The Grand Mistress

Chapter 180 - The Lawyer

Back to Present Day

Simione stayed with Lyndon for a while talking about many things about the past, skipping of course the hurtful things. However, before the day ended, Simione had to rush to prison again because of grandfather Williams. The lawyer she paid for called her saying that the judge now had a resolution for his judgement. So, at the time that Lyndon had gotten asleep, Simione excused herself from the Tang's mansion to see the lawyer.

On her way, Grabriella called her to check. Lucy told her that Simione was already back and asked her if she could accompany the girl for a while. Lucy was very busy that's why she could not meet Simione but she understood that SImione was going through a lot right then with all the Hawk and Lyndon's drama so she asked for Gabriella's help. When Gabriella heard that she was going to see grandfather William's lawyer, she asked to come with her.

"You was held guilty by the judge. The properties of the Tang's will be taken by the government," The lawyer calmly told Simione while she was reading the resolution in her hand.

"This can't be! You know he was being judged wrongly.. We should file a motion for reconsideration for this," Simione went on as she slammed the paper on the table. "I thought we were planning to summon some papers from the plaintiff's side as evidence, what happened with that?"

"Well…..the plaintiff for sure will not give it…besides those documents surely don't matter," The lawyer told her.

"How sure were you that those don't matter? And why worry about the plaintiff not giving it, you should have asked the court for a subpoena for it," Simione was confused about the lawyer's answer. It was obvious he didn't take grandfather William's case properly. Through the resolution she was reading, she could tell right away he had not done his job well. "I am paying you millions for this,"

"Are you saying that I am not capable?" The lawyer was insulted at what Simione told him. "Be careful of what you are accusing me of, you know this is an embezzlement case and that the chances of winning are slim!"

"Hey don't talk to Sisi like that," Gabriella glared at the lawyer. "Even if it's an embezzlement case, as a lawyer you should do your job especially when you know your client is innocent. Besides, Simione's is right. She is paying you millions and you are not doing your job well,"

"You guys do not understand how this works….you are just pretending to know anything," The lawyer tried to sway his position off.

"Excuse me, Simione is a law student and she works in El Tigre's law firm," Gabriella defended her friend. "She knew a lot of these things, you can't fool her,"

For the lawyer, what Gabriella said was a revelation. He certainly did not expect Simione to have some knowledge in law and so he thought he could just fool her around.Truth was he was just there for the money specially that Simion unexpectedly was paying off good and didn't take the case seriously.

"Then why don't you ask El Tigre to do the job for you since she's his employee? Do you think you can fool me around?" It was the lawyer's turn to defend himself. Now that she knew that Simione was a law student, he knew his chances of fooling her in the future is small and so he can't just easily milk off on her. He certainly expected that the woman who came to her was a smart one, all he thought was that since she was desperate he could make money from her.

"You are just here for the money," Simione crumpled the paper on her hand out of anger. "I'm going to sue you for gross negligence in this case,"

"Go ahead. I'll resign too. I don't want to be involved with this case anymore," The lawyer said and walked out. Simione, who was surprised that he just easily dumped a case like that, wanted to go after him but Gabriella stopped her.

"Sisi, let it go.." Gabriella said. "If you keep hiring him, grandfather William's case will be prejudiced,"

"But we need to file a motion for reconsideration Gabbie," Simione worriedly replied. "I need him for that, it's too late to hire another lawyer now,"

Gabriella looked at Simione pitifully. It had been years since this case was going on and it already dried up the previous savings Simione worked for many years. The one she had now was the money she got from dancing in front of Hawk Monsanto and yet, no lawyer was taking her seriously. It was an embezzlement case afterall, cases like that really are hard to sustain.

"How about we go home so you can rest for a while," Gabriella suggested. "You just came from Comis Village, I don't even think you have slept at all," The circles in Simione's eyes confirmed it. 

"Gabriella I'm okay," Simione told her but in a moment, she slightly stumbled her balance as a big headache crushed her head. Good thing Gabriella was able to catch her immediately.

"See this is what I'm taking. Lucy said that Hawk and you had an accident in Comis village, I should have you checked," Gabriella reprimanded her and carefully assisted her to sit back onto her previous seat.

"This is just nothing,"

"Simione above everything, your health is important," Gabriella replied. "I'll bring you to a hospital,"

"Hawk's assistant had me checked already, I just needed some rest." Simione didn't want to be brought to the hospital anymore.

"Don't ever lie to me,"

"I am not. Just bring me home. I just need some sleep. I was not able to sleep last night because I was worried about Hawk," Simione confessed as her exhaustion hit her. Her headache worsened as every second passed by and she knew she needed to drink some medicine for it. "Let's go now,"

"Alright," Gabriella assisted her and they left the place. Good thing El Tigre assigned a ride for Gabriella and so they didn't need to hire a cab any longer.

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