The Failed Swordsman Who Became the Strongest After Spamming the 100 Million Years Button

Chapter 407 - Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [177]

407. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [177]

Rize picked up Bacchus’s sword lying at her feet, and thrust it atop a hill overlooking a splendid view.

「Good grief… He rampaged around as he liked, acted on his will until the very end, and departed to the afterlife with a great laughter. What a troublesome old man.」

Rize took out a bottle of sake from the pocket of her kimono. It was a local sake from Cherin, the one that Bacchus liked to drink.


She drank about half of it and poured the other half onto Bacchus’s sword.

「Unlike myself, you always liked to do things straightforward and honestly… And I am truly, truly grateful for that time when you saved my little sister… Thank you.」

She placed the empty sake bottle on the ground and thanked from the bottom of her heart.

「Clown, buy this uninhabited island for me later, and don’t forget to erect a magnificent gravestone that matches Bacchus’ legacy.」

「Understood. By the way… what about Von’s corpse?」

「I don’t want it to rot, so it’ll have to be processed quickly.–Hey, come carry it!」

As Rize clapped her hands, a group of black suits rushed in promptly and collected Von’s body skillfully. After a deep bow, the group disappeared somewhere.

「Alright then, Bacchus. I’ll come visit you next time when I have something to complain about or to get something off my chest. …Fufu, don’t worry. I’ll make sure to bring sake and side dishes for you.」

Rize waved goodbye and turned her back to Bacchus’ sword.

「Well, then… We’ve come all the way to Cherin, so let’s all go sightseeing!」Rize said.

「Oh, that’s a good idea! Let’s buy “Sakuramono” first!」Clown said.

「Oh, we should. Let’s release our inner child and have fun to our hearts content!」Rize said.

While Rize and Clown were acting excited, Deal had a dejected look on his face.

「Umm, Rize onee-san…? I was about to be killed by Allen bro just a short while ago, so…」

「Ah, you don’t have to worry about that. Clown, bring that thing out.」


Clown took out a pale pill from his pocket and handed it to Deal.

「This is my newly developed “Third Generation Spirit Pill”! In addition to the conventional immediate recovery effect, it now moderately recovers spiritual power, and the stability of the soul dress, which was a problem, has been greatly improved! It’s a super-excellent drug if I do say so myself! Now, go ahead, Deal-san.」

「Umm… I want to ask just in case, but what are the side effects?」

「Ah, that… well… sometimes you could die.」

「That’s quite an improvement on that spectrum as well…」

Deal rolled the pill in his hand with a bitter smile.

「W-Well, it should work most of the time! Even if something should happen, Deal-san can somehow survive it with Hydra’s ability, right?」

「Well, I suppose you’re right.」

If there happen to be strong side effects, then Deal should be able to neutralize the components of the spirit pill by producing specific poison in his body.

Judging that, Deal threw the pill into his mouth and chewed it.

「…Oh, this is certainly working!」

Due to all the punishment caused by Allen, Deal’s spiritual power was pretty much empty, but after taking the 3rd generation spirit pill, his spiritual power was able to recover to the extent that it could withstand normal battles.

「It’s effective, isn’t it? It’s amazing, isn’t it? It’s tremendous progress, isn’t it!? I tell you, it was really hard to make this thing. I had to directly appeal to His Majesty Barrel to procure high quality spirit ores mined in Dagrio, and negotiating with every side to receive a supply of bodies for live experiment–」

As Clown started speaking like a mad scientist who was showing off his latest work, Rize, who was unable to just watch, stopped him.

「Hey, hey, that’s enough. That’s a little too passionate. You’re just troubling Deal.」

「Oops, sorry… I was absorbed into my own world unconsciously…」

「No, it’s not a problem for me. Clown bro’s invention has helped me out a lot. I’m always willing to listen if you wish to talk about anything.」

As the story was over, Rize clapped her hands together.

「–Alrighty, let’s get going! Let’s go buy sakuramono first!」


「To be able to go sightseeing with Rize onee-san, I’m a really lucky fellow.」

After that, Rize bought for herself a fashionable folding fan with a sakura pattern, Deal bought a sake bottle painted with a blizzard of falling sakura petals, and Clown bought a hat with a sakura blossom design.

「So, then… What was your impression of crossing swords directly with him? –Ah, uncle, please give me a plate of “Sakura Takoyaki!」Rize said.

「Oh, he was really strong… I am no match for him anymore. It seems that his body is getting closer, and the seal is also pretty loose. –Boss, I would like the same thing onee-san ordered.」

「Once he learns to control the “Darkness of House Rodore”, he will be a fine match for the “Seven Holy Swords”!” –By the way, I dislike hot stuff, so I’m gonna go get yakisoba over there.」Clown said.

「For now, things are going well, but… hafu hafu… don’t let your guard down. The “Head House” – Dahlia Rodore seems to be making some suspicious movements. I don’t think she’ll make it in time, but their clan has a mysterious power. –Oh, this is so delicious! I can’t get enough of this strong sauce! And… we still have to keep a close eye on the hermit of time’s movement. We can’t afford to be lax at the moment. –Okay, let’s go to “Sakura Drop” next! I heard that the hot spring over there is in the top three hot springs in the world!」

The three players of the underworld enjoyed their time walking around Cherin like a tourist.

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