The Grand Mistress

Chapter 178 - Who Wants Her Dead?

"Your what?" Simione wanted Lucy to repeat her answer because for some reasons it didn't make sense.

For a moment, the two stared at each other without saying a word but after a while, the car was filled with Simione's loud guffaw!

"Hahahahahhahahah" Simione laughed at it hard. "Silly…. You don't have a husband!...all you got were lovers everywhere…how could you have a husband!"

"Hahahah...yeah right.." Lucy too laughed about it. 

"Your family is just so rich and powerful, I always knew it!" Simione continued, connecting all the dots she had with her because Lucy was being silly. Perhaps her friend just wanted her to laugh and he was very effective in doing so. The joke was about a husband, did work.

Thinking about it, Lucy's background was very mysterious. On her first day of school, everyone dropped jaws at how expensive her ride was and how her school bag was very expensive. Instantly, she made an impression that she was from a very rich family. However no one could tell which family in Devon City she belonged to and because her accent was somewhat different, it was first assumed that she was from a rich powerful family overseas. It was said that she was sent to Devon City for her safety as her parents didn't want her to be a target to abductions in their home country knowing how rich they were.

However, after just a few months, a rumour came around, saying Lucy wasn't really rich. She was just pretending so and that her luxurious lifestyle was brought by his many rich lovers in Devon City. She was suspected to be a high end prostitute with so many lovers supporting her and since Lucy did not refute these rumours, as she never really seemed to care, everyone just thought it was true.

Simione however could see through her personality. She treated Lucy as a regular person with no prejudices and this probably was the very reason why they clicked. They became good friends and although Lucy wasn't very open about her background, Simione was pretty convinced she wasn't all those things people were calling her about. Also, even if she was, she too doesn't care. Lucy after all is still Lucy, her dearly beloved friend.

"Whatever…" Lucy rolled an eye at her. In a moment they fascinated themselves more with the joke of Lucy's husband until their conversation got pretty serious.

"Simione, do you know why you got kidnapped? I don't think you were just taken randomly," Lucy asked then. Now that Simione had calmed down, she wanted to dig deeper into her situation.

"Now that you've asked. I remember the person who kidnapped me meant to kill me. Someone hired them but they thought of earning double from me so they sold me off to the prostitution house,"

"Meant to kill you?"

"Yes. Someone paid them so,"

"Who wanted you dead?" Lucy thought about it. "How cruel is that? I don't remember us messing with big people in Devon City so I don't think someone would do that to anyone of us,"

"Actually Lucy, I don't remember telling this to you before but…he came home that time…."


"The Don….he was in Devon City that time…" Simione explained. "Before we came to my graduation celebration, Feather came saying Don came home so he could settle Lyndon and Feather's relationship,"

Lucy was silenced for a moment as her thoughts drowned her. There was something to this story that didn't make sense.

"I am not convinced that the Don would hurt you Sisi, he is your—"

"You don't know him, but I do. I know how cruel of a person he was. Perhaps he became aware of what Lyndon did the night before and feared her favorite heiress will get hurt. So he wanted to get rid off me,"

"What did Lyndon do that night?" Lucy was curious. That time, she remembered asking Simione what happened in the Tang's house that she wanted to leave right away. The girl called her, asking to be picked up but she didn't tell Lucy why.

"He proposed to me," Simione revealed.

"He had some balls to propose? My that man! He's so full of himself," Lucy instantly cursed Lyndon at his foolishness. "What does he think of you? That you are that easy?"

"I think that was the reason why the Don wanted to get rid of me," Simione concluded. "It was for Feather again,"

"God, that family seriously has some problems," Lucy's head almost ached at how pathetic the Han's were. "I can't believe they even tried to kill you,"

"Lucy, I can't go back to Devon City anymore," Simione thought about it and realized that for the Han's she was dead already and so it would not be safe for her to flaunt herself in front of everyone anymore.

"Devon is your home, you are going to come back with me. Nobody can stop me," Lucy swore to her, especially when she saw how Simione became very sad at the thought.  "I promise you Simione, I'll take care of you. You don't have to worry about the Han's,"

"But I might only be implicating you in this matter," Simione was worried for Lucy too. "I don't want them to hurt you too and Gabbie,"

"They can't hurt me, all the more Gabbie, she's Monteria," Lucy confidently spoke. "As for you, I can protect you or I can conceal you from the Han's so you don't have to worry about it. They can think you are dead forever but they can't stop your from going on with your life in Devon city,"

"Besides, I don't think the Don is still there. He might have left already. The rest of the Han's however were very easy to fool, you need not to worry about them," Lucy added thinking about the family that they suspected to have hurt Simione.  Of all people in Devon City, only that family knew who Simione was and so they were all certain they were the ones who had her killed.

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