The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 78 - Chapter 78: Chapter 78: Healing from a Distance! (3rd Update)

Chapter 78: Chapter 78: Healing from a Distance! (3rd Update)

Translator: 549690339

Huang Xiaolong’s nonchalant remark, astonishingly, succeeded in reeling the

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee back just as she was about to leave!

She became somewhat dazed, and with surprise, she sat back down.

Leaving everything else aside, she was just over forty, far from the age of menopause, but three years ago, her menstruation stopped completely. This, her most private matter, was known by no one except her husband.

But Huang Xiaolong had laid it bare with a single sentence!

This made her feel, along with deep shame, even greater alarm and shock!

“Could you… could you go into a little more detail, please?” The Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee’s voice trembled as she inquired. Everyone present fell silent, their curious eyes riveted on Huang Xiaolong.

“Your child at home has been ill for quite some time, and has not been cured, right?” Huang Xiaolong smiled and asked.

“You know about this, too?” The Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee seemed even more astounded.

This Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, known for her meticulous and serious approach to work, was rather cold and unsociable in nature, thus even those present at the meeting, including Zhou Yuewen, did not have a clear understanding of her family situation.

Not beating around the bush, Huang Xiaolong said cheerfully, “Of course I know. Auntie, there’s a bad aura between your brows, indicating problems at home. The area representing your offspring on your face is flawed, weak, and deeply recessed, suggesting that misfortune will befall your descendants. Judging by your age, just over forty, it couldn’t be your grandchildren, so the problem must concern your son or daughter. Furthermore, the negative energy on your face, dark and heavily accumulated over many years, indicates… your child would not have died prematurely, but would be suffering from a lingering illness. Is that correct?”

His words, resounding like the tolling of morning and evening bells, struck a chord in the heart of the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee. She was completely bowled over by Huang Xiaolong’s abilities!

“All… all that you have said is right…” Unknowingly, the Deputy Secretary started using honorifics when addressing Huang Xiaolong. Her earlier disdain and contempt for him had vanished without a trace, to be replaced by respect and admiration. “Little Master, to speak candidly, I have a 17-year-old daughter. She has had a tough destiny; she has been afflicted by illness since birth. We’ve consulted countless doctors, visited almost all major hospitals in the country, but none have been able to diagnose her condition…”

“What are her symptoms?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

The Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee no longer held anything back, “She’s a bit… a bit… eccentric… I’ve taken her to the best psychiatric hospitals in the country… but the diagnosis, unbelievably, concluded she did not suffer from any mental illness or depression…”

“Oh… acting eccentrically… I understand.” Huang Xiaolong glanced at the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee again, “I can cure this illness.”

The Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee practically screamed!

You should know, although she is a highly successful career woman, above all, she’s a mother!

No mother in the world wishes, or would bear, to see her child fall ill.

Each time she saw her daughter’s unusual behaviour, she felt as if her heart was being crushed!

She had always vowed that should someone cure her daughter’s affliction, she would repay that benefactor with everything she had!

The conversation caused the others present to be somewhat sceptical.

Cure an illness?

Even if Huang Xiaolong had godlike medical skills, he was claiming he could cure her without ever having seen the Deputy Secretary’s daughter’s face?

For a doctor to treat a patient, they must at the very least meet them face to face for a diagnosis.

Cure her just like this, through the air? Was he a deity?

Even Zhou Yuewen had some doubts about Huang Xiaolong.

Of all the people present, only Song Yuru had absolute faith in Huang Xiaolong. “Little Master, please forgive my earlier disrespect. If you can cure my pitiable daughter, I will spend my life repaying your kindness!” Tears flowed down the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee.

“Um… Auntie, I wouldn’t dare be repaid with such devotion. As the old saying goes, ‘Do good unto others as Heaven’s decree. Since I have encountered it, I can’t turn a blind eye.”‘ Huang Xiaolong took on a somewhat godlike demeanor.

Seeing this, Song Yuru almost swooned, thinking to herself, ‘My Little Long has such a strong sense of justice!’

“Well then, young master, I will arrange for my sick daughter to be brought over right away. Would you have a look at her?” The vice secretary of the school committee seemed desperate like a drowning man clutching at a straw and said anxiously.

“No need,” Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, “I’ll cure your daughter without seeing her.”

Is he serious? Can he cure her without seeing her?

“Absurd!” Finally, the chief of security couldn’t take it anymore and exclaimed angrily. “You’re going to treat her without even a glance at the patient? Traditional Chinese Medicine requires an examination of the patient – looking, smelling, asking and touching. What kind of doctor are you? You’re messing around!”

Huang Xiaolong didn’t bother to respond to the chief of security. He turned to the vice secretary and said, smiling warmly, “Auntie, people’s auras tend to mix when they spend a lot of time together. The most intimate aura on you comes from your husband. I detected a killing aura from him…so if I’m not mistaken, your husband is either a judicial executioner or a butcher.”

“Ah! Yes, yes, you’re absolutely right! Young master, you didn’t miss a thing!”

The vice secretary nodded, reminding onlookers of a chicken pecking at grain. “My husband’s family has been in the butchering business for generations, and he continued the family profession.”

He could tell that just from the aura?

The onlookers were even more surprised, their shock rendering the previously indignant chief of security silent.

“Then it’s as good as confirmed,” Huang Xiaolong nodded. “Auntie, when was your daughter born?”

“Around four in the morning,” answered the vice secretary.

“Well, if I’m not mistaken, your husband also performs his butchering duties around that time, four in the morning,” Huang Xiaolong said.

The vice secretary quickly nodded in agreement.

“Killing animals or people are all considered to invoke a conflict energy. Your husband killing pigs at four in the morning, and your daughter’s birth at exactly the same time, means she was influenced by this energy. As they say, if one’s life has a conflict energy, they would be either dead or insane…” Huang Xiaolong took a cup of tea from Song Yuru, took a sip to moisten his throat and continued. “Auntie, to cure your daughter is very simple. From today onwards, have your husband start butchering at six in the morning. Your daughter will recover naturally within half a month without any medication.” “This…this…that’s fantastic!” On hearing Huang Xiaolong’s logical explanation and perfect diagnosis, the vice secretary was completely convinced by his method of treatment.

In the next moment, the vice secretary stood up and bowed deeply to Huang Xiaolong, almost falling to her knees. “Young master, I will never forget your kindness! Once my daughter has recovered, I will bring her to thank you personally!”

“Young master, brilliant move!” Zhou Yuewen couldn’t help but give Huang Xiaolong a thumbs up.

“Wow, healing from afar, I’ve learned something new today,” a vice-principal exclaimed, genuinely praising Huang Xiaolong.

Everyone in the office, each member of the branch school’s leadership team, was thoroughly impressed by Huang Xiaolong!

Song Yuru’s face glowed frantically and she couldn’t have looked more proud.

“Auntie, no need for formalities. It was nothing. But dealing with the ghost in room 508 would be a tougher challenge,” Huang Xiaolong said with a playful smile.

“We beseech you, young master, to help us exorcise this ghost!” The vice secretary earnestly requested.

“Young master, with your abilities, you can surely guide the ghost towards salvation!”

“Young master, please help us cleanse our school!”

“Our school can’t afford any more incidents. The pressure from public opinion is just too high, even the slightest misstep could ruin the school’s reputation.

Young master, please help us.”

The office was filled with pleadings.

Huh! Everyone’s attitude had a 360-degree turnaround!

Just moments ago they had been calling him “country bumpkin,” and now they all addressed him as “young master!”

Huang Xiaolong had them all eating out of his hand!

This skill– Formidable! !!!!!

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