The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 589: You Misread!

Chapter 589: You Misread!

You Misread! . . .

"Who wouldn't aspire to claim that throne? It's a universal desire, Second Prince included. He shouldn't be faulted for having such ambition," Song Jue remarked with casual ease.

"And then?" inquired the king.

"What do you expect? Who do you think he is? Naturally, Xiao Xiao would not have consented. It didn't culminate in happiness," Song Jue continued with his nonchalant tone. "I heard that his entire family met a tragic end after that day. Those who seek trouble often meet an untimely demise."

Song Jue's words cut like a blade. He implied more than what he spoke and concealed nothing.

The king's countenance contorted as he asked, "Did he engage in any improper behavior within the House of Cha? That wayward son of mine, he didn't utter anything offensive, did he?"

Song Jue replied, "If he had, do you believe he would have left this place unscathed?" He emphasized his final words.

The king breathed a sigh of relief. "That's true."

[My second son was audacious and unruly, but he would not overstep his boundaries. He knew how to exercise restraint. I believe he wouldn't have dared to stir up trouble in Cha Nantian's residence.]

Following some light conversation, the king took his leave.

During his visit, he had acted not like a king but rather an old friend. Song Jue had not behaved like a typical servant but rather as if he was escorting an uninvited guest. There was a distance in their interactions, far from warmth yet not completely devoid of it.

Nevertheless, the king remained unperturbed. Steward Song showed no sign of distress.

"I shall proceed to Ling-Bao Hall and pay a visit to the individual who has been the talk of the town recently, the Feng Monarch."

With that declaration, the king departed.

Song Jue observed the king's departure with a sense of tension. [He has his suspicions after all. But what does it matter? Look at the mess your errant son has caused. You may harbor doubts, but even if you discover the truth, what can you do?]

As he retired to a private place, Song Jue grumbled to himself.


He emphatically slammed the door shut with a kick.

The resounding noise startled a few of the blood guards, nearly causing them to panic.

[Good heavens!]

[The king has just left, and you're slamming the door shut with a kick like this!]

[Couldn't you do it more gently? The noise could've echoed through all of Chen-Xing City!]

[What's bothering you?]

[The king was here, and even if you're annoyed, you shouldn't be so open about it.]

[This could lead to severe repercussions for offending the king!]

[You're inviting disaster! My lord! Lord Song!]

"What are you staring at? Close the gate!" Song Jue huffed before heading to the courtyard, muttering, "What a miserable day. Now every rat and dog can waltz in for a visit. Do you think this is a free-for-all? I don't have the time to deal with you lot. Bah!"

As anticipated, the blood guards fainted at the door.

Song Jue's words had been resolute and audacious.


The king journeyed a considerable distance after his departure. He maintained a somber countenance, having said little.

Master Sun appeared eager to speak, and he examined the king's expression before speaking softly, "Your Majesty, I am contemplating whether or not I should share my thoughts."

The king half-closed his eyes and responded, "Proceed."

Drawing nearer, Master Sun spoke in a voice audible only to him and the king, "Your Majesty, when I saw that steward in the House of Cha, I felt a strange familiarity."

The king's brows furrowed, and he fixed his gaze on Master Sun, his eyes gleaming with cold intensity. "Familiar? In what way?"

Master Sun's eyes glinted with uncertainty. He continued, "On that fateful day, the formidable cultivator who cast Second Prince from the tower... I confronted him and was vanquished by a single palm strike. I remember his every move distinctly."

The king's complexion shifted as he peered intently at Master Sun, his gaze now dangerously charged.

Master Sun was filled with dread as he had never been before.

The aura of impending danger emanated from the king, yet it wasn't directed at the steward; it was focused on Master Sun alone. The intensity of that malevolent energy seemed to be solely for him, and it sent shivers through his entire being.

Master Sun quivered under the weight of the king's potent qi. It was as though the oppressive pressure bore down solely on him.

However, the king's wrathful demeanor lasted only for a fleeting moment. He swiftly regained his composure and shifted his gaze towards Master Sun. In a low, measured tone, he said, "It appears you've made a misjudgment."

Master Sun, anxiety gnawing at him, felt the wetness on his back and nervously wiped away the perspiration. "You're right, Your Majesty. I was indeed defeated by a single strike. I must have misunderstood."

"Indeed," the king responded once more.

"Yes," Master Sun concurred, his heart pounding at an accelerated pace.

In a casual yet solemn tone, the king cautioned, "Now that you understand, refrain from ever mentioning it again. If word of this were to spread, it could lead to dire consequences."

Master Sun was on the brink of prostration. "I swear, Your Majesty. I shall carry this secret with me to my grave."

The king had conveyed his unequivocal position on the matter. Master Sun, having served the king for many years, understood the gravity of the situation.

[Regardless of whether it's the truth or not, it doesn't matter. Remember that you misunderstood!]

[The House of Cha is untouchable.]

[If the House of Cha crumbles, so does the kingdom.]

[Especially now!]

[Second Prince has committed such a heinous crime. How can we press on with this case?]

[The dignity and honor of the royal family?]

[We've already lost them from the outset!]

[Insisting on it under the pretext of the royal house would only expose us as hypocrites!]

The king's expression flickered with different emotions. He exhaled deeply, sometimes with weightiness, sometimes with fragility, all while displaying a mix of emotions.

Unbeknownst to anyone, a perplexed expression veiled the king's eyes. [Song Jue? Could it truly be him?]

The king had been convinced that someone other than the steward was the perpetrator. However, Master Sun's words prompted him to ponder more deeply. The situation was growing more complex.

It was as though a dense veil had abruptly been drawn over everything.

As he approached Ling-Bao Hall, the king breathed a long sigh and muttered to himself, "That scoundrel deserves punishment beyond words."

What Master Sun wasn't aware of was that the king had chosen to set aside the matter because of something much more significant.

Even if the king had decided to bring charges against the perpetrator, could he?

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