The Extra's Dominance

Chapter 42 Raven's Past[3]

[Raven's POV]



I let out a heavy breathe and dropped Prem that I was lifting up in the air for quite some time now.

"They already passed out huh."

I mumbled while looking at the 3 bodies lying lifelessly on the ground.

Their bones are either broken or crushed, making them look hideous.

Especially Prem who have his face punched several times by me, his face was dented and blood is still coming out from his mouth and nose.

"I tried to make them conscious as long as possible by giving them buffs so they will feel every hit that I would throw, guess they're just that weak huh."

I scoffed as the 3 of them didn't even stay conscious for 10 minutes under my beating.

[You just dislocated and broke most of their bones, you also crushed their skulls open, if they were not awakened whose bodies became sturdy because of mana they would have already died several times by now.]

The system then appeared and started nagging me.

"Well, the past 'Raven' endured more than this from them in the past even though he's not awakened that time."

I rebutted and shrugged my shoulders.

"Anyway, would they die if I leave them like that?"

I asked the system.

After a second of silence, it answered.

[No they wouldn't, though they will suffer permanent damages even if they are awakened if they are left like that.]

"Hmm... Then that's good."

I said with a satisfied smile, looking at the three on the ground...

"<Specific Cleanse>"

I then casted a magic on them, it's a magic that can remove just the things what the caster specifically wants to be removed, though only me can use it as I just made it just now with the help of my traits and the system by using the <Cleanse> magic as a reference.

Anyway, what I removed from the three's bodies are my traces, so no one will really know that I touched the three, except from someone can read one's memories or if someone used a high level trace finder skill on them.

But I bet no one will use high level skills like that to the likes of Prem, Jayson, and Jericho.

After casting the magic, my finger prints and other of my traces on Prem's, Jericho's, and Jayson's bodies disappeared.

"Now, there's no evidence that I did this."

I mumbled while nodding my head, I already checked earlier before beating the shit out of the three if there's a camera or a person near the area and fortunately, I'm in a secluded area when they decided to attack me, so there's none.

[What will you do if they report you to the police?]

The system asked, looking at it, I frowned.

"Are you stupid?"

I asked.


"They have criminal records, I have none, they also have records of bullying me in the past, they even attempted to murder me... Though it was just all set up by the past 'Raven'."

I cut the system's words with my own explanation, not giving it a chance to refute.

After a short pause, I continued to talk.

"My point is, I have a clean record compared to them, people will believe me more than them."

"Also, they attacked me first, so what I did is considered as a self defense."

After explaining it to the system, I started to walk away, leaving the three behind lying on the ground like corpses.

[Self defense? You beat the shit out of them one-sidedly.]

"But I didn't attack first."


I took another glance at the three to make sure they're unconscious, after making sure they aren't moving, I left satisfied and not with regret.

After a while of silence.

[Then why did you make those three fight each other?]

The system asked again. It's becoming nosy as time goes by,.

By the way, I requested the Transcendent Beings a choice for me to block and unblock the system from reading my mind in the [System Shop] as I feel uncomfortable when someone or something can just read my mind without my consent.

I just need to unblock it when I need to talk with the system in my mind. The system too agreed with my request so it didn't cost much CP.

But the Transcendent Beings didn't really like my request, but they can't refuse it; therefore, I can now block the system's mind reading for a total of an hour a day.

That's why the system is being nosy because it can't read my thoughts right now.

"Why did I made the three fight each other?"

I repeated the system's question as I recalled telling the 3 to fight each other earlier with me saying that I will let the winner go, they really did fought each other vigorously to the point that it's entertaining for me.

The winner is of course Prem, though I didn't let him go and just beat the shit out of him after that.

Remembering his crying and pleading face made me smile unconsciously.

"I made them fight so it will look like they fought each other and became like that."

I purposely just removed only my trace on their bodies so when the police investigate them, it will just look like they had a fight among themselves, completely removing my chance of being a suspect from what happened to them.

[Wow, you're a demon.]

The system then said after hearing my explanation, I so know why, but it's like the system is looking at me with disbelief.

Well, I ignored it and just continued walking.

After receiving portions of the past Raven's memories.

I got more sure of the location of my destination, making my steps more certain and confident.

I asked the system if the memories I saw before are really memories of the past 'Raven', to make sure my brain is not just making things up.

And then the system confirmed they indeed are.

The system added that as the body I'm possessing have its own past, I will see the important memories of the past 'Raven' every time a certain something triggered those memories.

The Higher Being did this feature so I can live as Raven more realistically and comfortably.

Though it's bothersome that I can also feel 'Raven's' emotions in those memories.

But in the end, I just let it go because at the end of the day, me and the past 'Raven' are the same person.

"Hey system."

This time I'm the one who called out for the system.


"Why is the past Raven's personality and attitude are like that.'

I asked as I am curious of the reason why the past 'Raven' is so vicious like that.

[You're Raven, the reincarnation of Cole, the both of you have the same personality and attitude as you both have the same soul.]

The system then blantly replied, leaving me in shock.

"Am I that petty..."

I muttered to myself, though the system heard it.

[You didn't know?]

It sarcastically asked.

I was about to rebut, but didn't as I know myself that I'm petty, I just didn't know that it's on that level.


Not long after he met and beat up Prem and the other 2 scum, Raven reached his destination.

He's currently standing in front of a small humble house and looking at the door with a complicated face.

Raven is readying himself, he's nervous but he knows that this day will come and he can't escape from it.

Raven checked his appearance, he looks presentable enough according to his standard.

Raven is wearing a fit light gray dress shirt long sleeve, matching his fit black dress trouser, giving him a charismatic and matured aura.

"I hope everything works well."

Raven mumbled and took another deep breathe.

With a resolute face, Raven raised his right hand to knock on the door.


But before his hand even make contact with the door, Raven heard a voice of a girl the voice sounded rather longing for something or someone.

Raven flinched in surprise, he was so nervous that he wasn't able to sense that someone was coming near him!

Also considering the fact that the girl have a weak presence to begin with.

Raven then nervously turned his head to look at the source of the voice.


Then he was stupefied when he saw a little girl looking at him with surprised eyes few steps away from him.


The little girl have black eyes and hair like him, though her eyes look soft and her cheeks are slightly chubby making her cute.

The little girl was so small that her height can barely reach Raven's tummy.

It was then a sudden torrent of memories entered Raven's head again! Though this time, he didn't feel any pain but instead he felt warm and comfortable.


Then a name came out from Raven's mouth.


The little girl, Nisha, ran toward Raven. Raven didn't particularly like or hate children, but he felt a special feeling for Nisha after recovering 'his' memories.

It was love for her little sister, and a desire to protect her from any danger.

As a matter of fact, 'Raven' destroyed Prem and the others in the past to protect Nisha from them as they're a possible future danger for Nisha.

Seeing Nisha running at him with open arms, Raven crouched down and widely opened his arms to recieve her embrace.

Nisha hugged Raven tightly and Raven hugged her back.

Raven then stood up lifting Nisha gently.

"Brother! You're back!"

Nisha exclaimed as she hugs Raven.

Raven, who is also Cole, didn't know what to do.

'Is this okay? What the Raven Nisha knows... Isn't exactly me.'

Raven's mind became complicated.

But he then shook his head, removing such thoughts, and just smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah... I'm back."

Raven replied to Nisha.

"Did you wait for me?"

Raven asked Nisha.


Nisha, who buried her head in Raven's shoulder just weakly nodded as a response.

"Did you wait long?"

Raven asked her again.


And Nisha replied at the same way as before.

Raven smiled bitterly.

In Raven's memory, he had left home after spending Christmas with his family, 5 months prior before him attending Lunar.

He left early to get himself ready and comfortable in living is such big cities.

So Nisha didn't see Raven in person for 5 months, they just see each other in video chats.

But this past month, when Raven recovered his memories as 'Cole', he avoided having a video call with his family as he didn't know how to act towards them, the best Raven can do is to converse with them in a call, and just for an hour.

Raven felt his shoulder, where Nisha has her head buried, getting slightly wet.

But Raven didn't say a word about it and just patted Nisha on the head.

"Sorry, I made you wait... And thanks for waiting."

Raven whispered to Nisha.

Nisha didn't answer and just tighten her embrace to Raven.


It was then, the door behind Raven opened.

Raven looked back and saw two figures standing in the door, and just like Nisha before, they're showing a surprised expression while looking at him.

One of the two figures is a woman, she looks like Nisha in her mid 20s but the woman have white hair.

She's gorgeous that even models will get jelous of her appearance and her body that is perfectly balanced with beautiful curves in the right places!

While the other figure is a man, he have sharp eyes like Raven, he's fairly handsome and looks manly as hell, not like Raven who is average before he gain his memories as Cole. The man looks like in his early 30s.

His body well built as if he didn't miss a single day of working out, and he gives of an aura of someone responsible.

Seeing at them like that, Raven smiled and waved at them.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home."

He muttered.

The reason Raven came to Idya City, is for him to meet his family.


[Raven's POV]

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Did something bad happen to you in the academy?"

"Are you okay?"

Elaine Obadiah, my mom, started bombarding me with questions as soon as she saw me.

She's checking my whole body to see if I have any kind of wound or injury.

I can't avoid her as I'm carrying Nisha.

"Let him in first, Elaine."

Fortunately my dad, Alfred Obadiah, stopped mom.


My mom look sorry after being stopped by father.

"Sorry, I bothered you."

She apologized!

I shook my head vigorously and immediately opened my mouth.

"It's okay, actually it feels nice seeing mom worry about me."

I was embarrassed after saying that that I almost frown.

'Fucking Cringe.'

I thought, I also noted that no one in my class should know about this. Especially Blake.

Then I saw mom's face, she's smiling ear to ear and just staring at me silently.

"L-let's go inside!"

Seeing her staring at me like that, I don't know how to react so I rushed them to enter the house.

"Yeah, let's go."

Dad then agreed. I looked at him with grateful eyes.

Dad then smiled and winked at me.

'He knows my intention!'

Can he read people's minds?!

"Okay, Let me carry Nisha."

My mom then approached me to get Nisha, but...


Nisha shouted when she heard mom's voice and clung to me tighter.


Mom look like she's gonna scold Nisha.

"It's okay Mom."

But I stopped her, mom looked at me worriedly but I ignored that.

Nisha then raised her head and looked at me.

With a smile, I spoke to her.

"You can cling to me as long as you want."

Nisha's face then brightened after hearing that.

"Then I'll do so!"

The she exclaimed and hugged me tighter.


I'm currently cooking our lunch in the kitchen, I volunteered to do so.

I'm also piggybacking Nisha as she still doesn't want to separate with me.

"It smells good!"

Nisha exclaimed.

"Just wait, it will also taste good."

I then declared confidently.

"Yeah, I can't wait!"

Nisha's pure and honest attitude made me want to protect her more.

"Sorry for making you cook..."

Then, what appeared on my side is my mom with a rather sorry expression.

I looked at her and smiled.

"I volunteered, so don't be sorry."

I tried to reassure her, but mom's expression didn't change. It's awkward.

"Mom, can you prepare the table?"

"... Sure"

Just when I requested that, mom's face calmed a bit and she started preparing the table.

I finished cooking not long after mom set the table, I then placed the dishes I made in the table.

I cooked a stewed Siber Beast and a pan-fried Storm Hawk, etc.

I bought monsters and beasts meats on my way here.

Beasts and monsters meats contain a lot of mana, making them more tastier and even helping you to replenish your stamina and mana faster.

I sat to one of the chairs, opposite from mom and dad who are sitting side by side. Nisha then got down from my back and sat beside me.

She's looking at me and the foods in the table back and forth with eager eyes.

Mom and dad who saw that smiled, I also smiled, then a cosy atmosphere was created around us.

Dad then opened his mouth.

"Let's eat."

He said.

'He doesn't talk too much but he's considerate huh.'

I thought, then I voiced my agreement to dad.

"Yeah, the foods will get cold so let's eat."

I got Nisha and myself our portion while mom and dad got theirs.

Nisha then took a bite from her food as soon as I placed her portion in front of her.


Her eyes widened and her head snapped in my direction.

"Ish..sho goosh!"

She clumsily exclaimed, it made me chuckle seeing her reaction.

"Don't talk with foods in your mouth, Nisha."

"Mom's right."

Mom scolded her and dad agreed, Nisha then apologized.


"It's fine, just don't do it again."

Dad nodded his head, agreeing to mom again.

"You will understand me after you took a bite from brother's cooking..."

Nisha who felt wronged, pouted and took another bite, the way she munch while eating is adorable.

Mom and dad got curious at how my cooking taste after hearing Nisha's words, it's understandable as based on the memories I recieved earlier, Nisha is a picky eater.

Mom and dad grabbed their spoons and took a bite from the pan-fried storm hawk I made.

Like Nisha, their eyes widened and looked at me with a surprise expression.

"I tolsh yoo guysh... Nom...nom..nom..."

Nisha said proudly with both of her cheeks swelling as her mouth is full of food.

"it's good, really..."

Mom muttered as she took another bite.

"Why are you so good at cooking? I didn't see you cook even once before."

Dad asked squinting his eyes, he's forcing me to answer.

I smiled awkwardly.

"Well... This and that happened..."

I answered and started to eat to avoid dad's gaze.

Dad and mom didn't pry me about it after that and just started eating with a satisfied expression on their faces.

The same goes to Nisha, looking at them, I felt weirdly happy and satisfied.

'Family huh...'

I don't know what I would feel when I meet Raven's or my family before, so I was pretty anxious about it.

"It's not a bad feeling."

I mumbled to myself and continued to eat.


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