The Extraordinary Urban God of Medicine

Chapter 43 - Chapter 43: Chapter 43 The Lotus Sutra

Chapter 43: Chapter 43 The Lotus Sutra

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The sorrow and bitterness in Cui Feiyan’s heart were unbearable!

She was a standard untouched young woman, a proud and pampered Young

Boss Lady, who had never been touched by any male peer in her life! But today…

She was spanked by Huang Xiaolong, and even shared a room with him.

And now, she was expected to “‘sleep” with him…

What an injustice!

However, she really had no choice but to succumb. Every time she thought about that nightmare, Cui Feiyan would tremble, filled with a fear that originated deep within her soul.

“Th…Then you can’t take advantage of the situation…” Finally, Cui Feiyan gave in, mumbling quietly.

“Don’t worry, Feiyan, I’m a gentleman. We country folks are pretty down-to-earth.” Huang Xiaolong was holding back laughter.

Sharing the bed wasn’t necessary to enter her dreams. He was just capitalizing on the situation. It wasn’t obscene. She was his future wife after all, so was there anything wrong with sampling some sweetness in advance?

“I won’t be going to shower… I… I also won’t undress. If we’re sleeping, then let’s just sleep like this.” After speaking, Cui Feiyan quickly ran to the bedroom.

Sleep just like that? Alright! No matter how, as long as there’s sleep, it’s fine!

“Feiyan, here I come!” Huang Xiaolong rubbed his hands together, bursting with excitement as he followed her into the bedroom.

The bed in the bedroom was very large. Cui Feiyan had already laid down, her eyes closed nervously. She looked like a fallen angel!

‘Oh my… oh my… I’ve never slept with a woman before… Calm down, calm down…’ Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath, took off his muddy rubber shoes, and laid down next to Cui Feiyan.

The two of them were technically sharing the bed now.

“Huang Xiaolong, you mustn’t take advantage, you understand?” Cui Feiyan pleaded pitifully.

But the masculine scent coming from Huang Xiaolong was intoxicating.

Having a beautiful woman so close was tantalizing. Though he was uninitiated in matters of love, Huang Xiaolong was having a hard time maintaining control.

He wanted to hold her tightly, kiss her passionately and caress her!

But Huang Xiaolong knew that doing so would hurt Cui Feiyan. He suppressed his desire, “Feiyan, I am going to recite a prayer to ensure your peace of mind. Sleep without anxiety; don’t be scared. I will come find you in your dream.”

For some time, Cui Feiyan had been fearful every time she had to sleep. She had been terrified. Sleeping beside Huang Xiaolong was awkward and embarrassing, but it also gave her a feeling of security.

“Ok, I understand.” Cui Feiyan obediently nodded.

Next, Huang Xiaolong recited the calming prayer and Cui Feiyan fell asleep immediately.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t immediately burn the dream symbol. He gazed at Cui

Feiyan’s beautiful and delicate face.

Before long…

Cui Feiyan’s petite body twitched, her peaceful face twisted with fear.

“Now… Feiyan has started to have the nightmare… You dare to harm my wife, the orange ghost, this time, I will annihilate you!” Huang Xiaolong quickly took out the dream symbol.

The symbol ignited, scattering golden light, and Huang Xiaolong’s soul directly entered Cui Feiyan’s dream!

He was on a muddy road wide enough for two horses to pass. There was a waning moon on the distant horizon. The moonlight was dim and the shadows of the trees along the road were dappled like ghost figures.

Looking up, Huang Xiaolong saw a charming figure ahead, standing forlornly, walking alone. She seemed very afraid, clutching herself as she walked, her body shivering. It was Cui Feiyan.

“Feiyan!” Huang Xiaolong called out, running to her in a few strides.

“Huang Xiaolong, you’re here… I’m so scared…” Upon seeing Huang Xiaolong, Cui Feiyan grasped at him like a drowning person clutching a lifesaver.

Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed Huang Xiaolong’s hand!

Cui Feiyan’s hands were cold, sweaty and yet, they were soft and boneless. It felt very comfortable to hold them.

Huang Xiaolong just decided to hold her tightly, “Feiyan, don’t be afraid. Trust me. No matter what ghost appears, once it sees me, it is sure to die.”

With that, the two of them continued to walk forward, hand in hand.

As they proceeded, just as Cui Feiyan had mentioned, an arch appeared up ahead.

This was a rather tall archway, inscribed with the words “Chastity is virtuous” , the lower stone part of the archway had been eroded, covered with moss.

“Huang Xiaolong… it’s…it’s behind this archway… there’s a well, that woman in orange clothing, she’s sitting on the edge of the well…” Cui Feiyan’s teeth chattered in fear.

“Hehe, I got it. Let’s go give it a look now.” Huang Xiaolong was excited, pulling Cui Feiyan with him, quickly walking past the archway.

There really was an ancient well behind the archway, but, there was no ghost in orange clothing.

“Uh… how… why isn’t it here…” Cui Feiyan dared to look around, in every direction.

“Hey, Feiyan, it must be hiding because it knew I was coming… but no worries, I’m going to chant a spell to summon it. If it’s nearby, I’ll be able to bring it out.” Huang Xiaolong was certain, giving a comforting smile before chanting a spell.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew up, a chill attacking from all around!

Cui Feiyan shrunk her neck, huddling closer to Huang Xiaolong.

The next moment!

An orange figure unexpectedly crawled out from the ancient well!

“Zhenzhen, you’re here… Hehehe… you’ve brought a helper… it’s useless…” a sharp, grinding female voice emerged.

The orange-clad ghost appeared!

It climbed out of the well, sat on the edge, donning an orange gown, its face covered by its long hair. One could barely see that it had a long and slender figure, with a waist so thin it seemed anyone could wrap their arms around it, the standard nine-head figure.

“Huh, seems like you used to be a pretty beauty.” Huang Xiaolong chuckled.

“That’s her! That’s her! Huang Xiaolong, it’s…it’s her who hit me… hit me with a bamboo…” Cui Feiyan was scared, hiding behind Huang Xiaolong.

“Miss Zhenzhen, back then, you defamed me, causing me to commit suicide by jumping into the well… Hehehe… I’ve come to claim your life… Also, your jewelry, I really didn’t steal them… oh, how come nobody believes me?” the orange-clad ghost sighed lightly.

“I’ve got nothing to do with this! I’m not Zhenzhen… please, don’t haunt me anymore, I’ve never hurt anyone… forgive me…” Cui Feiyan choked back tears.

She felt wronged, she was surely Cui Feiyan, what the hell is Zhenzhen? She won’t take the blame for this!

Seeing the situation, Huang Xiaolong understood, “Just as I expected. A small matter like this has been tormenting Feiyan for so long… Fortunately, Feiyan met me, or else you really would’ve been scammed.”

“Feiyan, ghosts generally don’t seek revenge from the wrong person.” Huang Xiaolong chuckled.

“Huang Xiaolong, believe me, I’m genuinely not Zhenzhen, I can show you my ID… I’ve never changed my name since birth.” Cui Feiyan pleaded.

“Feiyan, you are Zhenzhen…” Huang Xiaolong chuckled. “To put it accurately, your previous life was the daughter of a wealthy family named ‘Zhenzhen’.” “Past life?” Cui Feiyan looked confused.

“Correct, in your past life, you hurt a woman, or to say, this woman died because of you, hence her resentment converted her into this orange-clad ghost seeking revenge on you. Feiyan, if the issue isn’t completely solved in this life, you’ll suffer even more in the next life.” Huang Xiaolong glanced at the orange-clad ghost by the well, “Listen, I don’t care about the grudges you and Feiyan had in the past life. The proverb says ‘A continued cycle of retribution has no end.’ If you continue pestering us, believe it or not, I’ll annihilate you!”

“Hehehe… Little Taoist, do you want my ghost to scatter? I’d like to see if you have the ability! I died unjustly! Even though those pieces of jewelry were found under my pillow… but… but I was framed! Miss Zhenzhen, you shouldn’t have blamed me for stealing your jewelry right away… Is the life of a maid worthless? Die! Miss Zhenzhen, I want you dead!”

The orange-clad ghost let out a scream like an owl, then flew up like a lion seizing a rabbit, pouncing at Huang Xiaolong and Cui Feiyan. Its malicious aura rolled over, making the air all around become viscous and stained red!

Cui Feiyan almost fainted from fear, clinging onto Huang Xiaolong from behind, her tears flowing like a flood, continuously repeating, “I don’t know…l never hurt anyone…l don’t know anything about my past life…”

Huang Xiaolong was fearless, his lips moving, emanating pillars of golden light, transforming into dense Buddhist scriptures, eventually forming a sutra.

This was a Lotus Sutra, exuding a righteous aura, wrapping the orange-clad ghost up, the malicious aura around her dissipating like bubbles.

The resentment within the orange-clad ghost had been cleansed increasingly, soon, it even emanated a devout aura, as if realizing something.

When Huang Xiaolong finished reciting the Lotus Sutra, the orange-clad ghost stood still at the same spot, its face that was covered by the long hair had dispersed, revealing a pale and delicate face.

She smirked at the corner of her mouth, her hands folded in prayer, her voice clear, “Thank you, master, for sparing my life. Little Lian has let go of her past life’s grudge.”

Then, she looked at Cui Feiyan, softly saying, “Miss Zhenzhen, I’m sorry for troubling you these days. It was my mistake. I hope you can live a happy and peaceful life in this lifetime. May you and the master live a long life together.”

After saying this, she half-bowed to Huang Xiaolong, a smirk on her face, her expression becoming more enlightened, in the end, she dissipated into a puff of smoke, disappearing.

“Alright, Feiyan, it’s done!” Huang Xiaolong grinned. “I’m too kind, I didn’t straight-up destroy her soul… Hehe, but she blessed us with a long life together…”

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