The Extra's Dominance

Chapter 117 The Labyrinth Of The Nurturer[8]

Inside the labyrinth, just 46 hours after Raven and the others entered...

And they are already at the entrance of the 5th floor!

They had just gone through the 4th floor, and now they stepped inside the 5th floor!

But as soon as the group entered the 5th floor...



They immediately saw a 30-meter-tall purple squid!

And it's just about a hundred meters away from them!

Luckily it hasn't noticed Raven and the others yet...

"Be quiet everyone..."-Eve


Tap- Tap- Tap-

So the group immediately but quietly hid behind a huge rock that was near the entrance of the 5th floor.

And looking at the Giant Squid again, the others immediately concluded that it was the mini-boss!

The Giant Squid has 8 disgustingly long arms, 2 thick tentacles, and 4 weird eyes!

Also, its eyes are darting everywhere as if it's looking for something!


[The Four-Eyed Giant Squid]







<Water Cannon Lvl.4>

<Water Manipulation Lvl.5>


"Fucking hell..."

Raven then looked at the status of the mini-boss, which caused him to let out a curse unconsciously.

But that's not all!

Surrounding the mini-boss are <E> rank monsters called Siyokoys...

Siyokoys are ugly green-skinned humanoid monsters with tough scales, webbed limbs, and fins...

They can fight and breathe normally underwater and they can all use the skill <Water Bullet>!

And there are about more than 40 Siyokoys around the Giant Squid!

So seeing that, situation...

Raven and the others started gathering information about the floor by investigating the surrounding... Quietly of course.

And these are some of the pieces of information they discovered:

"The theme of the 5th floor is similar to a beach, the floor is sand and there are some rock formations scattered everywhere."-Adelle

"And in the middle of the floor is an enormous and deep lake, where the mini-boss resides..."-Adelle

"This floor is designed for a raid-type battle against monsters in their natural habitat..."-Raven

"So unless we kill that Giant Squid, we can't go to the next level."-Raven

Anyway, after analyzing the situation... Raven and the others started forming a plan to clear this floor.

"So, what's the plan?"

Alec asked the others.

"We deal with that monster, and go to the next floor."

And Eve casually responded.

"How are we gonna do that?"

This time, it was Aoi who asked a question.

And at her question, the others looked at Eve, waiting for her answer...


And under those expectant gazes, Eve remained silent...

Then after a while, she opened her mouth...

And told the others what was on her mind.



"That's simple, but it could work."

Curtis stated after hearing Eve's plan.

"Well, there's no need to overcomplicate things."

Eve stated.

"I agree."

And Raven agreed with her words.

"Anyway, the floor is sand so it would be much harder to move than usual, keep that in mind and be careful."

Adelle then reminded the others.

"We got it, thanks."

And Alec responded on everyone's behalf.

"So, shall we start moving?"

Then when this question was asked by Aoi...

Eve looked at Blake.

And feeling her gaze.

Blake looked back at Eve.

"You ready?"

Eve asked.

"I'm kinda nervous but I'm set to go."

And Blake answered.

"Everyone else?"

Then after that, Eve asked the others.

"I'm always ready."-Curtis

"If this took any longer, I'll do it myself."-Raven

"I'm excited to go and fight actually..."-Alec

"I'm good to go too."-Adelle

"Me too."-Aoi

Everyone was set to go and put the plan into motion.

"Then let's go."

So with that, the group started their mission...

Which is to hunt down the Four-Eyed Giant Squid.




The Four-Eyed Giant Squid was making weird noises because of boredom.


Its day wasn't any different from any other days it lived on... It's uneventful.

The Giant Squid's only hobby was playing with the Siyokoys like they were some kind of dolls, but it eventually got bored with them.


So the Giant Squid wished that once, even if just one time... For something interesting to happen.

"Hey, you octopus!"

And that's when it heard something.

The Giant Squid looked at the source of the sound.

And there, it saw a human carrying a big-ass shield at an arm-length away from itself.

It was Blake...



Immediately after seeing Blake, the Siyokoys immediately made a move and rushed at him!

But not the Giant Squid, it just stared at Blake with curiosity...

"I said..."





Well, that's until Blake threw a dagger at the Giant Squid and it dug through one of its tentacles...

The Giant Squid didn't get hurt, but it did get annoyed.


So the Giant Squid stretched out its 8 long arms...

Swoosh- Swoosh-

Swoosh- Swoooosh–

And attacked Blake with them!

And seeing all the 8 long arms of the Giant Squid coming at him...

Blame broke out a smile!

"<Absolute Defense>!"

Then he activated one of his skills!

And that's not all, when the arms are about to reach him...


Blake dashed forward!

"<Shield Bash>!"

And activated another skill!


He then met the Giant Squid's attack head-on!

And because of the strong force behind the collision between Blake and the mini-boss...


It produced a strong shockwave after, sending the sands up in the air and creating a smokescreen!

Also, in that single bout of Blake and the Giant Squid, 8 Siyokoys got swept and died...


The Giant Squid then grumbled in pain after retracting its arms.

The Giant Squid's arms, the tips of them are heavily damaged.


The Giant Squid then looked at where it saw Blake earlier to look for him...

But the sand is creating a dense smokescreen around that area so it was hard to see anything.

Then suddenly...

Swish- Swish-

Swish- Swish-

4 arrows came out of the smokescreen!

And they're flying toward the Giant Squid's eyes!


The Giant Squid immediately raised its 2 tentacles to block them.


But the arrows suddenly changed their trajectories!


And they changed back again not long after!

Phuck- Phuck- Phuck- Phuck-

The 4 arrows just avoided the Giant Squid's tentacles and hit all 4 of its eyes!


Which made the Giant Squid scream in pain and rage!

Then after that...


4 figures came out of the smokescreen!

"Nice job, Aoi."

"Hey guys, where did Blake go?"

"Ugh, it's so frustrating that Blake keeps calling this an octopus even though it's a squid."

"Shut up you weirdo."

It was Eve, Alec, Raven, and Curtis!

(They talked in this order too...)


As soon as the Giant Squid came to know it isn't battling a single enemy...

It activated its skill, <Water Manipulation>...


And created a tsunami using about 30% of the water on the floor!

(The tsunami is 20 meters tall and 25 meters wide.)

The tsunami is just right behind the Giant Squid...

And it's heading to where Eve and the others are!

After seeing that... Raven looked at Curtis while they were running toward the Giant Squid.

Curtis then felt his gaze so he looked at him too.


Curtis asked.

"Deal with that tsunami."

And Raven gave him an order!


"Why would I?"

Curtis asked with an annoyed look on his face.

"Because you are a water element user."

And Raven just casually answered him.

Which annoyed Curtis even more.

"Even if that's the case, why would I receive or–"

"Can you take care of that tsunami, Curtis?"

Then this time, it was Eve who spoke.

"But of course, anything for you."

And Curtis immediately replied positively.

"Then, please take care of it for us."-Eve


"This fucking simp..."-Raven

'This is stupid...'

Alec then thought as he watches the 3 interact with each other.

Anyway, after receiving the order from Eve...

"<Swift Movements>"

Curtis activated one of his skills.

Then with his sword in his hand...


Curtis propelled himself forward at a terrifying speed!

Fwoosh- Swiish-

He even avoided the Shokoys that are on his way!

And because the Giant Squid is still quite fixated on its damaged eyes and arms...


Curtis got past it unnoticed too!

And not soon after...


"What a beautiful wave."

Curtis reached the base of the tsunami!

"Too bad it was made to harm me and Eve."

Curtis mumbled.



He jumped 10 meters high up!

Then as he's in the middle level of the tsunami...

"Water Manipulation huh..."


Curtis swung his sword horizontally!


Then the tsunami got cut in half!

... Horizontally!

And that's not all...


Crackle- Crackle-

The down half of the tsunami even turned into ice!

"I can manipulate water too, well enough to turn them into ice."

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