The Extra's Dominance

Chapter 44 What's With This Family?![2]

[Raven's POV]

"I see, that's why you've been avoiding us recently."

Dad said. I can't see his face as I have my head lowered.

I'm anxious at how will they react.

I told them what happened last month, how I got my memories from my past life as 'Cole' and forgot my memories as 'Raven'.

I briefly told them my life in the past, my age, my job, and how that I'm an orphan.

Of course even though I forgot my life as 'Raven', I'm still Raven, the system and Higher Being confirmed that to me.

I also told them that I recover my memories if I see, hear, or encounter something that can trigger some of my memories, that's why I remember about them and Nisha.

Actually, I could've just live and die without telling them my this, but there's a weird feeling inside me that doesn't want to lie to them. And that feeling is hella strong!

'So whatever their reactions are, I will recieve it without running away.'

I told them because I know I wouldn't be at peace and my mind and conscience will keep bothering me about it in the future.

Then I briefly glanced dad, he stood up from his chair.

'Well, here goes nothing!'

Tightly closing my eyes, I waited for what will happen next.

But then I felt a gentle touch on my left shoulder.

It's warm and no hostility can be felt from it.

Opening my eyes and looking up, I can see dad looking down at me with a proud face.

"It must be hard for you to tell those things to us."

He calmly said.

I frowned and hurriedly opened my mouth.

"What? Why? Don't you guys feel betrayed? I lost a lot of my memories as 'Raven'."

"But you're still our son, Raven."

This time, mom talked, she have the same look on her face as dad.

"As you said you just remembered your past life and forgot some memories in your current life, so what? You're still our son, you're still Raven."

Mom casually said.

"Amnesia is a lot worse than your case, and even if that what happens to you, I wouldn't abandon you just for that. This is the case son, Cole and Raven, they're a single soul, they're both you, our child."

Mom added in a warm voice.

"Yeah, I know but–"

"Actually you did not change even a bit, it's just like you matured a little so we can tell that you're our son, we can feel it."

I was about to rebut but dad cut my words off with his speech.

"Listen Raven..."

Hearing dad's voice again, I looked at him.

"We don't care if you're an alien or a whatnot, for us you're still our son."

I tried asking the system to check if they're lying, but everything they said are genuine based on its analysis.

(Raven doesn't say it but he developed a strong trust to the system after being with it since coming to this world.)

And knowing that mom and dad are genuinely accepting me made me feel a massive relief and happiness inside.

I felt warm and comfort.

But I didn't show it on the outside that I'm very happy.

I just smiled... I'm just smiling at them honestly.

"Thanks, this talk actually removed a heavy burden in my heart."

I said. It's weird how they accepted that smoothly but I'm pretty weird myself too, so guess we're really family huh.

"Anyway, you're parents in the past are jerks huh."

Dad said, trying to make the atmosphere around us lighter. And it actually worked.

"Heh, yeah, I didn't even know if they're humans or dogs."

I jokingly replied.

Dad goes back to his seat with a smile.

"Don't force yourself to remember everything immediately, just take your time, we'll help and wait for you."

He said to me.

I nodded my head, not knowing how to respond.

"Thanks mom, dad."

In the end I just thanked them again, it looks like it's the only thing I can say.

Being embarrassed after I calmed down, I immediately shifted my head to mom and changed the topic.

"Anyway mom, what do you mean that I'm a candidate?"

I asked her.

Mom then remembered what she's about to say earlier.

So she locked her eyes onto me and opened her mouth.

"It's mean that you are #@$-&%..?!#....."



But as mom was saying the important part of her explanation, a coursing pain ran throughout my head and I can't understand her next words.


I held my head tightly as it hurts so much.


I wriggled in pain making me fall to the floor. It feels like something or someone is squeezing my brain again and again.


"Raven! What's wrong?!"

Mom and dad ran beside me. They supported me up and lay me on the nearby sofa where they are sitting earlier.

"Arrgh, fuck..."

The pain only lasted for about ten seconds but it felt like minutes for me.

'I can't even faint.'

I tried to cut off my consciousness to not feel the pain, but it's unsuccessful as the pain in my head prevented me to.

"Are you alright?"

Looking at beside me, I can see mom with a worried expression.

I sat up of the sofa and casually waved my hand.

"I'm alright now."

I replied to remove her and dad's worries.

I'm not lying as the pain inside my head disappeared like it didn't even happen in the first place.

I racked my brain for seconds and faced mom.

"Looks like something is preventing me from knowing the details connected about the candidate thing."

I said as it's the only reason I can think of that caused the sudden pain.

Mom nodded her head.

"It seems so."

She agreed too.

"Are you really okay?"

My dad then asked me again, though he appears to be calm, I can tell he's worried.

"I'm fine, the pain magically disappeared."

I told them again, but their expressions didn't change.

'They doesn't believe me at all.'

It's frustrating but I have no energy to explain that what they're thinking is wrong, so I just let them be.

"Anyway, I have to go back to academy tomorrow, so we should relocate today."

Instead, I brought the main topic that was nearly forgotten.

"But we don't have a place to relocate to."

Mom then said with an awkward smile.

"Sorry son, we don't have the money right now to buy a new house immediately."

Dad then muttered with a bitter smile.

Then a smirk appeared on my face, shrugging my shoulders, I opened my mouth.

"There's no need to worry about that, I already took care of the place you guys can stay to."

I casually said.

"What are you talking about?"

Mom asked me in a rather confused tone.

I looked mom and dad briefly before explaining.

"I already acquired a place we can relocate to, all we need to do is pack and move there."

"How did you do that?"

Dad then asked in a serious tone squinting his eyes at me.

Looking at him, I picked an answer that's believable and true.

"I'm earning a decent amount of money by being a novel author and having some shares in some good businesses."

I then shrugged, suggesting that what I did is normal, though I know that it's not.

"We can't accept that."

Dad then replied, he rejected.

Though, I already anticipated that.

"Why is that?"

I asked him.

"You should use your money to yourself, you earned it and we have our pride as a parent."

"Your dad is right, Raven."

Dad answered and mom agreed with him.

Looking at them, I shook my head and spoke.

"Though I don't intend to damage your prides, I also don't want you guys to be in danger because of it."

After pausing for some seconds, I talked again.

"I should use the money I earned for myself? That's bullshit, you guys used the money you earned for us, your kids. I'm just repaying you mom and dad."

"Also, it's my decision where and how to use the money I earned based on what you guys said, right? Well I chose to use some of them to Nisha, Mom, and Dad."

Looking at them, I let out a mischievous smile.

"Don't worry, I have enough money for myself too."

At my words, the couple's face became complicated.

And with a serious look, I opened my mouth again.

"I want everyone in our family to be happy and safe... Please."

I sincerely asked them lowering my head a bit.

After a while of silence, I recieved a reply from dad.

"Haaa... Fine."

Lifting my head to look at mom and dad, I thanked them.


"No, we should be thanking you instead."

"We should pack immediately, right?"

Dad and mom said.

"I have a spatial storage so let me help pack."

"We're truly blessed to have you as our son."

Mom then hugged me.

Then After she separated from me. She stood beside dad and pointed herself with her thumb.

"Now you can run wild and destroy that group you mentioned earlier."

She said. Then dad opened his mouth.

"And if someone targeted our family..."

The atmosphere around Mom and dad then became grim.

And it made me frown.

"We will destroy them personally."

As they declared that, chills ran through my spine as they emitted a bizzare strong aura.

It's like both of them aren't normal human, especially mom.

"So there's no need to worry Raven."

Dad patted me on the shoulder and left with mom to pack things.

Watching them leave, I opened my mouth.

"System... Appraise their stats."


Then mom's and dad's status were displayed in a transparent screen that only me can see.



Name:Alfred Obadiah


Mana Control:A








<Body Crusher>



<Merciless Enemy>

<Strong Willpower>




Name:Elaine Obadiah


Mana Control:S








<Instant Cast>

<Triple Casting>


<Mana Genius>



My eyes widened as I stood still and motionlessly staring at the status of my parents in front of me.

I was beyond shock and speechless, my mouth closed and opened many times but I didn't produce a single sound.

It took me seconds just to let out few words.

"Holy shit..."

I mumbled.

[Seriously... What's with this family?]

Looks like there's really something weird about my family.


[Drei05]: I can afford to publish an extra chapter today, so why not?

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