The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 81 - Chapter 81: Chapter 81: Reveal the Real Culprit!

Chapter 81: Chapter 81: Reveal the Real Culprit!

Translator: 549690339

Huang Xiaolong wasted no time, quickly chanting the ghost-summoning incantation.

Suddenly, within the dormitory, the air began to surge like a tornado!

“Watch out, it’s coming.” Huang Xiaolong smiled, taking out an unveiling charm from his canvas bag, shaking it lightly, the charm ignited itself, and a golden light streaked across the room like a meteor.

The next moment…

A tall, fair-faced girl with a pale complexion, dressed in a yellow long dress, floated in the air in the dormitory. Her hair was loose, her eyes were cold, indifferent, and filled with resentment, staring directly at Huang Xiaolong and the others.

“Ah, from red to purple, it’s a yellow clothed fierce ghost. It’s no longer afraid

of sunlight and has the ability to possess bodies,” Huang Xiaolong nodded slightly, but felt a sense of lingering fear.

God, if last night, this yellow-clothed fierce ghost had possessed my wife Song Yuru, things would have been quite troublesome.

With this thought in mind, Huang Xiaolong, feeling somewhat distressed, hugged Song Yuru, “Wife, don’t be scared.”

Song Yuru felt Huang Xiaolong’s heartfelt love for her, and her mood gradually calmed down. She softly said, “As long as you’re here, I’m not afraid of anything. ”

Well, isn’t this wonderful? The sweet couple is expressing their love here, exchanging sweet nothings.

“Jiang Lili!!!!!!” Zhou Yuewen burst into tears, pointing at the yellow-clothed fierce ghost and said, “You…you’re really Jiang Lili! I…l’m Teacher Zhou!”

“Teacher Zhou…” The yellow-clothed fierce ghost looked at Zhou Yuewen, her cold and resentful eyes softened slightly, revealing a faint smile. “Hello,

Teacher Zhou.”

Xu Zhen and others were tense, scared, and filled with awe.

Jiang Lili, who died tragically ten years ago, was meeting everyone again in such a way.

“Cough, cough…So, you are Jiang Lili, right? I deeply regret and sympathize with your tragic experience,” Huang Xiaolong spoke. “However, you shouldn’t dwell here in the mortal world. Over these years, you’ve been hiding here, absorbing Yin energy, and causing some girls to commit suicide by jumping off buildings, ah, you’re creating sins. But considering that you still have a shred of kindness and didn’t harm my wife last night. If you wish to repent, I can give you one chance, I can help you ascend and deliver you from this existence and let you reincarnate.”

“Hahahahaha—-” Jiang Lili began to laugh, her laughter was like a mouse grinding its teeth, very harsh and uncomfortable to hear, she stared at Huang Xiaolong with her resentful eyes. “Another Taoist! Hahaha! But, compared to the Taoists from a few years ago, you are somewhat competent. Want me to reincarnate? Keep dreaming! I was wronged in my death… I want revenge! I want revenge! Why do others get to study here peacefully, and I had to be killed and dismembered? No way! Everyone in this school must die! Die! Die!”

“Jiang Lili! Revenge has a rightful owner, it’s not wrong for you to seek revenge, but you shouldn’t massacre innocents!” Xu Zhen was a rather righteous woman, and at this moment, she yelled out with fold.

“Auntie, save it. She’s so full of resentment, do you think she’s going to listen to you?” Huang Xiaolong patted Xu Zhen’s shoulder. “Her Yin energy and resentment are so strong that she’s likely to evolve into a green-clothed fierce ghost soon, and then she’ll be able to set up an array. She can turn all the living creatures in this campus into her food.”

“You?” The yellow-clothed fierce ghost, Jiang Lili, glared resentfully at Song Yuru. “I wanted to kill you last night, but there was some Yang energy on you that made me hesitate…but today, you’re dead meat!”

Song Yuru was trembling with fear.

“So that’s how it is…” Huang Xiaolong realized, he looked at Song Yuru with a smile on his face. “Wife, did you hear that? It seems that it’s the residue of my aura on you that made her refrain from attacking, she didn’t dare to do anything harmful. Do you remember? I hugged you, kissed you, and you scolded me for being a rogue, didn’t you? Well, it turns out that kiss saved your life. Remember, from now on, you should let me kiss you more, hug you, touch you, hehehe.”

“Okay okay, fine. From now on, you can kiss me, hold me, touch me at will. I won’t scold you again.” Song Yuru nodded her head like a pecking chicken.

“Why do you get to live while I had to die! Today, all of you have to die! You are all deserving of death! Die!” Suddenly, Jiang Lili’s originally fair face was covered with a sinister green glow, her long hair started twisting like snakes, growing in the wind, like python or tentacles, lashing out to kill the people in the dormitory, her image was even scarier than that in horror films.

At the same time, she reached out both hands, her fingernails suddenly grew several inches long, incredibly sharp, dagger-like, stabbing at Huang Xiaolong.

A yellow-clothed fierce ghost not only possess body possession abilities but also a very strong physical attack power.

For instance, red or orange clothed fierce ghosts, when they want to harm people, they mostly use illusion techniques to scare people, or enter their dreams to torment them, but their pure physical attack, destructive power, is far inferior to that of a yellow-clothed fierce ghost.

In other words, a yellow-clothed fierce ghost didn’t even need to scare people. A single claw swipe could easily kill a person.

Almost in an instant, Huang Xiaolong quickly grabbed a bunch of charms from his canvas bag and flung them at the approaching Jiang Lili.

“Heaven and earth, Yin and Yang, grant me your might—Seas of Charm!”

With Huang Xiaolong’s soft whistle, the symbols in the air multiplied, from one to two, two to four, four to eight. In a matter of seconds, the dense array of symbols transformed into an ocean, engulfing Jiang Lili and binding her, inhibiting any movement whatsoever!

“Die!” Jiang Lili’s whole body erupted with dark energy, blowing away some of the symbols. Yet the symbols in the air seemed infinite, for every one shattered, two, four, eight more took its place, rushing towards Jiang Lili wave after wave, like a stormy sea!


Countless symbols stuck directly to Jiang Lili’s ghostly body!

She was wrapped up like a mummy.

“No…no…l don’t want to be obliterated!” Jiang Lili screamed in absolute terror.

It was now clear to her; she was no match for Huang Xiaolong!

The two were simply not in the same league!

“Hey, at this moment, with just a thought of mine, these symbols explode and you’ll be instantly obliterated, forever damned to the cycle of reincarnation. Want to try?” Huang Xiaolong said teasingly.

“Little Master, you’re really awesome!” The deputy party secretary watched with admiration. “I’ve been truly impressed today.”

Zhou Yuewen and others were also completely awestruck.

Just now, Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Lili’s encounter, symbols flying around, flashes of golden light… this was not some Hollywood fantasy blockbuster.

This was real!

So amazing!

Huang Xiaolong was simply inhuman!

“Little Long, you’re just so incredibly amazing!” Song Yuru was overjoyed, as ecstatic as if she had found a treasure.

Her husband, who had been predestined as her pair by the heavens, was so extraordinary, heroic, and cool…

Song Yuru really felt that she had struck gold.

Unable to help herself, she flung her arms around Huang Xiaolong’s shoulders and planted a kiss on his cheek.

“Big wife, mind the public, if you want to kiss me, you can take a room and enjoy. But… Principal Zhou and others are still here. I’m going to be a student at Binhai University, I have to care about the influence.” Huang Xiaolong chuckled.

“Che- I don’t want to get a room with you.” Song Yuru blushed and let go of Huang Xiaolong.

“Master! Spare me! Don’t extinguish my soul, I was wrong, I won’t dare again… Please pardon me… Master…” Jiang Lili began to beg pitifully.

“Alright, stop pleading.” Huang Xiaolong dismissed her with a wave of his hand. “Let’s talk business, I know you had it tough, now, I am giving you a last chance. Just spill out who killed you, then I will tell Brother Xu, he will help you nab the killer, make him eat a bullet. That way, your revenge is done, then

I can let you reincarnate.”

“Remember, this is your last chance, never try to trick me. Thousands of yellow-clad fierce ghosts like you, I can obliterate with a thought. What do you account for!” Huang Xiaolong declared coolly. “So, instantly be reduced to ashes, or have a chance at reincarnation, you choose.”

“I want to reincarnate! Master! I want to reincarnate! I’ll tell! I’ll reveal the killer! Please help me avenge!” Jiang Lili screamed.

At this moment, Song Yuru, Zhou Yuewen, and the others held their breath in anxious anticipation!

The decade-long secret! A cold case that countless police resources failed to crack, was about to be solved!

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