The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 406: Five Killed!

Chapter 406: Five Killed!

Five Killed! . . .

Most strikingly, each member of this formidable team was a superior cultivator. Word had it that the weakest among them was an Earth Origin Stage cultivator. The leaders of this fearsome assembly were all seasoned Sky Origin Stage cultivators.

Even Cha Nantian, the renowned war god of the Kingdom of Chen, held them in high regard. He once remarked, "They have the power to slay three thousand gods. No force in the world can contend with them. What a regret that such a magnificent team is under the dominion of a monster. They've chosen the wrong path, akin to casting pearls before swine."

Curiously, the actual number of members in this team had never surpassed a thousand since its inception. Nevertheless, the mere mention of their name struck fear into the hearts of neighboring kingdoms. Cha Nantian couldn't help but lament the missed potential of this formidable team. If it had been commanded by renowned generals, it might have been unstoppable. Unfortunately, Ji Mengzhan, more monstrous than a beast, led them. Consequently, the team served solely under the king of the Kingdom of Tianyu. It was a squandered opportunity.

Yet, the dark flip side of their infamy could not be denied. Under Ji Mengzhan's ruthless leadership, this team struck even greater terror into the hearts of the world. They adhered to no code of ethics or principles, acknowledging no moral boundaries in their pursuit of their objectives. They employed any means, schemes, or stratagems to reach their goals, fueling their notoriety as Ji Mengzhan's "Tianyu God Slayer Team."


The five formidable men advanced relentlessly toward Cha Eun Xiao. He was well aware of their intent. They sought to gauge his true capabilities, not underestimating the prowess of Ji Mengzhan. His aim was to assess Cha Eun Xiao's strength, with the hope of depleting his reserves by challenging him.

With a calculated strategy in mind, Cha Eun Xiao casually stepped into the circle, diligently keeping track of the enemy's positions. As the five approached, the impending skirmish sent shivers down his spine. His apprehension, however, wasn't rooted in the numerical superiority of the five foes but rather in their impeccable synergy and tactical coordination. The teamwork they demonstrated was enough to raise anyone's concerns.

Cha Eun Xiao meticulously observed the layout on the mountain. Evidently, the three individuals positioned furthest from him were the leaders, strategically maintaining a defensive perimeter in the event that he attempted to escape. The others had strategically stationed themselves to prevent him from eluding their grasp.

Ji Mengzhan, the enigmatic figure orchestrating this operation, gestured, prompting a coordinated movement among his skilled subordinates. To Cha Eun Xiao's astonishment, the assembly of cultivators dispatched to execute Ji Mengzhan's orders consisted solely of Earth Origin Stage practitioners. It was an impressive display of unity and synchronized effort, showcasing an exceptional level of discipline and understanding.

The precision with which they acted left Cha Eun Xiao profoundly unsettled. Their flawless execution was akin to a well-drilled military operation, an intimidating display of unity and skill. Nevertheless, Cha Eun Xiao's apprehension didn't stem from their collective strength; rather, it was their synchronized tactics that took him aback.

His eyes sparkled as he adjusted his posture, vigorously shaking his arms in preparation. He didn't evade their strikes as they closed in on him. Instead, he chose to confront them head-on.

In a burst of agility, he leaped skyward, his ascent mirroring that of a released arrow. As he soared, the five men redoubled their efforts, intensifying their assault with swift and coordinated strikes. From four distinct directions, they expertly wielded their swords, creating a formidable lattice of razor-sharp blades.

Dozens of onlookers observed the impending mid-air clash, captivated by the unfolding spectacle. Cha Eun Xiao's bold decision to engage headlong against overwhelming odds was met with incredulity. Facing a numerically superior adversary, engaging in a protracted battle, or failing to secure moments of respite would all spell doom.

As the confrontation unfolded, Cha Eun Xiao abruptly altered his trajectory in mid-air. His initial forward momentum gave way to a sudden lateral charge, narrowing his escape route. The swords continued to close in, leaving him with minimal room for evasion.

Spectators could scarcely comprehend the unfolding events. It was only as Cha Eun Xiao successfully navigated his way through the intricate matrix of sword light that their understanding was illuminated. His seamless passage left the sword light net undisturbed, much to their amazement.

Within the crowd, a collective realization dawned on the seasoned cultivators. Cha Eun Xiao's proficiency became evident; he was no ordinary cultivator. His discernment of the tactical flaw had allowed him to emerge unscathed, leaving them in awe of his masterful ability.

Cha Eun Xiao's actions were nothing short of astonishing as he navigated the perilous situation with a calm assurance that left onlookers in awe. His keen judgment and fearless determination were on full display, but there was something more at play—an unspoken intention to end a life.

With the precision of a seasoned warrior, Ji Mengzhan attempted to shout a warning to his five subordinates, sensing the danger that loomed. Yet, the moment had already passed; it was too late.

A cold and sinister grin crept across Cha Eun Xiao's face, and as he swiftly surged past the five Earth Origin Stage cultivators, he dispatched deadly projectiles like frozen beads of ice. In the blink of an eye, his hands moved with the speed of lightning.

The three closest men bore the brunt of his relentless assault, their throats sliced open, crimson geysers erupting as the life drained from their bodies. Simultaneously, Cha Eun Xiao executed a calculated kick. The unforgiving force behind his tiptoes, akin to a pair of colossal hammers each weighing five thousand kilograms, found their mark.

A calamity unfurled as Cha Eun Xiao passed by, shattering inner organs with a single blow. The devastating impact meant that survival was not an option for the two unfortunate souls on the receiving end of his brutal strike.

It all transpired with casual nonchalance— a single move, five lives extinguished. It was a swift, efficient act that left a stark contrast between the perpetrator and the lifeless forms that littered the floor.

Unperturbed by the carnage, Cha Eun Xiao descended to the ground, as graceful as a cotton feather, with no trace of blood staining his impeccable attire. His actions were cold, methodical, and precise, leaving a haunting silence in their wake.

Before him, the lifeless figures hit the floor with a series of heavy thuds. Their inert forms tumbled and rolled upon impact, the deathly silence replacing the cacophony of battle. A growing pool of crimson liquid seeped from beneath the lifeless bodies, forming a sinister tableau—a silent testament to Cha Eun Xiao's ruthless efficiency.

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