The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 229: The Fight Between The Grandmasters

Chapter 229: The Fight Between The Grandmasters

The Fight Between The Grandmasters . . .

General Cha, head of the Cha Clan's forces, furrowed his brows in frustration as he continued to vent his exasperation. "What in the heavens is this? Why does fortune always favor Su Ding-Guo? Where is the justice in all of this..."


High above in the tumultuous sky, the intense battle raged on.

Two enigmatic figures, one cloaked in black and the other in white, weaved a complex tapestry of combat amidst the misty heavens. Their furious engagement spawned thousands of ephemeral images, as they clashed in a fierce and relentless struggle.

The lady in black, with an elegant swing of her sword, conjured forth a legion of silver lightning bolts that streaked through the sky. Her adversary, adorned in white, countered with a graceful swordplay that unleashed a sea of crimson sword auras, slicing through the very fabric of space itself.

Despite the ferocity of their confrontation, the countenances of these two extraordinary women remained serene, betraying no hint of emotion. Their cascading hair and billowing garments gave them the appearance of ethereal dancers, and their formidable powers seemed to lack the taint of malice.

Nevertheless, the prolonged battle had taken its toll on both combatants. Despite their inherent capacity for self-recovery, the sheer intensity of their exertions had left them fatigued. Yet neither was willing to yield, and neither would concede defeat.

In the annals of history, Xue Dan-Ru, the woman in white, had always lagged behind Xuan Bing in the rankings of cultivators within the Qing-Yun Realm. Her capabilities were undeniably inferior to those of Xuan Bing. However, this was her moment to avenge years of humiliation, and their sects had been locked in a bitter rivalry spanning millennia. With the chance finally upon her, neither she nor Xuan Bing would relent. The enmity between their sects ran deep, and this confrontation was destined to be a battle without quarter.

For Xuan Bing, the woman in black, her remaining time on this earth was limited. She recognized that if she could eliminate her sect's most formidable adversary before her impending demise, it might improve the odds of survival for her fellow sect members. Moreover, with Xue Dan-Ru's death, her sect's standing would inevitably decline, potentially freeing the Misty Cloud Palace from the constant threat posed by their rival. In this critical moment, neither side was willing to back down.

"Xue Dan-Ru, you are no match for me, and you know it. Why persist in this futile struggle? Embrace your fate!" Xuan Bing's words were laced with icy contempt.

"Heh heh... I, Xue Dan-Ru, have maintained my chastity throughout my life. I refuse to accept defeat at the hands of a wicked woman who has violated a young man!" Xue Dan-Ru retorted with a sneer. "You shameless harlot!"

"You dare to provoke me to this extent!" Xuan Bing's face flushed crimson with anger. She clenched her teeth and retorted, "You wretched wench! You understand nothing!"

Xue Dan-Ru scoffed. "At the very least, I understand the value of a woman's honor and purity. I am not tainted like you!"

Xuan Bing, her emotions a turbulent mix of anger and shame, unleashed a furious cry that reverberated through the land, causing the earth itself to tremble. Unable to contain her pent-up rage, one of her sleeves abruptly exploded, and the tattered remnants shot toward Xue Dan-Ru. As the sleeve disintegrated, it revealed her pale arm, marked by a crimson Virgin Dot near her shoulder.

"Xue Dan-Ru! I am a virgin, untainted by the impurity of your slanderous accusations!" Xuan Bing's voice rang out with an icy chill. "My reputation shall never be besmirched by the baseless words that spill from your deceitful lips. Tell me, Chieftain Xue, who is rumored to be promiscuous, by what right do you cast judgment on my chastity?"

Xue Dan-Ru emitted a disdainful snort as the curved blade in her hand took flight, releasing a draconic aura that engulfed Xuan Bing from all sides. Simultaneously, her own right sleeve burst into fragments, unveiling her elegant arm, which bore a matching red dot.

"The Qing-Yun Realm is awash with unfounded rumors," Xue Dan-Ru retorted. "I never imagined that the esteemed Grandmaster Xuan would lend credence to such falsehoods, let alone stoop to insult me based on these fabrications. Though you may carry yourself as virtuous and pure, what entitles you to question my own morality? I, at the very least, have never stripped a young man of his dignity."

For a fleeting moment, surprise flashed across Xuan Bing's eyes, yet she disregarded Xue Dan-Ru's taunts and responded coolly, "Xue Dan-Ru, it is truly astonishing that you possess the audacity to maintain your virtue. In a realm teeming with heroes, not one has earned a place in your heart?"

Even as she spoke, Xuan Bing remained in motion, her narrow, elongated sword unfurling into a dazzling array of glimmering petals that rent the very fabric of space. Her attacks surged toward Xue Dan-Ru from all directions, creating an expansive and unrelenting assault.

Undaunted, Xue Dan-Ru's eyes gleamed with determination, and her petite curved blade began to rotate. With a burst of golden radiance, it expanded into a colossal, hundred-meter-long weapon. This monumental blade obliterated every one of Xuan Bing's incoming strikes, descending from the heavens with overwhelming force.

It was an attack of unparalleled might, each swing cleaving through space itself, leaving behind rifts that oozed with cyan-hued smoke. Such was its swiftness that it appeared to set the very fabric of reality ablaze.

Xue Dan-Ru's voice remained placid as she delivered her retort. "These so-called heroes are nothing more than a collection of sullied men. In the vast expanse of the universe, none are deserving of my company."

Her tone conveyed an air of indifference, but the palpable pride within her words lent an undeniable credence to her proclamation.

Xue Dan-Ru leveled a contemptuous gaze at Xuan Bing, her lips curling into a sneer. "I am not at all like you, Grandmaster Xuan. That much is true. You may still be a virgin, but had I not exposed your deceit, you would have lost your chastity long ago. Your intentions were clear—descend to the mortal world, find a man, and use him to sate your carnal desires. You had every intention of violating a young man to satisfy your base instincts. Truly, Grandmaster Xuan, I must say I am thoroughly impressed by your actions today."

Even as she spoke, Xue Dan-Ru did not relent in her assault. "I'll concede this point to you. In this aspect, I will never be able to match your prowess, not in this lifetime nor the next. For all the lifetimes to come, I shall never surpass you in such a regard."

In spite of their enmity, Xue Dan-Ru's incessant disparagement of Xuan Bing's virtue became increasingly exasperating. In truth, both women had maintained their virginity throughout their lives. Despite the salacious rumors that plagued Xue Dan-Ru's reputation, she had remained chaste. Xuan Bing, on the other hand, had always taken pride in her untouched purity, and she naturally looked down upon Xue Dan-Ru's unsavory reputation.

In Xue Dan-Ru's eyes, the sight of Xuan Bing's indiscretion had shattered the idolized image people had painted of her. It was this that drove Xue Dan-Ru to relentlessly raise the topic.

Flushed with humiliation, Xuan Bing's visage reddened as she wielded her longsword. With a furious swing, it transformed into a colossal weapon, easily surpassing one hundred meters in length. She hurled it into the fray, shouting in anger, "Xue Dan-Ru, there are aspects of this matter you remain ignorant of. Why do you persist in spouting such nonsense?"

Unperturbed, Xue Dan-Ru waved her hand, causing the massive blade to spin wildly. In an instant, it condensed into a crystalline, gleaming mountain of a blade and descended from the heavens. Her voice remained placid as she spoke, "Do not underestimate my powers of observation. I witnessed the entire incident, and no amount of obfuscation can alter the truth. Grandmaster Xuan, your discernment is truly remarkable. I rejoice for you, for that young man below possesses exceptional qualities—a striking countenance, a tall and robust physique, luminous eyes, and an abundance of yang energy. He is a pure yang virgin, a rarity in this world. Such a man is destined for greatness, and you, Grandmaster Xuan, have a discerning eye indeed."

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