The Extra's Dominance

Chapter 121 The Labyrinth Of The Nurturer[11]


[Hell's Prisoner]







<Self Destruct>

<Fire Manipulation>

<Flame of Hell>


"Ugh, it's hideous..."

Raven mumbled after seeing the appearance of the Hell's Prisoner.

He and the others are still in front of the now-opened gate of the last floor.

And seeing Raven talking to himself.

The others got curious and looked at where he was looking at.

And there...

"What the hell is that?"-Curtis

"It's creepy."-Aoi

"It's looking at us..."-Adelle

"No it's not."-Blake

"But it looks like it is, Blake."-Alec

"Shhh, don't argue now, it might hear us."-Eve

They saw a 25 meters tall humanoid monster, it was smaller than the Giant Squid they faced before, but it was a lot scarier.

The Hell's Prisoner has 3 big eyes, but they have no white, they're all black!

It has 4 horns and sharp yellow teeth!

The Hell's Prisoner has red skin, and red fur covering its body!

It's so muscular that when Raven saw that monster, he thought that he would break some bones upon getting hit by it even just once!

And by the way, the Hell's Prisoner is currently sleeping inside something similar to a magma chamber!

The theme of the last floor is hell!

Or at least, what people would expect what hell looks like...

Crimson red fire everywhere, lava, and hot air that makes it hard to breathe and burns you continuously.

It's an unlivable land that if one normal person even just gets near it, they would die within seconds!


"Let's ambush it."

Eve then suddenly said upon seeing the Hell's Prisoner sleeping.


Her words attracted the others' attention, so they looked at her.

"It's a good idea."

But then, Aoi voiced out her agreement to Eve's suggestion not long.

"Except that monster, there's nothing else with life inside this floor."

Aoi then explained.

"I don't detect any traps too."

And Adelle followed.

(Aoi and Adelle used their skills...)

You might think that their sense can be wrong, but guess what, you're right.

About that they can be wrong...

But Aoi's and Adelle's senses are the best among the group!

And considering that they got stronger in the process of going down the labyrinth...

Their words have a lot of value to everyone else in the group!

"Then we should probably go now."

Raven suggested after hearing Aoi's and Adelle's words.

"Aren't you being hasty?"

And Curtis asked him with a frown.

Raven looked at him, then the others...

Then Raven opened his mouth.

"Well, if you guys wouldn't go..."

"I can just do it alone."

"It's not like I can't do it without you guys."

And he declared that!

And before the others could even react to his words...


Raven grew a pair of black wings!



Then he flew toward the boss monster without hesitation!

Leaving the others behind immediately!

"That bastard...!"

Curtis exclaimed.

Then he looked at Eve.

"We should go too, I don't think he's joking when he said he can do it alone."

Eve said with a complicated expression on her face.

"But what's the plan?"

Alec asked.

Eve looked at him, and she shook her head.

"None. We just need to do what we always do, be versatile, and always mind our teammates..."

Eve stated while biting her lower lips in frustration.

'That man, what is he thinking rushing in without a plan..?'

She thought.

"Let's go!"

Then she gave an order.

And as soon as they heard her words...




Alec, Adelle, Curtis, and Aoi rushed inside the last floor and went to their respective positions where they think they can perform best!

"Huh? Where's Blake?"

Alec asked after realizing Blake was nowhere to be seen again...


Meanwhile, Raven immediately reached the face of Hell's Prisoner by flying.

And as soon as he did...


The Hell's Prisoner opened its eyes!

But that didn't faze Raven at all!

And with [Emmeranne] in his right hand...


He boldly stabbed the middle eye of Hell's Prisoner!

"<Lightning Strike>"

Raven even cast a 4th tier magic!


His magic traveled through his sword...


And exploded inside the Hell's Prisoner's eye!


This did a significant damage to the monster as it screamed in pain!


So as a response, the Hell's Prisoner lifted both of its hands to counterattack!


Fire covered both of its hands...


And the Hell's Prisoner clapped its hand together as if it was just catching a fly!


The fire went flying everywhere with the shockwave that was produced by the monster's attack!

The Hell's Prisoner performed a simple physical type attack that would easily crush most freshmen students of the Lunar Academy!

And not far from the monster's clasped hands...

"That's it?"

Raven spoke in disappointment.

He evaded the monster's attack with ease!

As soon as Raven saw the Hell's Prisoner moving its hands toward him...

He momentarily activated <Thought Acceleration> and slowed down the time!

Then he just flew above its head!

"It's slow..."

Raven mumbled... The disappointment was written all over his face.

[It's not slow, you're just fast as fuck.]

Sariel responded to him.

But Raven just ignored him, instead...


Crackle- Crackle-

With black bolts of lightning still covering his whole body and sword...


Raven flew directly down!

And when he reached the top of the Hell's Prisoner's uncovered head...


Raven immediately stabbed his sword into it!


But that is when a gigantic hand made of fire went rushing at him from his behind!


This surprised Raven, he wasn't able to sense it because it doesn't have any mana or life!

It's one of the Hell's Prisoner's skills, <Fire Manipulation>!

Raven was about to fly away to avoid the attack.


When someone suddenly appeared in front of the fire hand!

"I knew you would rush things and make a mistake!"

It was Blake!

"That's why I rushed in too as soon as you rushed in!"

Blake exclaimed.


"<Absolute Defense>!"


He blocked and stopped the giant fire hand on its track!

"Well, you have my gratitude."

Raven mumbled with a smile on his face.

Then he looked down at his sword that is still stabbed in the Hell's Prisoner's head.

"As thanks, I'll give you a show."

Raven said.

"You're too close so you might get caught up."

He then added.

"But you have a ridiculous amount of defense so... Here it goes!"

"<Lightning Fury>!"

And Raven exclaimed!

And as soon as he did...


An enormous magic circle appeared on top of the Hell's Prisoner's head!

"Uwaah... Are you planning to kill me too?"

Blake asked upon seeing that magic circle.



"That crazy bastard!"-Curtis

"Ugh, sucks to be that monster being bullied by Raven..."-Alec

The others who were just getting near the Hell's Prisoner saw the magic circle too.

And they immediately know it's Raven's doing.

Then not long after the magic circle appeared...



Countless lightning came out of it and rushed to the place where Raven is, or where [Emmeranne] is stabbed!




The Hell's Prisoner went rampaging because of pain, nevertheless, the flashes of lightning didn't stop coming at him and exploding on top of his head!


Bam! Bam! Bam!

The boss monster even went out of the magma chamber it was resting on and went running around!


But it was useless!

"Uwaahh... Raven seems scarier now than that monster now."

Adelle mumbled, she was watching everything from a distance with Aoi.

"Well, Raven did say before that he prefers to fight one monster that is 3 ranks higher than him, than a group of monsters that's a rank lower than him."

"Because he's basically a monster in one on one."

Aoi explained to Adelle.

"But we're here too."

Then she added.


And after saying that, Aoi aimed her unloaded bow at the running Hell's Prisoner...


And she pulled back the string of it as if she has arrows loaded in it.

"<Mana Arrows>"

Then Aoi mumbled!

And as soon as she did.

Ziing- Ziing- Ziing-

3 purple arrows made of mana appeared and were loaded on her bow!


After that, Aoi activated another skill of hers...


Then she let go of her bow's string and fired off the mana arrows!


The mana arrows flew at a terrifying speed, and soon, they reached their targets!

Phuck- Phuck-

One mana arrow stabbed in each of the Hell's Prisoner's ankles!


And the last one dug through the monster's middle eye that was almost destroyed by Raven earlier!

But that's not all...


The mana arrows exploded!


Aoi destroyed the Hell's Prisoner's ankles and opened its head open that you can already see its skull!

"Oh, it did more damage than I expected..."

Aoi mumbled upon seeing the Hell's Prisoner falling forward!

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