The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 74 - Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Repaying Malice with Virtue (4th Update)

Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Repaying Malice with Virtue (4th Update)

Translator: 549690339

“Qui…” Wu Shanshan suddenly screams.

However, as she was about to yell “someone come here,” Huang Xiaolong lightly tapped her neck.

“Hmmm….” Wu Shanshan couldn’t scream anymore, she could only hum.

“Haha…” Laughed Huang Xiaolong. “You better save your energy. I hit your voice-acupuncture point. You can’t talk for the next half an hour. Do you know what it is? It’s located right above the back central hairline, half an inch up, right below the first cervical vertebra.”

Only then did Wu Shanshan realize, the real wolf was not her, but Huang Xiaolong!

She was nothing but a rabbit!

Next, Huang Xiaolong moved Wu Shanshan like a plastic model to the side of the table, making her lean on it with both hands.

Wu Shanshan was crying without tears at this point!

Her murderous intent towards Huang Xiaolong disappeared, replaced by fear!

A fear that seeped deep into her bones!

She swore she had never met anyone so terrifying in her life!

Just one sentence made her body immobile, a light tap made her voiceless…

Could he be a devil!?

All along, Wu Shanshan believed she was formidable, even more so than men. Whatever a man could do, she could too, she despised most men in society.

She thought herself as a queen!

But today, she realized how mistaken she was! Grievously mistaken!

This devil in front of her was obviously not a man she could provoke!


Slap!! !!

Huang Xiaolong threw a slap, “I’m angry! I will punish you on behalf of the moon!”


“You insulted my wife, saying she’s a whore, you’re utterly disgraceful! Vile! Disgusting! I’ll hit you!”


“I’m a country boy, I live an honest life, you insulted my personality, you deserve this!”

Slap!!! Slap!!!

Huang Xiaolong was truly angry! There was no consideration for any chivalry. That Wu Shanshan was terribly annoying!

It hurt!

Wu Shanshan was feeling waves of fiery pain!

Wu Shanshan was furious, she wanted to resist, she wanted to fight Huang Xiaolong, but she couldn’t move!

At that moment, the pain mixed with humiliation and anger brought tears to the corner of Wu Shanshan’s eyes.

The strong Wu Shanshan, who hadn’t cried in years… this time genuinely shed tears.

Thank the heavens, Huang Xiaolong stopped after giving her a beating.

“Fat Wu, how about now? Are you regretting messing with me?” Huang Xiaolong circled to the front of Wu Shanshan.

Wu Shanshan was lying on the table, unable to move…

She moved her eyes…

Tears were streaming down, covering her delicate porcelain-like cheeks.

Her eyes! In Wu Shanshan’s eyes, there was anger, humiliation, but more than anything there was a sense of grievance and… pleading!

Yes! Begging!

Well, it is said that the eyes are the window to the soul, they can speak. Wu Shanshan sent a message to Huang Xiaolong through her eyes — she pleaded him to stop hitting her!

“Are you begging me?” Huang Xiaolong said with a smiling face.

Wu Shanshan blinked rapidly.

“Oh… so you’re really begging me. Weren’t you very arrogant just now? When you arrested me, weren’t you wishing to kill me? Is it now that you realize your mistakes and decided to admit your defeat? Too bad, that’s not going to work!” Huang Xiaolong’s smile was wicked, like a devil from the abyss. “I’m the type of person who is petty! I am not done playing yet!”

Listening to Huang Xiaolong’s words, Wu Shanshan’s tears gushed out even more, like broken pearls, and simultaneously, her eyes showed a flustered look.

Not done playing yet?

Wu Shanshan’s heart sank into an ice cellar!

She genuinely believed that there was nothing that this devil in front of her couldn’t do.

“Pfft… Look at you shivering there, just like a quail … alright, alright, let’s be real here, I’m actually a good person, the punishment I just gave you was quite enough, now I will cure your illness.” Huang Xiaolong chuckled.

“If I am not wrong, your condition of one side being larger than the other is due to congenital blockages of the meridians.” Huang Xiaolong made his concluding statement. “It’s hard to correct this condition through traditional western treatment methods in big hospitals. The best method is — Chinese medicinal massage! Fat Wu, you’re lucky that you met me, because besides being a doctor of Chinese medicine, I happen to be the world’s greatest one. Thus… You’re saved!”

The truth is, country boys like him are inherently kind. Huang Xiaolong considered various ways to take revenge on Wu Shanshan, but after that spanking, his anger had subsided.

At this point, he wanted to lend her a hand.

And cure her illness!

Don’t consider uneven breasts just unsightly and inconvenient, if left unchecked, the chance of developing breast cancer can be greatly increased.

Wu Shanshan had closed her eyes ready to endure Huang Xiaolong’s treatment, but unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Huang Xiaolong decided to give a lecture!

She had a strange feeling, she felt as if she was at a hospital, and the physician was diagnosing her condition…

‘What the… Role-play? Doctor and Female Patient? My god! Did… Did… This guy also have that sort of fetish? How twisted must his psychology be to develop such a special fetish?’

“Fat Wu, I will treat you now. Ugh… I’m too simple, too kind, the saying ‘repaying enmity with kindness’ is used to describe people like me.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head slightly.

Then he started massaging Wu Shanshan.

Naturally, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t shameless enough to directly massage, he used True Qi to massage Wu Shanshan through her clothes.

Who knows how much time had passed, Huang Xiaolong finally stopped his movements. “Ha, job well done! Fat Wu, through my extraordinary and divine massage techniques, your blocked meridians are cleared. You don’t need to worry about breast cancer anymore.”

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s ears twitched, noticing a few people were rushing toward the interrogation room!

“Dammit, people are coming. Fat Wu, I’m gonna undo your mute-acupuncture point now and let you move. But beware, don’t you dare make a scene, understand? Otherwise, I would have to deal with you again!” Huang Xiaolong quickly warned in a low voice.

Then, he patted Wu Shanshan’s neck, moreover undid the immobility curse.

“You… I am going to fight you to death! !!!!! Neither of us would survive!” The moment Wu Shanshan regained her mobility and voice, her face was filled with a do-or-die expression, she prepared to rush and brawl with Huang Xiaolong! “Enough, enough, save it, you’re not my opponent. To tell you the truth, I haven’t even used a few hundred ways to mess with people, do you want to try?” Huang Xiaolong scoffed and shook his head dismissively..

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