you." Gu Changqing said softly.

Must be something that girl didn’t pick. I don't care about it!

"What is it?" Gu Chengfeng lowered his voice and asked heavily.

"See for yourself." Gu Changqing placed something tied with a thin string above his head.

Gu Chengfeng still didn't turn to look at Gu Changqing, instead, he coldly grabbed the item and pulled it down.

He glanced at it casually. Just one glance, and then his entire body seemed to freeze.

Almost instinctively, he sat up, disbelief etched across his face as he stared at the small token in his hand. It bore his name, birthdate, and place of origin, while on the back of the token, there was a large "Gu" character.

"This is…" He suddenly jumped off the bed with a limp in one arm and looked towards his brother.

Gu Changqing also turned to him, his expression solemn, his eyes reflecting an unwavering military spirit, "It's the wooden token of the Gu Family Army. From this day forward, you are a true member of the Gu Family Army. You must be loyal to His Majesty and serve the people wholeheartedly! You must uphold military orders, punish evil, protect the country and its people! You must safeguard every land and rivers of the State of Zhao, defending every inch of its territory! If enemies invade, they shall only pass over your dead body!"

Gu Chengfeng's chest swelled, tears of emotion welling up in his eyes. He straightened his posture, choked with emotion, and solemnly pledged, "Gu Family Army's Gu Chengfeng… accepts the command!"

Raz P.'s Thoughts

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