Chapter 941: Break Out

Break Out . . .

Bu Tianfei's right hand had been cruelly severed in an instant!

Simultaneously, a forceful kick impacted his chest, propelling him dozens of meters away before brutally crashing into a massive tree.

Emerging as a slim silhouette positioned resolutely between Bu Tianfei and the helpless Shadowless Assassin was none other than Cha Eun Xiao.

The sight of Cha Eun Xiao flooded Shadowless Assassin with an unexpected sensation of security, and he couldn't help but inquire, "My friend, who might you be?"

In Cha Eun Xiao's hand quivered the Star Sword. Under the influence of the Sword Art of Stars, it manifested a surprising and formidable might.

With an unmistakable glint of ruthlessness in his eyes, he cast an unyielding gaze upon the blood-soaked Bu Tianfei. Methodically, he approached the wounded figure.

Bu Tianfei, a mere cultivator at the sixth level of Dream Origin Stage, found himself utterly powerless before Cha Eun Xiao's overwhelming presence. It was evident that even a cultivator at the ninth level of Dream Origin Stage would be hard-pressed to challenge Cha Eun Xiao at this moment.

The sheer potency radiating from Cha Eun Xiao was enough to send chills down Bu Tianfei's spine.

"Bingxue, how shall we dispatch this man? Shall we dismember him, or perhaps incapacitate him and offer him as a feast to the beasts?" Cha Eun Xiao inquired in a calm, yet menacing tone, his back still turned to Shadowless Assassin.

Shadowless Assassin was stupefied by the acknowledgment of his name. He pondered, [Bingxue?]

[He knows my name!]

[Without even turning to face me, he knows my true identity!]

[Who is he?]

Despite the myriad questions swirling in his mind, he managed to regain his composure. Flashing a faint smile, he replied, "Dismembering or leaving him as a meal for the beasts would be far too merciful for him. Capture him! I will personally take care of him!"

A menacing gleam danced in his eyes.

Having traversed the world, Shadowless Assassin had never encountered such affront to his dignity. He was not about to allow these insignificant adversaries to tarnish his honor and fate. Revenge was now an undeniable imperative.

"Very well," Cha Eun Xiao responded, his long cyan robe billowing gracefully in the air.

Bu Tianfei cried out in anguish, bewildered by the excruciating pain and the abrupt loss of his hand.

[Where did this formidable adversary materialize from?]

[A single sword strike, and I couldn't even draw my weapon to defend myself?]

[Isn't Shadowless Assassin a solitary figure? Hasn't he been single-handedly opposing the three factions? How has this transpired...]

Confusion flooded Bu Tianfei's thoughts when, suddenly, the sword-light glinted once more. Cha Eun Xiao now hovered directly above him.

Cha Eun Xiao skillfully placed a dan bead in Shadowless Assassin's mouth and proceeded to administer assistance in the form of rhythmic back-tapping. The sound of his palm connecting with Shadowless Assassin's back was met with a series of crisp *Pa! Pa! Pa!* noises, aimed at facilitating the digestion of the dan bead.

Despite being fully aware of Cha Eun Xiao's benevolent intent, Shadowless Assassin recognized the limitations of their circumstances. As skilled as Cha Eun Xiao was, time and available cultivation power constrained the complete digestion of the dan bead.

The distance resonated with sounds of approaching individuals, marked by confused exclamations that hinted at their growing unease. Their voices echoed the sentiment, "I heard a commotion out there..."

The air was filled with the swooshing of garments as the members of the Saint Sunlight Sect converged from various directions.

Without hesitation, Cha Eun Xiao, carrying Shadowless Assassin, rapidly retreated into the forest. Although burdened with two additional individuals, his agility was remarkable, and he maintained a breakneck pace, covering seven meters with each stride. His ascent was equally impressive, progressing from the ground to the treetops, where he let out a resounding cry.

Stopping was not on the agenda, and the thunderous sound of galloping horses reverberated in the distance. Cha Eun Xiao swiftly maneuvered toward the direction of the approaching horsemen.

Amidst the thick foliage, Darky navigated like an arrow, and Cha Eun Xiao executed a flawless jump onto the horse's back. Without a moment's hesitation, they resumed their high-speed flight. In a matter of moments, the forest had swallowed them whole.

When the Saint Sunlight Sect disciples finally arrived, dressed in their distinctive blue robes, they found themselves puzzled. The land appeared to be devoid of clues, even as someone inquired, "We heard a disturbance here... Bu Tianfei should be investigating the enemy's presence in this location. How could he have vanished? Could he have fallen into an enemy ambush?"

Excitement rippled through the group as someone shouted, "Blood! There's blood here!" Their realization was swift and unequivocal. "This is Bu Tianfei's hand. I recognize the scars and the distinctively robust bone structure. I'm certain..."

"Bu Tianfei's hand has been severed... It's apparent he faced an ambush in this spot... But where is he?"

"That resonating shout... Was it a signal?"

"Whoever orchestrated this must possess immense power. They vanished rapidly, leaving no trace..."

"In any case, we must track them down!"

"Horse hooves can be heard over there..."

"Quick! Move!"


Cha Eun Xiao and Darky, driven by an urgency born of necessity, raced like a tempest on the horse's back. They outstripped the encircling forces of the Saint Sunlight Sect and rapidly vanished within the intricate labyrinth of the forest and mountains.

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